I'm starting to sour on Trump

Trump is an attention-whore and doesn't know anything about coalitions needed to govern. He admires Pooty because he's just like him.....a bully who needs his ass kicked. He's alienated everybody in the GOP who can do him any good if he did reach the WH. My bet is as soon as he loses in Iowa and New Hampshire he'll slink back to his penthouse and drown his tears in caviar and pink champagne. :lol:
Where are you going to "slink" to if Trump wins NH and Iowa? Your mommy's basement?
Last night's debate showed every candidate running against Trump has given up any hope of winning fuck all. They stood their like deer in the headlights.
Watch for at least half of them quitting after the first two Primaries. 99% of their supporters are going to then vote for Trump.
There is no way they are going to risk having the Clinton's back in the White house ever again.
Where are you going to "slink" to if Trump wins NH and Iowa? Your mommy's basement?
Last night's debate showed every candidate running against Trump has given up any hope of winning fuck all. They stood their like deer in the headlights.
Watch for at least half of them quitting after the first two Primaries. 99% of their supporters are going to then vote for Trump.
There is no way they are going to risk having the Clinton's back in the White house ever again.

Well "dannyboys", I'm pretty sure you're the one with the mommy-issues. Trump doesn't know shit about how our government or military functions. He's a snot-nosed draft-dodger who grew an empire his father started and has lived his life as a democrat until now. All you need to know about the Donald is that hair sprayed mop on his head...candyass.:uhh:
Where are you going to "slink" to if Trump wins NH and Iowa? Your mommy's basement?
Last night's debate showed every candidate running against Trump has given up any hope of winning fuck all. They stood their like deer in the headlights.
Watch for at least half of them quitting after the first two Primaries. 99% of their supporters are going to then vote for Trump.
There is no way they are going to risk having the Clinton's back in the White house ever again.

Well "dannyboys", I'm pretty sure you're the one with the mommy-issues. Trump doesn't know shit about how our government or military functions. He's a snot-nosed draft-dodger who grew an empire his father started and has lived his life as a democrat until now. All you need to know about the Donald is that hair sprayed mop on his head...candyass.:uhh:
Trump has been dealing with 'Government' for decades. Funny. He ALWAYS gets what he wants. Now he wants to help America become great again. He'll do just that.
I'm not going to PI you until after Trump wins in NH and Iowa. We'll see what you have to say then asshole.
I'm sorry but this is simply your unfounded opinion which you have no support for. Congress is comprised of big boys and girls who don't generally get their panties in a bunch over personality.



You must have been asleep the past 7 years!!!!!
Trump is an attention-whore and doesn't know anything about coalitions needed to govern. He admires Pooty because he's just like him.....a bully who needs his ass kicked. He's alienated everybody in the GOP who can do him any good if he did reach the WH. My bet is as soon as he loses in Iowa and New Hampshire he'll slink back to his penthouse and drown his tears in caviar and pink champagne. :lol:

Holy shit dude, you need to take a pill and chill out. It's called a chill pill. Why don't you tell us how you really feel about trump? LOL
I'm sorry but this is simply your unfounded opinion which you have no support for. Congress is comprised of big boys and girls who don't generally get their panties in a bunch over personality.



You must have been asleep the past 7 years!!!!!
funny, Reid and Pelosi think they own Washington, DC.
Trump doesn't know shit about how our government or military functions. He's a snot-nosed draft-dodger who grew an empire his father started and has lived his life as a democrat until now. All you need to know about the Donald is that hair sprayed mop on his head...candyass.:uhh:

Damn, no wonder you guys are SO worried about Trump... sounds like someone ANY Dem could support!
I'm sorry but this is simply your unfounded opinion which you have no support for. Congress is comprised of big boys and girls who don't generally get their panties in a bunch over personality.



You must have been asleep the past 7 years!!!!!

Well... YES... I totally missed the part where Congress worked together against Obama. You have some examples of that or are you all hat and not cattle as usual?

Again... because you seem to be dim-witted and slow... EVERY president will have some in Congress who don't like them. We've never had a president whom everyone loved all the time. But we've also never had a president whom everyone loathed all the time. So your argument that "congress will work together against Trump" is simply naive idiocy and you sound like a naive idiot when you make that argument.
Trump has been dealing with 'Government' for decades. Funny. He ALWAYS gets what he wants. Now he wants to help America become great again. He'll do just that.
I'm not going to PI you until after Trump wins in NH and Iowa. We'll see what you have to say then asshole.

You know something... this is the weirdest thing. I started this thread because I had some reservations about some things Trump has been saying. But damn if the liberals haven't just about pushed me back on the Trump Bus! I can't believe I'm here defending him in a thread I started to criticize him! Only boneheaded Democrats could make that happen!

Guys, I think your mouths are going to blow any chance you have.
I'm sorry but this is simply your unfounded opinion which you have no support for. Congress is comprised of big boys and girls who don't generally get their panties in a bunch over personality.



You must have been asleep the past 7 years!!!!!

Well... YES... I totally missed the part where Congress worked together against Obama. You have some examples of that or are you all hat and not cattle as usual?

Again... because you seem to be dim-witted and slow... EVERY president will have some in Congress who don't like them. We've never had a president whom everyone loved all the time. But we've also never had a president whom everyone loathed all the time. So your argument that "congress will work together against Trump" is simply naive idiocy and you sound like a naive idiot when you make that argument.
Boss, take a chill pill.... :D

You don't know what will happen as well as I don't know what will happen.... it's all speculating with our best guesses.

I can't imagine anything good with Trump as President happening, and since the Presidency is not a dictatorship or a business, Trump, in my opinion, would have a real hard time with that....his alpha male would not be happy.

and you think congress will succumb to him....

I don't.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Your Statements are no doubt an attempt to get people to follow all the non-sense you posted in a smear campaign against Donald Trump. You must think your ignorant statements will get other people
“Starting to sour on trump”, because you claim to be souring on Trump, but it’s not going to happen. You are the one who never even supported Trump, and are one of the many propagandist commonly known as opinion makers who try to mislead people away from the best possible candidate for the White House.

You are using the picture of a black man which means you must think black people as well as others are stupid enough the believe all the non-sense you are spewing. The Constitution of the United States is what the president is put in office to uphold not tear down. You must be a Marxist yourself, that’s the only possible reason one could conceive of for you implying that a builder and upholder of the Constitution is Marxist.

Marxists/communism is all over the place in this country attempting to destroy our Constitutional rights and freedoms, few people recognize it and hardly anyone ever speaks of it, which is the fundamental intent of political correctness. Much of the corruption in Washington D.C. is people and politicians cashing in on those who will pay them to act against the common good. Greed and the lack of integrity have compelled far too many in government to even destroy the Constitution if it gets in the way of money and power.

Those who print the money are in the position to bribe almost anyone without principle, and who “lack their own money”. These people of beastly greed are the same bankers who took over Russia and made that country into the Soviet Union murdering more than 60 million of it’s own citizens who did not totally conform to communism.

These same people don’t give a rat ass about freedom, rights, laws, human life, or the common good. They steal entire governments extract all the wealth and if that’s not bad enough an un-payable debt is also place on these countries. They take over and convert everything useful within the country to steal even more countries.

Our C.I.A. is a prime example of this. Al Qaeda becomes ISIS and no one is talking about how Al Qaeda wired WTC building 7, and twin towers with thermite and explosives before the planes hit. You expose those who wired the twin towers and the real Al Qaeda/ISIS is discovered, and this whole house of cards falls. To save America the corruption must go!

Witness for yourself all the brought and paid for puppets who pretend some mysterious outlaws hijacked planes with box cutters, and bombed our country using this as an excuse to bomb and take over other sovereign countries. If that’s not bad enough they claim to be fighting the same terrorist entity they train, finance, and instruct lying with the skill of Hollywood actors.

Look at who and what is creating all the problems and refugees across the world, and understand beastly greed is a rabid mindless dog that does not care who it bites. The corruption that has hijacked the American government will do the same brutal things that are happening in Iraq and Syria unless strong leadership reclaims American sovereignty. One must ask oneself who is the best one available to turn America around.

Don’t think for a second the American people are exempt from the way these other countries being are treated. What in the world do you think gun control is really all about. We as Americans have been played against each other for far too long.

What really matters is whether or not one is a true American. How long can a house divided stand? If the people in political parties are loaded with secrecy and corruption failing to follow the constitution what do we need them for?

They work for us, and if they want to play games with the power we trusted to them, and not follow someone upholding the Constitution we won’t need to be deputized by President Trump to fire their asses in the next Election.
Damn, no wonder you guys are SO worried about Trump... sounds like someone ANY Dem could support!

"you guys"? You RACIST sumbitch!
One of you trumpettes thinks I'm a teenager and another thinks I'm a stinkin prog! I support Marco Rubio who will be the next POTUS...and you can take that to the bank. :deal:
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.
In regard to Trump, Republicans and Democrats in congress are already united; they hate him. To a congressman, Trump has all the characteristics they hate, an outsider they can't trust, who is unpredictable, and who lacks the knowledge of how to get things done in Washington. While hundreds of congressmen have endorsed candidates, none have endorsed Trump. For Trump to build alliance in Congress, he's first going to have build alliances within his own party, and put aside his vendetta against congressional leaders. Which means Trump is going to have to become political correct.
Last edited:
Where are you going to "slink" to if Trump wins NH and Iowa? Your mommy's basement?
Last night's debate showed every candidate running against Trump has given up any hope of winning fuck all. They stood their like deer in the headlights.
Watch for at least half of them quitting after the first two Primaries. 99% of their supporters are going to then vote for Trump.
There is no way they are going to risk having the Clinton's back in the White house ever again.

Well "dannyboys", I'm pretty sure you're the one with the mommy-issues. Trump doesn't know shit about how our government or military functions. He's a snot-nosed draft-dodger who grew an empire his father started and has lived his life as a democrat until now. All you need to know about the Donald is that hair sprayed mop on his head...candyass.:uhh:
Trump has been dealing with 'Government' for decades. Funny. He ALWAYS gets what he wants. Now he wants to help America become great again. He'll do just that.
I'm not going to PI you until after Trump wins in NH and Iowa. We'll see what you have to say then asshole.
I've been dealing with the federal government for years, that doesn't mean I'm qualified to run it.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Ok no. That last comment, not a chance. There is only one thing bigger than Trumps larger than life character.... and that's his ego.

There is no way a guy with an ego that big is working for anyone else other than himself.

I do not support many of Trumps positions. I have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into the US. But how we would enforce that is beyond me.

As for Islamic Syrians and the threat of IS operatives coming in with refugees... I still don't know. I go back and forth in my mind. Hard question. Very hard.

Nevertheless, any debate on Trump... for me, it will end if Hillary gets the nomination from the DNC. Hillary is pure evil. Literally, she is an evil woman. Not "bad", she's EVIL. Trump might have an ego, and I might disagree with him largely.... but he's not Evil. I'd rather vote for the Smurfs, than have that scum sucking dog as president. I'll take a dozen trumps over Hellary.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Ok no. That last comment, not a chance. There is only one thing bigger than Trumps larger than life character.... and that's his ego.

There is no way a guy with an ego that big is working for anyone else other than himself.

I do not support many of Trumps positions. I have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into the US. But how we would enforce that is beyond me.

As for Islamic Syrians and the threat of IS operatives coming in with refugees... I still don't know. I go back and forth in my mind. Hard question. Very hard.

Nevertheless, any debate on Trump... for me, it will end if Hillary gets the nomination from the DNC. Hillary is pure evil. Literally, she is an evil woman. Not "bad", she's EVIL. Trump might have an ego, and I might disagree with him largely.... but he's not Evil. I'd rather vote for the Smurfs, than have that scum sucking dog as president. I'll take a dozen trumps over Hellary.
why is she evil Andy?
what makes her evil over any other politician or even Trump?

What do you think she would do to our country that is evil if she were president?

Was Bill Clinton evil to you as well, and what did he do to our nation that was evil?

please be factual
He's an egotistical buffoon who is very entertaining. I'm hoping that he stays at or next to the top until election time for entertainment purposes. The rest of the right-wing nut jobs are boring as hell.
Also, if he ends up running as an independent, a lot of people will still vote for him and thus take votes away from the extreme right-wing nut jobs, causing the Republican Party to lose, which isn't a bad thing.
I tend to vote Green Party but with Trump in there I can't resist the entertainment factor.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Ok no. That last comment, not a chance. There is only one thing bigger than Trumps larger than life character.... and that's his ego.

There is no way a guy with an ego that big is working for anyone else other than himself.

I do not support many of Trumps positions. I have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into the US. But how we would enforce that is beyond me.

As for Islamic Syrians and the threat of IS operatives coming in with refugees... I still don't know. I go back and forth in my mind. Hard question. Very hard.

Nevertheless, any debate on Trump... for me, it will end if Hillary gets the nomination from the DNC. Hillary is pure evil. Literally, she is an evil woman. Not "bad", she's EVIL. Trump might have an ego, and I might disagree with him largely.... but he's not Evil. I'd rather vote for the Smurfs, than have that scum sucking dog as president. I'll take a dozen trumps over Hellary.
There is no way to know if a Syrian is a Christian, Jew, or Muslim other than to ask him. One's religious beliefs are personal and not the business of any government.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Ok no. That last comment, not a chance. There is only one thing bigger than Trumps larger than life character.... and that's his ego.

There is no way a guy with an ego that big is working for anyone else other than himself.

I do not support many of Trumps positions. I have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into the US. But how we would enforce that is beyond me.

As for Islamic Syrians and the threat of IS operatives coming in with refugees... I still don't know. I go back and forth in my mind. Hard question. Very hard.

Nevertheless, any debate on Trump... for me, it will end if Hillary gets the nomination from the DNC. Hillary is pure evil. Literally, she is an evil woman. Not "bad", she's EVIL. Trump might have an ego, and I might disagree with him largely.... but he's not Evil. I'd rather vote for the Smurfs, than have that scum sucking dog as president. I'll take a dozen trumps over Hellary.
There is no way to know if a Syrian is a Christian, Jew, or Muslim other than to ask him. One's religious beliefs are personal and not the business of any government.
It should be the government's business when it comes to Muslims and Islam. The Islamists are attacking "infidels" all over the planet because the Quran tells them to kill non-believers. They attack all over Africa. They attack throughout Europe. They attack in China. They attack in Russia. They attack in the USA. They attack in India. They attack in Thailand. They attack in the Philippines. They attack Israel. They attack in Lebanon.
Think of Islam in the context of a dandelion. All those attacks are the seeds/tufts floating about and landing here and there. To stop the dandelion from spreading, killing a seed/tuft here and there won't stop the spread. You have to go to the root of the cause. In this case, it's the.....QURAN and it's founding murderer. You have to eradicate it from your area or it spreads.
There is no way to know if a Syrian is a Christian, Jew, or Muslim other than to ask him. One's religious beliefs are personal and not the business of any government.

Please S T O P with the nonsense. If some two-bit payday advance or t.v. rental place can know enough about you to trust you with money or merchandise, surely our government can find out what they need to know about someone. You want to come to America... here's a form.. .give us some references... if they check out, we will issue your visa! Simple as that!

Could someone possibly cheat the system and get through? Of course, just like sometimes people cheat the payday advance and tv rental people. There is no foolproof system. However... pass a law that if someone sneaks in by fraudulent means, it's considered a terrorist act and they get sent to Gitmo for a little vacation.

What you doe-eyed liberal nincompoops need to do is go over to Israel and see how they handle security coming into their country. Yes, it CAN be done and when a Republican is president, it WILL be done. And IF you fuckwits want to continue standing up and defiantly defending radical Islamic terrorists, maybe we need to revive the Alien and Sedition Acts?

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