I'm starting to sour on Trump

All three of his children are Executive VPs and Ivanka is in charge of acquisitions and holdings. She would probably take over the role of CEO. I'm sure they are already picking up the slack while he is campaigning. I don't think he HAS to fly back to NYC every day... he does so because he wants to. It's obviously not interfering with his campaign as he is leading in every national poll.

You should be far more concerned with how Hillary is going to carry out the duties of president from her federal prison cell.... shouldn't you???
NOPE! Not worried at all 'bout that, most ALL of the hype have been proven to be lies, twists, turns and spins.... but hey! It's an election cycle!

Well the FBI isn't lying when they say they have an email of her instructing a federal employee to commit a felony. I know the left will ultimately try to spin all her woes into a yarn of "vast right-wing conspiracy" but the Justice Department and FBI can't sweep this under the rug for her. They've now got over 1,200 emails she denied ever sending and lied to Congress about, and that's not counting the emails they continue to recover from her wiped hard drive. State Department officials are now using the term "critical mass" to define the hot water she is in.... this isn't going away.
No Boss, the FBI has never said that they have an email where she asked an aide to commit a felony....

sheesh, you guys are something else with your exaggerations, spinning and twisting.

the copy of the email being passed around came from a Freedom of Information Act release of her emails, I believe to the Judicial Watch group.

And all of the speculations and twistings and turnings and fabrications of alleged crimes began in the Right Wing Media echo chamber, NOT the FBI.....

The FBI has said NOTHING on this email on the talking Points memo that she needed. And no where in the email did she ask her aid to delete confidential markings as the media has in all of their Headings of their articles.

In addition to this, do you believe the FBI would let that email be delivered to the Public if they were building a criminal case around it?

NO, of course not. to steal from Shoot Speeder, THINK.

C4A, and it's not even a right wing website!

Clinton defends telling aide to send data through 'nonsecure ...
The Hill
11 hours ago - In the email marked June 17, 2011, Clinton told aide Jake Sullivan that ... guy under the bus, but she INSTRUCTED his to COMMIT A FELONY!
Yes, the regular media did pick it up after the right wing echo chamber commotion, and as said in The Hill article, it is nothing to worry about, nothing was transmitted, and she did not ask him to delete confidential markings as being touted by the right wing rags, plus, if there was anything confidential in these talking points, then Sullivan would not have sent that particular part, he knows his job.

You all are just throwing mud against the wall again.

And as I said, if the FBI was going after her for a felony for this memo, then they would NOT have released it to the Public, they would have held it back, to build their criminal case against her.

NONE of that has happened and once again the right wingers stirring up this crapola, are WRONG.

First of all, you are full of democrat shit. It wasn't "confidential" markings she instructed him to delete, it was "classified" markings. She instructed him to delete them and send them "non-paper" through email because the fax system would not transmit them because uhm.. they were classified. We don't know whether he actually sent them or not because that would be on the wiped hard drive they are currently recovering. However, Sullivan is assisting the FBI in their investigation. What we know that she did was a felony. In addition, she lied to Congress about it... another felony. So far, there are about 1,200 such emails, so that is 1,200 felony counts.

This is not right wingers stirring up something, this is the FBI. And you are absolutely right... we have no idea the amount of stuff they have on her from her wiped hard drive. Now, maybe... all they find on the wiped hard drive is cookie recipes? Even Bob Woodward is having a hard time believing that.

Sometime in the near future, Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI and if she lies to them, that's more felonies. She is in this up to her ears and it's not going away, nor are you sycophants going to be able to brush it off as right-wing bullshit.
NOPE! Not worried at all 'bout that, most ALL of the hype have been proven to be lies, twists, turns and spins.... but hey! It's an election cycle!

Well the FBI isn't lying when they say they have an email of her instructing a federal employee to commit a felony. I know the left will ultimately try to spin all her woes into a yarn of "vast right-wing conspiracy" but the Justice Department and FBI can't sweep this under the rug for her. They've now got over 1,200 emails she denied ever sending and lied to Congress about, and that's not counting the emails they continue to recover from her wiped hard drive. State Department officials are now using the term "critical mass" to define the hot water she is in.... this isn't going away.
No Boss, the FBI has never said that they have an email where she asked an aide to commit a felony....

sheesh, you guys are something else with your exaggerations, spinning and twisting.

the copy of the email being passed around came from a Freedom of Information Act release of her emails, I believe to the Judicial Watch group.

And all of the speculations and twistings and turnings and fabrications of alleged crimes began in the Right Wing Media echo chamber, NOT the FBI.....

The FBI has said NOTHING on this email on the talking Points memo that she needed. And no where in the email did she ask her aid to delete confidential markings as the media has in all of their Headings of their articles.

In addition to this, do you believe the FBI would let that email be delivered to the Public if they were building a criminal case around it?

NO, of course not. to steal from Shoot Speeder, THINK.

C4A, and it's not even a right wing website!

Clinton defends telling aide to send data through 'nonsecure ...
The Hill
11 hours ago - In the email marked June 17, 2011, Clinton told aide Jake Sullivan that ... guy under the bus, but she INSTRUCTED his to COMMIT A FELONY!
Yes, the regular media did pick it up after the right wing echo chamber commotion, and as said in The Hill article, it is nothing to worry about, nothing was transmitted, and she did not ask him to delete confidential markings as being touted by the right wing rags, plus, if there was anything confidential in these talking points, then Sullivan would not have sent that particular part, he knows his job.

You all are just throwing mud against the wall again.

And as I said, if the FBI was going after her for a felony for this memo, then they would NOT have released it to the Public, they would have held it back, to build their criminal case against her.

NONE of that has happened and once again the right wingers stirring up this crapola, are WRONG.

First of all, you are full of democrat shit. It wasn't "confidential" markings she instructed him to delete, it was "classified" markings. She instructed him to delete them and send them "non-paper" through email because the fax system would not transmit them because uhm.. they were classified. We don't know whether he actually sent them or not because that would be on the wiped hard drive they are currently recovering. However, Sullivan is assisting the FBI in their investigation. What we know that she did was a felony. In addition, she lied to Congress about it... another felony. So far, there are about 1,200 such emails, so that is 1,200 felony counts.

This is not right wingers stirring up something, this is the FBI. And you are absolutely right... we have no idea the amount of stuff they have on her from her wiped hard drive. Now, maybe... all they find on the wiped hard drive is cookie recipes? Even Bob Woodward is having a hard time believing that.

Sometime in the near future, Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI and if she lies to them, that's more felonies. She is in this up to her ears and it's not going away, nor are you sycophants going to be able to brush it off as right-wing bullshit.
it is right wing bull crap, no question about it.

she never used the word 'strip'
she never used the word 'classified'
she never used the word 'markings'


regardless, talking points are so the admins can all be on the same page when talking to the PUBLIC

how secret can ''talking'' points be, if they are MEANT to be told to the press and public? you are bent out of shape for....nothing.

WHY would the FBI, AS YOU ERRONEOUSLY CLAIMED, release this email to the public, if they were going to use this in a criminal case against her? THEY WOULD NOT.

oh, and her aid never sent them email..... that came out on a Meet the Press.
Last edited:
If the two choices are hillary vs trump..I'm voting trump. If it's bernie vs trump, I am voting trump.
NOPE! Not worried at all 'bout that, most ALL of the hype have been proven to be lies, twists, turns and spins.... but hey! It's an election cycle!

Well the FBI isn't lying when they say they have an email of her instructing a federal employee to commit a felony. I know the left will ultimately try to spin all her woes into a yarn of "vast right-wing conspiracy" but the Justice Department and FBI can't sweep this under the rug for her. They've now got over 1,200 emails she denied ever sending and lied to Congress about, and that's not counting the emails they continue to recover from her wiped hard drive. State Department officials are now using the term "critical mass" to define the hot water she is in.... this isn't going away.
No Boss, the FBI has never said that they have an email where she asked an aide to commit a felony....

sheesh, you guys are something else with your exaggerations, spinning and twisting.

the copy of the email being passed around came from a Freedom of Information Act release of her emails, I believe to the Judicial Watch group.

And all of the speculations and twistings and turnings and fabrications of alleged crimes began in the Right Wing Media echo chamber, NOT the FBI.....

The FBI has said NOTHING on this email on the talking Points memo that she needed. And no where in the email did she ask her aid to delete confidential markings as the media has in all of their Headings of their articles.

In addition to this, do you believe the FBI would let that email be delivered to the Public if they were building a criminal case around it?

NO, of course not. to steal from Shoot Speeder, THINK.

C4A, and it's not even a right wing website!

Clinton defends telling aide to send data through 'nonsecure ...
The Hill
11 hours ago - In the email marked June 17, 2011, Clinton told aide Jake Sullivan that ... guy under the bus, but she INSTRUCTED his to COMMIT A FELONY!
Yes, the regular media did pick it up after the right wing echo chamber commotion, and as said in The Hill article, it is nothing to worry about, nothing was transmitted, and she did not ask him to delete confidential markings as being touted by the right wing rags, plus, if there was anything confidential in these talking points, then Sullivan would not have sent that particular part, he knows his job.

You all are just throwing mud against the wall again.

And as I said, if the FBI was going after her for a felony for this memo, then they would NOT have released it to the Public, they would have held it back, to build their criminal case against her.

NONE of that has happened and once again the right wingers stirring up this crapola, are WRONG.

First of all, you are full of democrat shit. It wasn't "confidential" markings she instructed him to delete, it was "classified" markings. She instructed him to delete them and send them "non-paper" through email because the fax system would not transmit them because uhm.. they were classified. We don't know whether he actually sent them or not because that would be on the wiped hard drive they are currently recovering. However, Sullivan is assisting the FBI in their investigation. What we know that she did was a felony. In addition, she lied to Congress about it... another felony. So far, there are about 1,200 such emails, so that is 1,200 felony counts.

This is not right wingers stirring up something, this is the FBI. And you are absolutely right... we have no idea the amount of stuff they have on her from her wiped hard drive. Now, maybe... all they find on the wiped hard drive is cookie recipes? Even Bob Woodward is having a hard time believing that.

Sometime in the near future, Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI and if she lies to them, that's more felonies. She is in this up to her ears and it's not going away, nor are you sycophants going to be able to brush it off as right-wing bullshit.
also, her hard drive was not wiped clean....everything, including her private emails that she did not forward to the gvt archives due to gvt regulations, are there....
Yup, we broke the neg rep back of your folks, Vigilante, so very easily, and you are still crying and raging about it. Ratings are the attempt by the cons to have something that means something: it does not. The Trophy Points do. And you are far behind. You will always be far behind.

Trophy points are for LONGEVITY on USMB, You came here in 2009, I came here in 2014.... And you still have NO RATINGS even close to mine with FOUR YEARS and SEVEN MONTHS longer time to do something besides TROLLING! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Among other things. You are paid troll to post propganada. I am not. Your ratings mean nothing at all. Your neg rep power was broken, and you folks have been crying ever since.
Well the FBI isn't lying when they say they have an email of her instructing a federal employee to commit a felony. I know the left will ultimately try to spin all her woes into a yarn of "vast right-wing conspiracy" but the Justice Department and FBI can't sweep this under the rug for her. They've now got over 1,200 emails she denied ever sending and lied to Congress about, and that's not counting the emails they continue to recover from her wiped hard drive. State Department officials are now using the term "critical mass" to define the hot water she is in.... this isn't going away.
No Boss, the FBI has never said that they have an email where she asked an aide to commit a felony....

sheesh, you guys are something else with your exaggerations, spinning and twisting.

the copy of the email being passed around came from a Freedom of Information Act release of her emails, I believe to the Judicial Watch group.

And all of the speculations and twistings and turnings and fabrications of alleged crimes began in the Right Wing Media echo chamber, NOT the FBI.....

The FBI has said NOTHING on this email on the talking Points memo that she needed. And no where in the email did she ask her aid to delete confidential markings as the media has in all of their Headings of their articles.

In addition to this, do you believe the FBI would let that email be delivered to the Public if they were building a criminal case around it?

NO, of course not. to steal from Shoot Speeder, THINK.

C4A, and it's not even a right wing website!

Clinton defends telling aide to send data through 'nonsecure ...
The Hill
11 hours ago - In the email marked June 17, 2011, Clinton told aide Jake Sullivan that ... guy under the bus, but she INSTRUCTED his to COMMIT A FELONY!
Yes, the regular media did pick it up after the right wing echo chamber commotion, and as said in The Hill article, it is nothing to worry about, nothing was transmitted, and she did not ask him to delete confidential markings as being touted by the right wing rags, plus, if there was anything confidential in these talking points, then Sullivan would not have sent that particular part, he knows his job.

You all are just throwing mud against the wall again.

And as I said, if the FBI was going after her for a felony for this memo, then they would NOT have released it to the Public, they would have held it back, to build their criminal case against her.

NONE of that has happened and once again the right wingers stirring up this crapola, are WRONG.

First of all, you are full of democrat shit. It wasn't "confidential" markings she instructed him to delete, it was "classified" markings. She instructed him to delete them and send them "non-paper" through email because the fax system would not transmit them because uhm.. they were classified. We don't know whether he actually sent them or not because that would be on the wiped hard drive they are currently recovering. However, Sullivan is assisting the FBI in their investigation. What we know that she did was a felony. In addition, she lied to Congress about it... another felony. So far, there are about 1,200 such emails, so that is 1,200 felony counts.

This is not right wingers stirring up something, this is the FBI. And you are absolutely right... we have no idea the amount of stuff they have on her from her wiped hard drive. Now, maybe... all they find on the wiped hard drive is cookie recipes? Even Bob Woodward is having a hard time believing that.

Sometime in the near future, Hillary will be interviewed by the FBI and if she lies to them, that's more felonies. She is in this up to her ears and it's not going away, nor are you sycophants going to be able to brush it off as right-wing bullshit.
it is right wing bull crap, no question about it.

she never used the word 'strip'
she never used the word 'classified'
she never used the word 'markings'


regardless, talking points are so the admins can all be on the same page when talking to the PUBLIC

how secret can ''talking'' points be, if they are MEANT to be told to the press and public? you are bent out of shape for....nothing.

WHY would the FBI, AS YOU ERRONEOUSLY CLAIMED, release this email to the public, if they were going to use this in a criminal case against her? THEY WOULD NOT.

oh, and her aid never sent them email..... that came out on a Meet the Press.

1.) You don't know what Hillary said to anyone about anything, you weren't there. So stop acting like you were.

2.) It doesn't matter what words she used, the words are not what is a felony.

3.) Doesn't matter if they are talking points or nuclear launch codes... classified is classified and it is a breach of security to email them to or from your personal email server in your bedroom closet. It is also a FELONY.

4.) I did not claim the FBI released anything. But again, this has no bearing on whether or not what Hillary did was a felony.

5.) It doesn't matter if her aid sent or didn't send anything, she instructed him on how to bypass security on classified information. That is a felony.

6.) Meet The Press does not know what the FBI has uncovered on her wiped hard drive. Neither do you. Neither does Hillary.

7.) The FBI is not going to conduct a criminal case against her, that is the Justice Department. The FBI is simply investigating at this point.

8.) No one appears to have LIED except for Hillary Clinton.

9.) Lying to Congress is a FELONY!

10.) You are a HACK!
also, her hard drive was not wiped clean....everything, including her private emails that she did not forward to the gvt archives due to gvt regulations, are there....

You should inform the FBI of this because they are going to a lot of trouble to recover information from a wiped hard drive. And no... everything is NOT there.
This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see.
This has been the mystery since Day One.

I've identified two primary reasons for his attraction so far: Illegal immigration and the fact that he's "anti-Establishment", whatever the hell that might mean.

Outside of that, the guy is the Tasmanian Devil of American politics.

I saw a great comparison the other day: Hillary is a broccoli candidate, Trump is an all-you-can-eat donut truck.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.

... he's kinda like dat TV show Scorpion...

... ya know all he says can't be true...

... but he's fun to watch.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
Trump insults, tries to bully.
Just like Obama.
Actually. Trump's supporters see him as the ANTI-bully. He's the guy you get to confront the bully and pop him in the nose on the playground. We've been bullied by liberal democrats shoving their agenda down our throats, calling us stupid and racist, mocking us over our religious beliefs or where we live. We've been bullied by the Establishment politicians who patronize us and explain how we're too dumb to understand things as they ignore our demands. We've been bullied by courts who continue to thumb their nose at the will of the people and write law from the bench. We've been bullied by the media who lie, twist and distort the truth while propping up their buddies. We're bullied by Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, Radical Islam... the list goes on and on. Trump is the ANTI-bully.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
If anyone thought he was a conservative, they don't have a hope in the world anyways...
He didn't smear cruz, he was asked a question and answered. Him giving him advice for preperation if he wins, sounds like a good play IMO.
I know someone who works for one of Trump's companies. She's an executive in the HR department. She has been in a couple of meeting where Trump attended.
She said he was the first person in the board room and the last to leave. He said hi to everyone and sat down and listened the whole time. Just listened. At the end of the meeting he shook everyone's hand and thanked them for doing an excellent job.
He was very sincere and polite. But everyone in the room could feel the power emanating from him. This is what the leaders of the countries he'll have to deal with will feel.
This is how Trump will function as the President. What we are getting now is what the people want to hear.
Telling it like it is with a New Yorkers attitude.
He NEVER makes a promise he doesn't/can't keep. Even those you hate him because they've lost to him in business admit that.

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