I'm starting to sour on Trump

Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

Trump never mentioned Megan Kelly having her period. That was creative recollection by the libtard media.

I started reading this OP hoping for an intelligent, thoughtful weighing of positions, strengths, weaknesses. Instead, we get blatant hackery:

but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much.

After 7 years of wingnuts questioning Obama's legitimacy, it's now a Left-wing tactic?
The Hildabeast brought it up first........ya no........................In trying to beat Obama............
I believe that's been debunked. But even if it's true, that would have been in the 2008 Democratic Primaries. It hasn't been brought up by a Democrat since.

It's clearly a Right-Wing fixation.
She brought it up trying to win the nomination first.
That's what the Right claims, yet has never produced any evidence.

The wingnuts are the ones who have refused to drop it even when proven wrong.
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
No. I've laid it all out many times and it doesn't seem to matter. I compare you with people who think oj didn't do it.

Well, I am sorry I missed it! It must have been a real hoot!
Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

Trump never mentioned Megan Kelly having her period. That was creative recollection by the libtard media.

Bullshit. I heard exactly what Trump said and his meaning was clear. Moreover, he's been a lifelong misogynist who loves women until they have a mind of their own. His treatment of Carrie Prejean is a perfect example of how he punished women who won't be objectified and won't subjugate themselves. What he said to Kelly is exactly what men like him do, talking about women in the most crass, undignified manner. That's the language of He Man Woman Haters everywhere.
He needs to be a man of moral backbone.
He has already failed that miserably.


How many of those involved sexual assaults or sexual harassment?
The old bitch grandpa brought up moral backbone. Trump has none.
Marriage has very little to do with morality. Perverts & liberals have destroyed what the sanctity of marriage used to mean.
Like "til death do us part"?

Reagan is the only president who has been divorced.

What other bullshit have you got?
I just want the mandate gone as i'll worry about my own insurance . As far as single payer , I don't care . We always had single payer if a indigent unisured person had no insurance Eagle !!
You just want to mooch off the taxpayers instead of pulling your own weight. Typical conservative.
---------------------------- I'll have my own insurance or pay for service the way I have always done Synth .
Then what's your problem?

The fact that the state mandates that I buy auto insurance is totally irrelevant since I would buy it regardless.

Only the people looking to game the system, or mooch, would be upset about a mandate.
----------------------------------- silly reply Synth , I don't have to buy car insurance as I can just walk , take the bus or ride a bike . Anyway , the mandate for me to buy YOU your insurance is my problem , its un-American Synth !!
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
Thank you for admitting it wasn't Hillary who started it, since PACs cannot coordinate with the candidate.

And SCOTUS has already overturned the votes of the American people once.
Bullshit. I heard exactly what Trump said and his meaning was clear.

The state what he said exactly and lets take a look, why not?

Moreover, he's been a lifelong misogynist who loves women until they have a mind of their own.

Bah, according to who? The feminazi leftards? I dont care what they try to think. Show me where he has done something damaging to a specific woman that would hold up under legal scrutiny. Otherwise it is bullshit.

His treatment of Carrie Prejean is a perfect example of how he punished women who won't be objectified and won't subjugate themselves.

Why is it?

What he said to Kelly is exactly what men like him do, talking about women in the most crass, undignified manner.

Oh, so now YOU stereotype men? roflmao

So for how long have you been a man hating feminazi?

That's the language of He Man Woman Haters everywhere.

Sure it is, and you are just crushed that some male might say such a thing; the bastards!


I am so sick to GAWD of ideological hacks trying to tear down BETTER people with bullshit accusation that they do not support and exaggerate beyond any remote resemblance to reality.
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
Is your Google broken?

Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
I don't think it was Pres. Bush.... if memory serves, it was Corsi, or something like that? The guy who also smeared John Kerry, swift boat author...
It was Rove.
It's like you're running don tickles or Andrew dice clay
People are tired of our unaccountable political class. It's going to get ugly in 2017 when things are still the same.
Nah. Things are getting better. Feels like the 90s again.

Why are you struggling that bad?

The people struggling the most don't even vote in midterms. Trust me they ain't gonna do shit
Trump is only popular because he is an outsider who says what the American people are thinking. Market will crash again within the next year, terrorism will continue to skyrocket, and DC will be passing a bill on football helmet designs.
Really? When he said Megan Kelly was having her period was that what everyone was thinking? Because I wasn't thinking anything remotely like that. Does he speak for the common man when he said that and many other things that reveal his contempt for women?

For America's sake I hope he does NOT represent what we think.
He was lashing out at MSM.
I already stated he was not Presidential material.
Does America want a president who lashes out? Says the first crude thing that pops into his head?

Bullshit. I heard exactly what Trump said and his meaning was clear.

The state what he said exactly and lets take a look, why not?

Moreover, he's been a lifelong misogynist who loves women until they have a mind of their own.

Bah, according to who? The feminazi leftards? I dont care what they try to think. Show me where he has done something damaging to a specific woman that would hold up under legal scrutiny. Otherwise it is bullshit.

His treatment of Carrie Prejean is a perfect example of how he punished women who won't be objectified and won't subjugate themselves.

Why is it?

What he said to Kelly is exactly what men like him do, talking about women in the most crass, undignified manner.

Oh, so now YOU stereotype men? roflmao

So for how long have you been a man hating feminazi?

That's the language of He Man Woman Haters everywhere.

Sure it is, and you are just crushed that some male might say such a thing; the bastards!


I am so sick to GAWD of ideological hacks trying to tear down BETTER people with bullshit accusation that they do not support and exaggerate beyond any remote resemblance to reality.
"Blood coming out of her......wherever." You have to be deliberately obtuse to ignore his clear meaning.

And I didn't stereotype men, I said men like him. So stop lying.

And loving women and wanting them to be treated with dignity by gentlemen does not make me a "feminazi". It makes me a husband and a father of a daughter and a decent human being.

I'm beginning to cultivate the idea that you Branch Trumpidians are infatuated with the guy because he reflects the misogyny that already comes so naturally to you.
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
Is your Google broken?

Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Apparently your reading skills are broken. That article refers to two people, neither of which is George W. Bush.
"Blood coming out of her......wherever." You have to be deliberately obtuse to ignore his clear meaning.

No, it is not clear. Trump is in the habit of leaving off sentences and going to the next thought, sort of interrupting himself.

There is not one single reason to believe he meant that Kelly was having her period.

And so what if he was? That is proof that a man is a woman hater?

You are being absurd!

Whose campaign are you working for? Cruz? Bush?

Your irrational presumption of what Trump meant is telling on you.
Wasn't it the GOP who questioned Obama's citizenship?

Oh yea we did it to McCain because he wasn't born in America either.

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
Is your Google broken?

Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Apparently your reading skills are broken. That article refers to two people, neither of which is George W. Bush.
Where did I claim Bush personally did it? That's right - nowhere. It was his campaign, run by Rove.

Here's some more:

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's fathering of a black child out of wedlock. McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Senator John McCain Talks About the Challenges of Fatherhood, from DadMag.com

Now, if you want to deny that radio hosts were called, then I can't help you. I only deal in reality.
He needs to be a man of moral backbone.
He has already failed that miserably.


How many of those involved sexual assaults or sexual harassment?
The old bitch grandpa brought up moral backbone. Trump has none.
Marriage has very little to do with morality. Perverts & liberals have destroyed what the sanctity of marriage used to mean.
Like "til death do us part"?

Reagan is the only president who has been divorced.

What other bullshit have you got?
No, like government sanctioned shit on a stick...

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