I'm starting to sour on Trump

If Trump starts enforcing the laws on the books, and punishes budinesses using illega labor
There are no laws on the books that punish businesses - the Republicans won't allow it.

The Republicans cry over illegals yet won't introduce any bill that punishes businesses who hire them.

The Republicans refused to introduce any kind of bills regarding illegals. At the same time they cry about illegals.
He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so.
He won't have "people" and he won't be able to "hire" anyone into a position to do any of that. Anyone he wants will have to be confirmed by Congress.
You mean like the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS? You're an idiot!
You think the DEMs are going to be the majority in Congress after the election?
Wise up asshole!
He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so.
He won't have "people" and he won't be able to "hire" anyone into a position to do any of that. Anyone he wants will have to be confirmed by Congress.

Stop being an idiot, of course he will have people, just like every president. Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm. Those few positions which do require Congressional approval will be approved as they most always are. And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
I don't support Trump and never have, but I will defend him and any other candidate when people falsely accuse him. I have enough reasons not to support him, but lying about him or any other candidate is simply off limits. I will point out the lies and fabrications whenever possible.

When Obama is wrong (which is most of the time) I call him on it. On the very, very few times he is right, I will defend him also. Fortunately, that does not hapen often.

I respect your defending someone who is falsely accused.

but what has trump been falsely accused of? my OPINION (and it is admittedly that) is that trump is a bigot and a bully and a misogynist. but I think he does it mostly to make the more rabid among the base get excited. your opinion may be that he's none of those things. but it doesn't mean I've falsely accused him of anything.

I never said he wasn't, but you have made claims that are false, and you know what they are.

I have never made false claims. if I made a statement it is because I believe it to be true.

Believing something to be true and then having it not be true is simply ignorance on your part.

Don't make claims unless you are certain that it is true.

I haven't been shown that anything I've said is untrue.
go read one of your previous posts. All untrue. Ok?
5.) It doesn't matter if her aid sent or didn't send anything, she instructed him on how to bypass security on classified information. That is a felony.
False. That's like saying it's a felony for me to tell you how to rob a bank.

It is. It is called conspiracy.
It’s called being a delusional rightwing partisan hack.
is that the opposite of you jones?...a delusional leftwing partisan hack?...cant wait for your reply....
Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
and the desperation is spewed!!!! LOL :banana::9:
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
If you insist on a perfect candidate you're going to assure Democrats win.

This is a flaw in the GOP base. Point out any flaws at all in a Republican and he all of the sudden loses support.

On the other hand, Democrats aren't so choosy. All they want is their free shit. That's all they're concerned about. Give em a piece of paper that says they can marry or give them a false promise and they're happy. This is why it's so easy to run as a Democrat. Their voters have low standards and no principles. How do you expect any Republican to fight that.
He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so.
He won't have "people" and he won't be able to "hire" anyone into a position to do any of that. Anyone he wants will have to be confirmed by Congress.

Stop being an idiot, of course he will have people, just like every president. Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm. Those few positions which do require Congressional approval will be approved as they most always are. And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
No, most presidential appointments do require Senate approval, 1200 to 1440. According to the GAO, there are 321 presidential appointees that don't require Senate confirmation. Most of these positions are members of councils, foundations, boards, and committees

Almost all of the key appointed positions in the executive branch require approval by the Senate such as cabinet members, National Security Adviser, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief Economic Advisory, Senior Advisers to the president. About the only positions close to president that don't require Senate confirmation is his personal secretary and the White House Chief of Staff.

Presidents that have not served in the executive branch or Congress, rely heavily on their staff and advisers. What a wild card like Trump would do is anybody's guess.
List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Presidential Appointments: No Senate Required
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He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so.
He won't have "people" and he won't be able to "hire" anyone into a position to do any of that. Anyone he wants will have to be confirmed by Congress.

Stop being an idiot, of course he will have people, just like every president. Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm. Those few positions which do require Congressional approval will be approved as they most always are. And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
No, most presidential appointments do require Senate approval, 1200 to 1440. According to the GAO, there are 321 presidential appointees that don't require Senate confirmation. Most of these positions are members of councils, foundations, boards, and committees

Almost all of the key appointed positions in the executive branch require approval by the Senate such as cabinet members, National Security Adviser, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief Economic Advisory, Senior Advisers to the president. About the only positions close to president that don't require Senate confirmation is his personal secretary and the White House Chief of Staff.

List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Presidential Appointments: No Senate Required
I'm pretty sure Trump will make good use of the '321 presidential appointees' to help him get the job done asshole!
He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so.
He won't have "people" and he won't be able to "hire" anyone into a position to do any of that. Anyone he wants will have to be confirmed by Congress.

Stop being an idiot, of course he will have people, just like every president. Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm. Those few positions which do require Congressional approval will be approved as they most always are. And he won't need anyone to "make things happen" because he'll have a pen and phone just like Obama.
No, most presidential appointments do require Senate approval, 1200 to 1440. According to the GAO, there are 321 presidential appointees that don't require Senate confirmation. Most of these positions are members of councils, foundations, boards, and committees

Almost all of the key appointed positions in the executive branch require approval by the Senate such as cabinet members, National Security Adviser, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief Economic Advisory, Senior Advisers to the president. About the only positions close to president that don't require Senate confirmation is his personal secretary and the White House Chief of Staff.

List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Presidential Appointments: No Senate Required
I'm pretty sure Trump will make good use of the '321 presidential appointees' to help him get the job done asshole!
None of these people work directly for the president. 67% of them serve on specific commissions, councils, committees, boards or foundations. 29% are appointed to the Educational Opportunity Program.
4% are professional and technical and work within agencies.

The winner of the election, sets up a presidential selection committee to fill the 1500 to 2000 appointed positions. The Senate will vet all the top positions that are advisers to the president. The rest of the positions are rubber stamped. However, Trump may just decide he doesn't need any help.

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Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian. Prolly ain't got a shot in hell, but at least I can vote for him without feeling dirty.
The Senate will vet all the top positions that are advisers to the president. The rest of the positions are rubber stamped.

Which is basically what I said, Flapper.
You said,
"Most of which will NOT require Congress to confirm." which is incorrect. Congress confirms between 80% and 90% of all presidential appointments. Those that don't require confirmation are not advisers to the president and do not work directly for him.
Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian. Prolly ain't got a shot in hell, but at least I can vote for him without feeling dirty.
so you're the kind that gets on a sinking ship, funny stuff.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
If you insist on a perfect candidate you're going to assure Democrats win.

This is a flaw in the GOP base. Point out any flaws at all in a Republican and he all of the sudden loses support.

On the other hand, Democrats aren't so choosy. All they want is their free shit. That's all they're concerned about. Give em a piece of paper that says they can marry or give them a false promise and they're happy. This is why it's so easy to run as a Democrat. Their voters have low standards and no principles. How do you expect any Republican to fight that.

I don't insist on a perfect candidate, I want a conservative candidate. IF all I have are the choices between a Democrat (socialist) or a big steaming pile of dog shit... I'll vote for the dog shit but I will be holding my nose. However, I am not everyone.

One way I would hope a Republican would fight Democrats is by not being like them. Like not using phrases such as "we're going to raise taxes on Wall Street!" OR attacking the most Conservative candidate in the primary with birtherism or a litany of other superficial criticisms.

The way I see it, Trump can attack liberals and liberal policies all day long... liberals aren't ever going to vote for him so it doesn't matter. Attacking conservatives and making statements contradictory of conservative principles is foolish because he will need their support to defeat the Democrat.
Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian. Prolly ain't got a shot in hell, but at least I can vote for him without feeling dirty.
so you're the kind that gets on a sinking ship, funny stuff.

I'm the kind that actually lives by the principles I allegedly have...rather than simply paying lip service. The lesser of two evils is still evil...and voting for evil means you condone evil. If a man can't live by his principles, he ain't much of a man.

Wait, don't tell me....you're one of those useful idiots who thinks he's "exercising his freedom" by going grovelling to the government for permission to carry a concealed firearm....right? :udaman:

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