I'm starting to sour on Trump

I know someone who works for one of Trump's companies. She's an executive in the HR department. She has been in a couple of meeting where Trump attended.
She said he was the first person in the board room and the last to leave. He said hi to everyone and sat down and listened the whole time. Just listened. At the end of the meeting he shook everyone's hand and thanked them for doing an excellent job.
He was very sincere and polite. But everyone in the room could feel the power emanating from him. This is what the leaders of the countries he'll have to deal with will feel.
This is how Trump will function as the President. What we are getting now is what the people want to hear.
Telling it like it is with a New Yorkers attitude.
He NEVER makes a promise he doesn't/can't keep. Even those you hate him because they've lost to him in business admit that.
There is huge difference in leading a business in which you have controlling interest and being President. Being politically incorrect might get Trump elected but it would destroy him as president.
so when Hillary the Secretary of State has no idea she is not to communicate classified material over an unsecured email server that protects us how?
Trump is channeling the anger of no more than 30% of the country.

He will not be nominated, much less be in the general election.
It's like you're running don tickles or Andrew dice clay
People are tired of our unaccountable political class. It's going to get ugly in 2017 when things are still the same.
Nah. Things are getting better. Feels like the 90s again.

Why are you struggling that bad?

The people struggling the most don't even vote in midterms. Trust me they ain't gonna do shit
Trump is only popular because he is an outsider who says what the American people are thinking. Market will crash again within the next year, terrorism will continue to skyrocket, and DC will be passing a bill on football helmet designs.
Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

For America's sake I hope he does NOT represent what we think.
No, Trump does not speak for the common man.
He does speak for the common working American man.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths?

Obama has been the president for 8 years, so it was obviously NOT a problem for Obama, was it? I have always considered the birther nonsense stupid... it doesn't matter where Obama was born. He is a natural born citizen because his mother is an American citizen.

I'm not faulting Trump for bringing up lies to discuss, so I don't understand what you want me to defend. I faulted him for speaking on birtherism and raising taxes, both are stupid and don't need to be discussed.

Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

I agree with you totally. Except it's not immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration he wants to do something about... and herein lies my complaint. As a Conservative, I pay close attention to the details of what is said and how it is said. You don't go attacking another strong Conservative... probably the strongest true Conservative voice in Congress with birther nonsense. You don't go around yammering about "raising taxes on Wall Street" like the idiot Bernie Sanders. That's not Conservative. That is never going to resonate with Conservatives. You have to talk about the border in context of ILLEGAL immigration, which is actually PRO-immigration... LEGAL immigration.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

Again, my OP has nothing to do with any of this. As I said, I have tacitly supported Trump from the start. I love a lot of what he has said, I love a lot of the things you've pointed out. My concerns are that he is going to alienate a LOT of Conservative voters who might have otherwise voted for him. I'm on record... I've already said, if it comes down to Trump vs. ANY Democrat, I will vote for Trump!

I've read his books and contrary to the complaints that he is shooting from the hip or changing his positions with the wind, he has been talking about this stuff for a while. I have defended him here to the point that most liberal goobs believe I am a "Trumpidian" or whatever they're calling Trump supporters these days... I don't mind defending him but if he is going to attack MY guy, Ted Cruz, I can't defend that and I won't. He's kind of pissing in my Cheerios with that kind of talk. just like talking about raising taxes on Wall Street. We don't need to raise taxes on anything... we need to eliminate the loopholes that hedge fund managers use to avoid paying taxes... that's a different animal. Maybe that's what he meant but he needs to be careful in how he puts things. Just like "immigration problem" ...we don't have an immigration problem... we have an ILLEGAL immigration problem.
I don't support Trump and never have, but I will defend him and any other candidate when people falsely accuse him. I have enough reasons not to support him, but lying about him or any other candidate is simply off limits. I will point out the lies and fabrications whenever possible.

When Obama is wrong (which is most of the time) I call him on it. On the very, very few times he is right, I will defend him also. Fortunately, that does not hapen often.

I respect your defending someone who is falsely accused.

but what has trump been falsely accused of? my OPINION (and it is admittedly that) is that trump is a bigot and a bully and a misogynist. but I think he does it mostly to make the more rabid among the base get excited. your opinion may be that he's none of those things. but it doesn't mean I've falsely accused him of anything.

I never said he wasn't, but you have made claims that are false, and you know what they are.

I have never made false claims. if I made a statement it is because I believe it to be true.

Believing something to be true and then having it not be true is simply ignorance on your part.

Don't make claims unless you are certain that it is true.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths?

Obama has been the president for 8 years, so it was obviously NOT a problem for Obama, was it? I have always considered the birther nonsense stupid... it doesn't matter where Obama was born. He is a natural born citizen because his mother is an American citizen.

I'm not faulting Trump for bringing up lies to discuss, so I don't understand what you want me to defend. I faulted him for speaking on birtherism and raising taxes, both are stupid and don't need to be discussed.

Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

I agree with you totally. Except it's not immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration he wants to do something about... and herein lies my complaint. As a Conservative, I pay close attention to the details of what is said and how it is said. You don't go attacking another strong Conservative... probably the strongest true Conservative voice in Congress with birther nonsense. You don't go around yammering about "raising taxes on Wall Street" like the idiot Bernie Sanders. That's not Conservative. That is never going to resonate with Conservatives. You have to talk about the border in context of ILLEGAL immigration, which is actually PRO-immigration... LEGAL immigration.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

Again, my OP has nothing to do with any of this. As I said, I have tacitly supported Trump from the start. I love a lot of what he has said, I love a lot of the things you've pointed out. My concerns are that he is going to alienate a LOT of Conservative voters who might have otherwise voted for him. I'm on record... I've already said, if it comes down to Trump vs. ANY Democrat, I will vote for Trump!

I've read his books and contrary to the complaints that he is shooting from the hip or changing his positions with the wind, he has been talking about this stuff for a while. I have defended him here to the point that most liberal goobs believe I am a "Trumpidian" or whatever they're calling Trump supporters these days... I don't mind defending him but if he is going to attack MY guy, Ted Cruz, I can't defend that and I won't. He's kind of pissing in my Cheerios with that kind of talk. just like talking about raising taxes on Wall Street. We don't need to raise taxes on anything... we need to eliminate the loopholes that hedge fund managers use to avoid paying taxes... that's a different animal. Maybe that's what he meant but he needs to be careful in how he puts things. Just like "immigration problem" ...we don't have an immigration problem... we have an ILLEGAL immigration problem.
the repubs don't need the birther issue as a distraction, period. Trump was right over the weekend, cruz needs to get that settled.

And the immigration was the muslims. but I agree with the illegals as well. And the idea of a wall.
Trump is channeling the anger of no more than 30% of the country.

He will not be nominated, much less be in the general election.
yeah go with that, because you have a crystal ball right? LOL the libturd stupid raised again.
the repubs don't need the birther issue as a distraction, period. Trump was right over the weekend, cruz needs to get that settled.

And the immigration was the muslims. but I agree with the illegals as well. And the idea of a wall.

Again, there is nothing for Cruz to settle. His mother is, and always has been, an American citizen. He is a natural born American citizen as a result. As was Obama, as was McCain, as was Romney, as was Goldwater, as was VanBuren. SCOTUS has NEVER rendered a candidate ineligible due to the "natural born citizen" clause and this is certainly NOT what the founding fathers intended the clause to be about.

And NO... I will not go along with "immigration is a problem" because of Muslims. We have a national security issue at a time of war. It just so happens that this war is with a religious entity instead of a country. Our problem is NOT immigration, it is guest visas for radical jihadists. We can't take that chance. We've never taken that chance with any other enemy we've been at war with over the years, it just so happens this one has a religious component the others lacked.
I don't support Trump and never have, but I will defend him and any other candidate when people falsely accuse him. I have enough reasons not to support him, but lying about him or any other candidate is simply off limits. I will point out the lies and fabrications whenever possible.

When Obama is wrong (which is most of the time) I call him on it. On the very, very few times he is right, I will defend him also. Fortunately, that does not hapen often.

I respect your defending someone who is falsely accused.

but what has trump been falsely accused of? my OPINION (and it is admittedly that) is that trump is a bigot and a bully and a misogynist. but I think he does it mostly to make the more rabid among the base get excited. your opinion may be that he's none of those things. but it doesn't mean I've falsely accused him of anything.

I never said he wasn't, but you have made claims that are false, and you know what they are.

I have never made false claims. if I made a statement it is because I believe it to be true.

Believing something to be true and then having it not be true is simply ignorance on your part.

Don't make claims unless you are certain that it is true.

I haven't been shown that anything I've said is untrue.
realclearpolitics.com shows Clinton beating Trump in Iowa, with Cruz and Rubio beating her. Trump is weakening.

Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 48, Trump 40 Clinton +8
Iowa: Cruz vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Cruz 47, Clinton 43 Cruz +4
Iowa: Rubio vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Rubio 47, Clinton 42 Rubio +5
This makes no sense. Republicans and Democrats don't compete against each other in Iowa until the general. And they have a pitiful number of electoral votes.

I'm sure it's a landslide for Republicans in Utah and a landslide for Democrats in Massachusetts. We already know this.
also, her hard drive was not wiped clean....everything, including her private emails that she did not forward to the gvt archives due to gvt regulations, are there....

You should inform the FBI of this because they are going to a lot of trouble to recover information from a wiped hard drive. And no... everything is NOT there.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when the FBI concludes she hasn't broken the law. Mostly because that's when you wingnuts will start claiming that the FBI/Comey are dishonest and covering for her, when last month wingnuts were praising Comey as the only honest guy in government for saying that the San Bernadino attack was terrorism, and the FALSE wingnut talking point that Comey said we can't vet Syrian refugees.
also, her hard drive was not wiped clean....everything, including her private emails that she did not forward to the gvt archives due to gvt regulations, are there....

You should inform the FBI of this because they are going to a lot of trouble to recover information from a wiped hard drive. And no... everything is NOT there.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when the FBI concludes she hasn't broken the law. Mostly because that's when you wingnuts will start claiming that the FBI/Comey are dishonest and covering for her, when last month wingnuts were praising Comey as the only honest guy in government for saying that the San Bernadino attack was terrorism, and the FALSE wingnut talking point that Comey said we can't vet Syrian refugees.

Keep on laughing, jackass!
FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track | Fox News

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News.

This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server.

"The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source said.

The development follows press reports over the past year about the potential overlap of State Department and Clinton Foundation work, and questions over whether donors benefited from their contacts inside the administration.

This bitch is up to her eyeballs in corruption and it's all about to come tumbling out of the closet in time for her coronation as Queen of the Democraps!
People are tired of our unaccountable political class. It's going to get ugly in 2017 when things are still the same.
Nah. Things are getting better. Feels like the 90s again.

Why are you struggling that bad?

The people struggling the most don't even vote in midterms. Trust me they ain't gonna do shit
Trump is only popular because he is an outsider who says what the American people are thinking. Market will crash again within the next year, terrorism will continue to skyrocket, and DC will be passing a bill on football helmet designs.
Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

For America's sake I hope he does NOT represent what we think.
No, Trump does not speak for the common man.
He does speak for the common working American man.
As billionaires often do....
Have you ever actually read one of Trump's speech? They are not really speeches. They are a collection incomplete sentences and ideas.

They are stupid, we are smart, let’s be great again as he brags about his numbers, his success, lounging against the lectern, scowling, hands outstretched in his trademark "What gives?" gesture. As he himself would say, “Unbelievable!”
You still dont get it.

Trump is communicating, not like a policy wonk dishing out wonk word salads to voters to choke on. No, he is taking an advertisers approach, using short sound bites packed full of emotional hot button phrases and topics that his target audience responds to.

He could not care less if the NYT, Charles Krauthammer, George Will or any other wonks love his speeches or not; they are not composed for those egg heads, but for average people in a manner that is proven to be successful.

This denialism in regard to Trump is just amazing. It's as if Trump had managed to build a fusion power plant and is letting everyone hook up to it if they want, but you libtards are wandering around muttering 'But his speeches suck!'

For some voters, short sound bites might be enough. However, I think most people won't a lot more.

For example, consider his plan to deal with illegal immigrants in the US. How exactly does he plan to toss 11 million people out of the country? Is he not aware that everyone of those people is entitled to their day in court, that it would be impossible to round up 11 million people without the full support of local law enforcement, which he won't have, and that most American don't support mass deportation? When asked how he plans to do this, what does Trump say? It's a secret. Trust me, it's going to be fast and easy. He apparently thinks that most voters are just plain dumb.

I suspect that he has no vision of how he might go about doing anything he has promised. That's why he has not published his position on terrorism, denying Muslims entrance to the US, Syrian refugees, the deficit, budgets, social programs, education, healthcare, Social Security and dozen of other issues that Americans are interested in.

Twitter was made for this man. More than 140 characters and his mind wanders. Short sentences are his medium. People are tired of stupidity. Foreigners are pouring across the border. We’ll build a wall. It’ll be beautiful. ISIL was created by Hillary Clinton. Let’s take over Saudi Arabia. You’ve got to be strong. And smart. China is robbing us blind. The press is unfair. Whenever, he's asked questions about his statements, he diverts the media by making even more shocking statements. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested sending all blacks back to Africa since, according to Trump 90% of all white homicides are committed by blacks.
People are tired of our unaccountable political class. It's going to get ugly in 2017 when things are still the same.
Nah. Things are getting better. Feels like the 90s again.

Why are you struggling that bad?

The people struggling the most don't even vote in midterms. Trust me they ain't gonna do shit
Trump is only popular because he is an outsider who says what the American people are thinking. Market will crash again within the next year, terrorism will continue to skyrocket, and DC will be passing a bill on football helmet designs.
Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

For America's sake I hope he does NOT represent what we think.
No, Trump does not speak for the common man.
He does speak for the common working American man.
Then America is in far more trouble than even Trump realizes.

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