I'm starting to sour on Trump

And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
Getting a jump on being a hypocrite?

You can scream hypocrite all you like... when you set the precedent it's not hypocrisy it's getting a dose of your own medicine.
So it's dictatorial and un-American if Obama does it, and you can't wait for a Republican to do it?

Like I said: hypocrite.
You're an idiot. NONE of the president's appointed positions require CONGRESS ...they may require Senate confirmation.
Ok, you stupid motherfucker: name ONE position that a president can fill, who can make/change policy, without that person going through confirmation by Congress.

Jeesh... There's not anyone appointed by the president who is either confirmed or not confirmed who is free to make policy... dipshit. Are you sniffing glue or something? THE PRESIDENT sets policy! No one else! The Top Dog! The Head Honcho! El Presidente!

And AGAIN... since you seem to be totally oblivious... CONGRESS does not confirm ANY presidential appointee. The SENATE does. And the Senate doesn't have to confirm all of them... in fact, they don't have to confirm ANY of them if they don't want to. They can pass a bill like they did in 2012 and streamline the process.

Now... this all started when some dipwad chortled that Trump wouldn't get to hire his own people... well, guess what... YES HE WILL! Just like every fucking president who has ever held the office. He will make appointments and the Senate will confirm them as they almost always do, without fanfare, without hesitation, without complaint. YOU might complain... no doubt you will... from the time he takes office until the time he leaves, we can count on you to complain and bitch and moan and whine. But you're not the Senate so it doesn't really matter.
And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
Getting a jump on being a hypocrite?

You can scream hypocrite all you like... when you set the precedent it's not hypocrisy it's getting a dose of your own medicine.
So it's dictatorial and un-American if Obama does it, and you can't wait for a Republican to do it?

Like I said: hypocrite.

Oh fucking well. I guess I'm a hypocrite!
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
If you insist on a perfect candidate you're going to assure Democrats win.

This is a flaw in the GOP base. Point out any flaws at all in a Republican and he all of the sudden loses support.

On the other hand, Democrats aren't so choosy. All they want is their free shit. That's all they're concerned about. Give em a piece of paper that says they can marry or give them a false promise and they're happy. This is why it's so easy to run as a Democrat. Their voters have low standards and no principles. How do you expect any Republican to fight that.

I don't insist on a perfect candidate, I want a conservative candidate. IF all I have are the choices between a Democrat (socialist) or a big steaming pile of dog shit... I'll vote for the dog shit but I will be holding my nose. However, I am not everyone.

One way I would hope a Republican would fight Democrats is by not being like them. Like not using phrases such as "we're going to raise taxes on Wall Street!" OR attacking the most Conservative candidate in the primary with birtherism or a litany of other superficial criticisms.

The way I see it, Trump can attack liberals and liberal policies all day long... liberals aren't ever going to vote for him so it doesn't matter. Attacking conservatives and making statements contradictory of conservative principles is foolish because he will need their support to defeat the Democrat.
Attacking conservatives comes easy for Trump, who certainly is no conservative. Voting for Trump would be a bitter pill to swallow for social conservatives, with his back and forth support for pro-life issues, little or no support for traditional marriage, his divorces, and his lack of religious commitment. Fiscal conservatives shutter when they consider what a Trump administration would do to government spending. Compassionate conservatism is as alien to Trump's political views as multiculturalism.

However, what the GOP leaders really fear is his erratic temperament, his ignorance of public affairs, and his scary sympathy for authoritarianism will create a
crises that will send control of government into the hands of democrats. With minorities moving rapidly toward becoming the majority, Trump's actions which would move the party toward racial and religious exclusion is the exact opposite of the direction party leaders want to go.

we don't care libturd fk. We don't. he ain't got your vote anyway, so what is it your worried about? You don't want him to win because he could win it all. I know, it's why I'll be voting for him.

To kick the scum out of Washington DC.
Stop being an idiot, of course he will have people, just like every president. Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm. Those few positions which do require Congressional approval will be approved as they most always are.
I said any position that has any power to do the things he's talking about will need Congressional confirmation.

Name the position a president can fill unilaterally who can make policy change.

And you're calling me an idiot?
ever hear of that there thing called an executive order? You know, the one Obama uses all the time cause he hates america.
99.9% of all presidential appointments (other than SCOTUS or cabinet) are rubber stamped.
That's total bullshit.

Republicans have fought on every nomination. And usually it's one Senator holding it up. Right now, while trying to get El Chapo extradited, we don't even have an Ambassador to Mexico, our next door neighbor.

Why? Because Ted Cruz, and only Ted Cruz, opposes it. Republicans in general have no issues with the guy.
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Has anyone in congress come out in support of him?
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.
Congress will again be majority REP. The Senate is going to be REP dominated. Trump will have both houses to pass his bills.
Oh happy happy day!

Trump already divided the Republicans. Since when you see a rebuttal from SOTU that aim against their own nominee? Since when you see a GOP speaker of the house trashing his own nominee? Trump made that honor. Good luck with that or goodbye with that.....

Gov. Haley, Speaker Ryan offer new GOP answer to Trump | www.statesman.com
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Has anyone in congress come out in support of him?

Nope.... Nobody...... None........ Nada.
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Has anyone in congress come out in support of him?

I guess you missed my point? Right now, Trump holds ZERO political power. He hasn't even received a single vote yet. He is a political outsider running an anti-establishment campaign. Why would anyone inside the beltway who is part of the establishment support him? They are all hoping he doesn't win political power. But we're not talking about right now... Trump isn't going to be setting any policy or dealing with Congress, he hasn't won power yet. We're talking about a hypothetical.. IF he wins power.

Again, politicians are all about the power. IF he wins, he will have power and there will be people who hitch their wagon to his star. You all will call them Trump Butt-kissers or whatever, but he will have a significant number of politicians who stand with him and not against him... particularly if he wins by a mandate. If you are a Senator up for reelection in 2018, and Trump won your state by a wide margin... you're going to defiantly oppose him? Really? Let me know when that fairy tale happens.
Yes......you think he's batshit crazy.

Problem is, he's really not the divider that Obama proved to be.


Yes he is. He's worse, much worse.

I haven't heard Obama call nationalities "rapists," or say he'd ban people based on their religion.

Obama sucks, but you'd have to be infected with Obama Derangement Sydrome in the worst way to think that Obama is more divisive than Trump.
Yes......you think he's batshit crazy.

Problem is, he's really not the divider that Obama proved to be.


Yes he is. He's worse, much worse.

I haven't heard Obama call nationalities "rapists," or say he'd ban people based on their religion.

Obama sucks, but you'd have to be infected with Obama Derangement Sydrome in the worst way to think that Obama is more divisive than Trump.
We have heard Obama call Americans the enemy, clingers, racists, and tea-baggers.

Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Has anyone in congress come out in support of him?
Well, since Congress is a major part of the problem in Washington, who cares.
Trump will unite Republicans and Democrats in Congress.....

Against him.

I highly doubt that. In case you didn't realize this, the president wields a lot of power. Politicians are all about the power. There will be enough of them, especially on his own party's side, who will be jumping on the bandwagon in order to remain politically viable. It's not that way now because he has no power. They are trying to prevent him from getting that power. It's funny... the EXACT same claims were made about Ronald Reagan. He was never going to be able to get Congress to work with him, especially not a Democrat congress... but guess what? A funny thing happens when you assume the most powerful office in the free world. People have a tendency to change their attitudes.
Has anyone in congress come out in support of him?
Well, since Congress is a major part of the problem in Washington, who cares.
You are right that Congress has been the 'problem' in D.C., but don't you think its problem has been not being able to work with each other and the President?

With Trump, they would work together, against him.

Is that bad?

Could be...


Possibly not...maybe they would actually function again?
With Trump, they would work together, against him.

I'm sorry but this is simply your unfounded opinion which you have no support for. Congress is comprised of big boys and girls who don't generally get their panties in a bunch over personality. So while you don't like Trump and don't believe anyone else likes Trump, if he wins the presidency it will prove that at least SOME people DO like Trump. In such a scenario, he will have Congressional support because politicians go where the votes are.

They are not going to work together against Trump any more than they worked together against Obama because conservatives didn't like him. If you want to be a naive fool and believe that, it's up to you... put please refrain from stating this as if it's a given.

I declare... you liberal democrats... you're going to have a hard time when this transition happens. I don't think most of you are prepared for this.
Trump is an attention-whore and doesn't know anything about coalitions needed to govern. He admires Pooty because he's just like him.....a bully who needs his ass kicked. He's alienated everybody in the GOP who can do him any good if he did reach the WH. My bet is as soon as he loses in Iowa and New Hampshire he'll slink back to his penthouse and drown his tears in caviar and pink champagne. :lol:

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