‘I’m Sorry I Wished Violent Death to Children Just Because They Wore MAGA Hats’

Yes, some anonymous nobody jackass on an Internet message board is TOTALLY comparable to a famous, wealthy Hollywood producer tweeting to thousands of followers.

Is that who Jack Morrissey is? I never heard of the guy.


So can we count on you to call out the “anonymous nobody jackass” directly? I’m sure you’ll jump at the chance.

It was in the OP who he was. So you're admitting that you ran in and started posting without even reading the OP? Well, why would you need to, when you have your talking points all teed up?
Sure. He’ posts garbage 24/7. Why bother reading it?

I have yet to hear YOU say word one about the comments that are the actual topic of the thread. All you've said so far is "What about . . . ?!" So you'll excuse me if I deny and reject your right to demand that I call out anyone for anything. Not only are you a hypocrite in the very act of hypocrisy right this second, but you are just generally someone who doesn't have the moral authority to judge me on jack squat.
He was complaining about someone who said people should be tossed into a wood chipper.

I pointed out that the Trump supporters—like you—have no problem with it.

That’s all.

That it causes your tobacco ridden lungs to gasp for some much needed oxygen…delicious!

Call me when you put your actions where your demands are, hypocrite.

So you’re okay with one person saying it—you won’t call out your fellow douchebag directly but are up in arms about someone else saying it.

You’re the hypocrite

I just heard you say, "I'm responding to your post, but I'm going to completely ignore the content of the actual post, and instead just keep repeating my demands, because I'm just SURE that this time, you'll respect me and recognize my moral authority!”
I guess vaping really does destroy your brain cells.

I don't need a recap of what you said, dumbass. I understood it perfectly the FIRST time I told you that you're a frigging hypocrite, and I still understand it THIS time that I say you're a frigging hypocrite who STILL has not so much as acknowledged the topic of the thread, let alone suggested that you MIGHT have a problem with it. Every single time you piss your frillies over someone on the message board posting something, while very carefully not saying a single word to even acknowledge that thread topic, you might as well scream, "I ONLY THINK IT'S BAD WHEN IT'S NOT A LEFTIST!”
Man, thats a lot of words there; someone should read them all.

A guy who few have heard of said something stupid and you’re outraged.
A guy who few have heard of said something stupid and you’re not outraged.

Even though both said the same exact thing. One was about white kids, one was about brown kids.
You’re okay with brown kids being thrown into a chipper but not white kids.

It’s the definition of racism.

So what I'm okay with is telling YOU that you're a garbage human being and a hypocrite who has forfeited any right to ask me jack shit about anything, let alone to demand I defend anything to you. I continue to deny your legitimacy.

Whatever beeotch

Cornball <----- "Racist is always a good answer, because . . . I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!"
Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized Monday for joking about “MAGA kids” going “screaming, hats first into the woodchipper.” The tweet was accompanied by an iconic scene from “Fargo” in which a dead person’s blood flies from a woodchipper.

Morrisey, whose credits include “Beauty and the Beast” and films in the “Twilight” franchise, quickly deleted the tweet and apologized, but Sarah Palin and other critics slammed him on social media.

Jack Morrissey Apologizes for Deleted Covington 'Woodchipper' Tweet

Remember, these people think they are our moral and intellectual superiors.

It's all good, I realize how stupid and moronic lefties are.

They are sick SOB's that only find violence repulsive if it happens to a lefty otherwise they are good with hate, racism and violence. Sad human.
I wonder what the motivation is that makes these scum bags here lie and twist continually?
Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized Monday for joking about “MAGA kids” going “screaming, hats first into the woodchipper.” The tweet was accompanied by an iconic scene from “Fargo” in which a dead person’s blood flies from a woodchipper.

Morrisey, whose credits include “Beauty and the Beast” and films in the “Twilight” franchise, quickly deleted the tweet and apologized, but Sarah Palin and other critics slammed him on social media.

Jack Morrissey Apologizes for Deleted Covington 'Woodchipper' Tweet

Remember, these people think they are our moral and intellectual superiors.
The kids are lucky they are white. If they were kids of color, the racist right would have them in their crosshairs.
You mean like the black israelites? Nope, they seem to be doing just fine, so your hypothetical prediction is untrue.
Is that who Jack Morrissey is? I never heard of the guy.


So can we count on you to call out the “anonymous nobody jackass” directly? I’m sure you’ll jump at the chance.

It was in the OP who he was. So you're admitting that you ran in and started posting without even reading the OP? Well, why would you need to, when you have your talking points all teed up?
Sure. He’ posts garbage 24/7. Why bother reading it?

I have yet to hear YOU say word one about the comments that are the actual topic of the thread. All you've said so far is "What about . . . ?!" So you'll excuse me if I deny and reject your right to demand that I call out anyone for anything. Not only are you a hypocrite in the very act of hypocrisy right this second, but you are just generally someone who doesn't have the moral authority to judge me on jack squat.
He was complaining about someone who said people should be tossed into a wood chipper.

I pointed out that the Trump supporters—like you—have no problem with it.

That’s all.

That it causes your tobacco ridden lungs to gasp for some much needed oxygen…delicious!

Call me when you put your actions where your demands are, hypocrite.

So you’re okay with one person saying it—you won’t call out your fellow douchebag directly but are up in arms about someone else saying it.

You’re the hypocrite

I just heard you say, "I'm responding to your post, but I'm going to completely ignore the content of the actual post, and instead just keep repeating my demands, because I'm just SURE that this time, you'll respect me and recognize my moral authority!”
I guess vaping really does destroy your brain cells.

I don't need a recap of what you said, dumbass. I understood it perfectly the FIRST time I told you that you're a frigging hypocrite, and I still understand it THIS time that I say you're a frigging hypocrite who STILL has not so much as acknowledged the topic of the thread, let alone suggested that you MIGHT have a problem with it. Every single time you piss your frillies over someone on the message board posting something, while very carefully not saying a single word to even acknowledge that thread topic, you might as well scream, "I ONLY THINK IT'S BAD WHEN IT'S NOT A LEFTIST!”
Man, thats a lot of words there; someone should read them all.

A guy who few have heard of said something stupid and you’re outraged.
A guy who few have heard of said something stupid and you’re not outraged.

Even though both said the same exact thing. One was about white kids, one was about brown kids.
You’re okay with brown kids being thrown into a chipper but not white kids.

It’s the definition of racism.

So what I'm okay with is telling YOU that you're a garbage human being and a hypocrite who has forfeited any right to ask me jack shit about anything, let alone to demand I defend anything to you. I continue to deny your legitimacy.

Whatever beeotch

Cornball <----- "Racist is always a good answer, because . . . I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!"

In this case, it happens to be true as well. LOL
The right being outraged over condoned violence, is like Manson being pro-life.
Wheres your outrage for the shit that the black israelites said? Where is your outrage for the racist shit the indians said? Youre a god damn hypocrite.
Film producer Jack Morrissey apologized Monday for joking about “MAGA kids” going “screaming, hats first into the woodchipper.” The tweet was accompanied by an iconic scene from “Fargo” in which a dead person’s blood flies from a woodchipper.

Morrisey, whose credits include “Beauty and the Beast” and films in the “Twilight” franchise, quickly deleted the tweet and apologized, but Sarah Palin and other critics slammed him on social media.

Jack Morrissey Apologizes for Deleted Covington 'Woodchipper' Tweet

Remember, these people think they are our moral and intellectual superiors.

Reminds me of this classic from a noted Trump supporter here...

Run em through a wood chipper and make fertilizer out of em....

The above quote was in reference to this question in the OP:

What doe

Beauty and the Beast? What was that..1990? LOL
Which would make it 15 years before you were born.
I wonder what the motivation is that makes these scum bags here lie and twist continually?
It's the combination of a two digit IQ coupled with an allegiance to tribe .

All these mental midgets know is what they are supposed to support rather than why they must support it .
At least one female left wing celeb offered oral sex to anyone who would commit assault on a kid with a MAGA hat. You gotta wonder if funding for the Wall should include PTSD counseling for crazy lefties.
At least one female left wing celeb offered oral sex to anyone who would commit assault on a kid with a MAGA hat. You gotta wonder if funding for the Wall should include PTSD counseling for crazy lefties.

I understand the President invited hat boy to the White House. The blob may be the one who commits the assault if that is the offer. LOL
At least one female left wing celeb offered oral sex to anyone who would commit assault on a kid with a MAGA hat. You gotta wonder if funding for the Wall should include PTSD counseling for crazy lefties.
Cool! I would do it for nothing but where do I sign up?
At least one female left wing celeb offered oral sex to anyone who would commit assault on a kid with a MAGA hat. You gotta wonder if funding for the Wall should include PTSD counseling for crazy lefties.
Cool! I would do it for nothing but where do I sign up?

If you want to give out BJ for free, that's your business, sounds pretty dumb to me.
The kids are lucky they are white. If they were kids of color, the racist right would have them in their crosshairs
We wold be proud of any minority with the sense to wear a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hat. It is you who would target them for the woodchipper.
Why is everyone blaming the white kids, Seems nobody want to blame the black "Israelites" who started the whole incident.
The kids were afraid of the blacks. They`re weren`t afraid of a geriatric native American.
You are wrong. The piece of shit completely frightened the one girl he chose first to intimidate before moving to the boy.

It is still stupid and racist of you to blame the kids when the video shows very clearly how the bully entered their group. One brave kid stood up to his bullying and remained incredibly calm even as the piece of shit tried to provoke him by beating the fucking drum just inches from the kids face.

It was such an obvious set up that I can't believe anybody could be so stupid as to fall for it.

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