I'm starting to sour on Trump

I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.

wow. I agree. who'd a thunk it?
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
^ that
Yeah, I'm sure Trump will miss your votes....NOT!

This is going to be a bigger landslide win for Trump than Reagan in 84.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
Werll, I dont know about Manson, but I get the drift.

I actually think that Sanders would be more of a challenge for Trump as he is the only certified outsider the Dhimmicrats can put up and that pulls a lot of Trumps support from the Dhimmicrats.

Sanders is also a good foil against Trumps style; arrogant but highly successful businessman/winner vrs sincere kindly college professor trying to give the public solid advice and guidance.....not a good match up for Trump.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.

You're talking about running Charles Mansion? Dude, you're a freak of nature.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
He's as popular as Michele bachman was

well, Michele Bachmann had her moment in the sun, but:

On this date (july 14) four long years ago, Michele Bachman was beginning her ascent in the polls. She peaked at 14 percent on July 19, 2011, according to the RealClearPolitics average (which I’ll use throughout), good enough for second, though well behind the clear front-runner, Mitt Romney, who was polling in the 20s.

Read more at: Reminder: Four Years Ago Michele Bachmann Was Getting the Same Share of the Polls Donald Trump Is Now, by Mark Antonio Wright, National Review

none of the previous GOP "frontrunners" have sustained this type of lead for this long. I attribute that largely to trump's celebrity status and the unending parade of free air time the so-called liberal media has given him. every time he slacks, he says something bzarre and is back in the news and the vile "base" laps it up.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
Werll, I dont know about Manson, but I get the drift.

I actually think that Sanders would be more of a challenge for Trump as he is the only certified outsider the Dhimmicrats can put up and that pulls a lot of Trumps support from the Dhimmicrats.

Sanders is also a good foil against Trumps style; arrogant but highly successful businessman/winner vrs sincere kindly college professor trying to give the public solid advice and guidance.....not a good match up for Trump.

so everyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon is a "dhimmi".

you should probably get out more. :cuckoo:
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.

You're talking about running Charles Mansion? Dude, you're a freak of nature.
No I was not asshole! I was exaggerating to make a point.
Back to reality.
The American voter doesn't want to continue to flirt with Socialism. They have seen Obama's attempt to turn America into a Socialist country like in Europe. Everyone has witnessed what a disaster that experiment has been in those counties.
What Sander's wants to do looks good on paper to young people who have yet to get a decent job. The irony is if Sander's was elected the odds of these young people ever getting a decent job will be nil.
If everyone would be able to go to free university then what would the scholastic requirements be? My friends kid has an IQ of 80 but he must be allowed to attend university just like everyone else. What courses would the professors design so my friend's kid could pass them? Then what's the kid going to do for a job? Manage an fucking high tech. company? You LIBs need to do a bit more thinking.
Americans want back their country. The country based on good old fashioned capitalism which made America the greatest most powerful country in world history. They are fed up with the constant stream of 'PC' bullshit! They want to keep their guns and their religion. It's their natural born right to do so.
Those who don't want to live in that America are more than free to move to fucking Greece.
Cruz will most likely win the GOP Nomination as I am confident that Sanders will steal the Democratic Nomination from Hillary Clinton.

As for Trump, well I have never been a believer in Trump. I have my words on here and many of his supporters telling me how I am incorrect but at the end of the day I still believe Trump was running to mock the GOP and is a shill for Hillary Clinton.

Never will believe in Trump and if he is the Presidential Candidate for the GOP then I will be voting for Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket...
"This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him."

Which is strange given the fact that both haven't 'hurled' anything but facts and the truth, Trump's own words, his own ignorance, hate, and bigotry.

Still haven't seen much from Drumpf on the issues. He just trumpets about how great, amazing, tremendous he is. He's just a blowhard and an embarrassment. If he were elected, he would be on camera with this empty, chest beating crap every single day. He would alienate every world leader, every country. He's got a pretty good start on that already. He and almost all of the Repub clowns would have us in several wars by Day Two.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths? Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
I don't support Trump and never have, but I will defend him and any other candidate when people falsely accuse him. I have enough reasons not to support him, but lying about him or any other candidate is simply off limits. I will point out the lies and fabrications whenever possible.

When Obama is wrong (which is most of the time) I call him on it. On the very, very few times he is right, I will defend him also. Fortunately, that does not hapen often.

I respect your defending someone who is falsely accused.

but what has trump been falsely accused of? my OPINION (and it is admittedly that) is that trump is a bigot and a bully and a misogynist. but I think he does it mostly to make the more rabid among the base get excited. your opinion may be that he's none of those things. but it doesn't mean I've falsely accused him of anything.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths? Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

yes. he's been successful with his daddy's money.

he's also bankrupted four corporations and left investors in failed real estate deals wiped out financially.

so I guess he's a great businessman if you don't mind being cheated occasionally.

and even if he were fully successful, that isn't the measure of what being president is or should be.

funny how the white male working class always thinks wealth (even if it's only what was done with inherited wealth) makes people somehow smarter or better.

I feel sorry for you.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
Werll, I dont know about Manson, but I get the drift.

I actually think that Sanders would be more of a challenge for Trump as he is the only certified outsider the Dhimmicrats can put up and that pulls a lot of Trumps support from the Dhimmicrats.

Sanders is also a good foil against Trumps style; arrogant but highly successful businessman/winner vrs sincere kindly college professor trying to give the public solid advice and guidance.....not a good match up for Trump.

Good point, but really Rump's worst enemy is Rump. Always has been.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths? Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

yes. he's been successful with his daddy's money.

he's also bankrupted four corporations and left investors in failed real estate deals wiped out financially.

so I guess he's a great businessman if you don't mind being cheated occasionally.

and even if he were fully successful, that isn't the measure of what being president is or should be.

funny how the white male working class always thinks wealth (even if it's only what was done with inherited wealth) makes people somehow smarter or better.

I feel sorry for you.
I just read your first line and had to post.

So why are you so against someone who received money from a parent? Are you really that low?
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths? Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

yes. he's been successful with his daddy's money.

he's also bankrupted four corporations and left investors in failed real estate deals wiped out financially.

so I guess he's a great businessman if you don't mind being cheated occasionally.

and even if he were fully successful, that isn't the measure of what being president is or should be.

funny how the white male working class always thinks wealth (even if it's only what was done with inherited wealth) makes people somehow smarter or better.

I feel sorry for you.
I love it, you got nothing for argument sake. he already explained the bankruptcies. It's allowed and he took advantage of what was allowed in the current system. And your post is exactly what I thought it would be, jealous of success.

And again with the inherited wealth, like that is a bad thing and against the law and outrageous and shouldn't be allowed I guess by your post.

You are one funny fk to say the least though. You got absolutely nothing to debate with but conjecture and hate. way to go left libturd!!!!!
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
Not listening but you sure are reading right pal?
You're so fucking dumb you really believe the DNC would EVER allow Sanders to get the nomination.
That's right. The DNC want an avowed Socialist/Communist to go up against Trump.
The REPs could run fucking Charlie Manson against Sanders and win!
You really need to lay off the dope.
Werll, I dont know about Manson, but I get the drift.

I actually think that Sanders would be more of a challenge for Trump as he is the only certified outsider the Dhimmicrats can put up and that pulls a lot of Trumps support from the Dhimmicrats.

Sanders is also a good foil against Trumps style; arrogant but highly successful businessman/winner vrs sincere kindly college professor trying to give the public solid advice and guidance.....not a good match up for Trump.

Good point, but really Rump's worst enemy is Rump. Always has been.
and why he's leading.
so Boss, name one thing he has brought up for discussion a lie? Ted Cruz was born out of the country, If it was a big deal for Obama, why is it not a big deal here? why is it people are afraid to discuss truths? Does he have the smarts to bring private jobs back to this country? I believe he's the only one running. Did I say he's the only one running to even discuss it.

Immigration, again, the only one that wants to do the correct thing. May not be the most popular, but the correct thing.

He has very many foreign ties, why would he not be able to handle foreign policy.

He has been very successful in his business, got a TV show on how to actually bring resources in to get something done and done correctly? So bringing in resources and having those resources be successful, again, the only one outside a governor lik Jeb, Christy and Kasich.

Balances budgets, outside the governors,

And owes no one any loyalties, biggest one for me. Is not owned by a political party or lobbyist.

Great personality, and doesn't take any shit from anyone.

Now if you believe he will renig, then he isn't for you, I see no history of him wavering though. He has become more educated in the political system though, and that I expect will perhaps cause some adjustments. but not waver from a fundamental position.

Not sure I understand your concerns.

yes. he's been successful with his daddy's money.

he's also bankrupted four corporations and left investors in failed real estate deals wiped out financially.

so I guess he's a great businessman if you don't mind being cheated occasionally.

and even if he were fully successful, that isn't the measure of what being president is or should be.

funny how the white male working class always thinks wealth (even if it's only what was done with inherited wealth) makes people somehow smarter or better.

I feel sorry for you.
I just read your first line and had to post.

So why are you so against someone who received money from a parent? Are you really that low?

i'm absolutely NOT against him receiving money from his dad. being a beneficiary of family wealth is a great thing. i'm AGAINST you thinking that he somehow accomplished things on his own or that he's somehow better than others even with his business failures.

my feeling.... if your dad leaves you over a hundred of million best to you if you make it grow. but when you start on third base, you shouldn't be treated like you hit a home run.

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