I'm starting to sour on Trump

No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
Is your Google broken?

Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Apparently your reading skills are broken. That article refers to two people, neither of which is George W. Bush.
Where did I claim Bush personally did it? That's right - nowhere. It was his campaign, run by Rove.

Here's some more:

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's fathering of a black child out of wedlock. McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Senator John McCain Talks About the Challenges of Fatherhood, from DadMag.com

Now, if you want to deny that radio hosts were called, then I can't help you. I only deal in reality.
No, it was actually one of Hillary's PACs who started the whole "Birther movement" during the 2008 primaries. Republicans did question the lack of any access to records on Obama and they had every reason to. Yep, you tried it with McCain, it's been tried with other candidates through the years and it never amounts to anything because the SCOTUS is never going to overturn the votes of the American people. It hasn't ever happened and it won't happen with Cruz.
When I told 2 Republicans at work Cruz was born in Canada they said

A. They didn't know that
B. They wouldn't vote for him.

They also admitted Romney being a Mormon bothered them.

Oh, and it was Gw bush who told north or south carolina that McCain fathered his black adopted daughter with a mistress. So when Cruz cries about his monkey daughters, tell him to ask bush what it takes to win the GOP nominee. You have to sell your soul. Lie cheat and steal. Otherwise you haven't won since hw bush rode Reagan's coattails into 1 term.

I have yet to see anyone come even close to proving that this happened. Want to give it a shot?
Is your Google broken?

Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Apparently your reading skills are broken. That article refers to two people, neither of which is George W. Bush.
Where did I claim Bush personally did it? That's right - nowhere. It was his campaign, run by Rove.

Here's some more:

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's fathering of a black child out of wedlock. McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Senator John McCain Talks About the Challenges of Fatherhood, from DadMag.com

Now, if you want to deny that radio hosts were called, then I can't help you. I only deal in reality.

My apologies! It was another dim bulb who claimed it was GWB.
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I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.
saintmike, thank you for that insightful commentary. That makes a lot of sense.

dannyboys, your opinion about Trump is your opinion, only.

The commentary is anecdotal, meaning it is restricted to how you interpret it.

So what.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.
'Branch Bonobos' keep coming to mind.
This is what you get when the 'OJ jury' elects the First Affirmative Action President.
At least he won't steal the fucking White house sterling silver flatware and furniture when he moves into his apartment above Boystown'.
I don't support Trump and never have, but I will defend him and any other candidate when people falsely accuse him. I have enough reasons not to support him, but lying about him or any other candidate is simply off limits. I will point out the lies and fabrications whenever possible.

When Obama is wrong (which is most of the time) I call him on it. On the very, very few times he is right, I will defend him also. Fortunately, that does not hapen often.
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.

Oh horse shit.

Trump is a hugely successful businessman who made his billions in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world, then made himself a successful author and then made himself a hugely successful reality TV star.

And the best you neocons can do is blow shit out of your ass about Trump being the leaders of some kind of cult?

You are losing your mind, dude.
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.

Oh horse shit.

Trump is a hugely successful businessman who made his billions in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world, then made himself a successful author and then made himself a hugely successful reality TV star.

And the best you neocons can do is blow shit out of your ass about Trump being the leaders of some kind of cult?

You are losing your mind, dude.
EXACTLY what I'm talking about and right on schedule!
After seeing the phenomenon of Ron Paul and his nutbag followers, I now realize that among conservatives is a cancerous growth of lunatic pseudo right wingers who flock to the nuttiest candidate and form a cult of irrational zealots who fiercely plug for his singular brand. No other GOP candidate gets this kind of unqualified, irrational, singular loyalty. Branch Paulinians have been replaced by Branch Trumpidians and you can't reason with these people because, like Ron Paul, Donald Trump is more than a man to them, sacrosanct, infallible, a cause to be defended unto death.

Oh horse shit.

Trump is a hugely successful businessman who made his billions in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world, then made himself a successful author and then made himself a hugely successful reality TV star.

And the best you neocons can do is blow shit out of your ass about Trump being the leaders of some kind of cult?

You are losing your mind, dude.
EXACTLY what I'm talking about and right on schedule!

So the fact that someone continues to disagree with you proves that Trup is leading a cult?

Trump is a hugely successful businessman who made his billions in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world, then made himself a successful author and then made himself a hugely successful reality TV star. He is not the loon here, obviously.

You ideologues are the loons if you are saying that Rump is nuts; not him. He has the accomplishments that prove his veracity and integrity.

All you have is unwarranted assertion and emoticons.
Anyone here currently unemployed??????
That many eh!
So who would you rather to have as President? A fantastically successful businessman who has created tens of thousands of jobs? Who has for decades ate every other developer's lunch around the world? Or a Liberal grifter who will basically give Obama a third term bragging about all the fucking 'McJobs' they have single handedly created out of thin air?
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
He's as popular as Michele bachman was
Ron Paul had huge crowds turn out for him yet only got 1% of the vote. That's Trump
Paul's supporters are now like Sander's supporters. Like Paul, when Hillary gets handed the nomination in spite of being indicted by the FBI Sander's supporters will do what Paul's supporters did: Say FUCK IT!!! and stay home.
Every REP candidate who leaves the race will tell what supporters they have "even if some of you have to hold your noses you MUST not tell the Clintons back in the Whitehouse!".99% will then turn out and vote for Trump.
It's going to be a historic landslide victory for Trump and the GOP.
And the LIBs are already in tears.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

Your rant is noted. And nobody, including me is listening.

Go Bernie sanders.
^ that
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.

he doesn't "stomp" on anyone ....

but whatever makes you feel better.
No, he doesn't stomp on the Leftard media.

He puts them in a food blender and makes margaritas with them.

But that's about his best advantage.

he insults... he tries to bully.

it is ineffective with regard to any rational person and only impresses other winger bullies who say things like "libtard media" because they fact check his lies and call him on being a bully.
Trump insults, tries to bully.
Just like Obama.

only in your imagination you can agree with the president; disagree with the president. he's never rude and he's never a bully -- your Obama derangement syndrome notwithstanding.
I wouldn't vote trump for any level of public office
So fucking don't! Who cares? No one here asshole!
President Trump will be one of the best Presidents in US history.
The problem LIBs have with him is they can't abide someone who is successful. Successful people makes it hard for losers to see themselves in the mirror.

no. the problem LIBERALS have with the Donald is that he's a bully, a bigot and a misogynist. you should probably seek treatment for the voices in your head.

and wipe up the spittle from your keyboard.

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