I'm starting to sour on Trump

Can we just focus on this statement?
It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship.

Because it's the left who has been bringing up Citizenship he says! This is probably the silliest thing evar!

Yes, it's the left that is making hay about citizenship...while Trump makes hay of Cruz's citizenship! While the left makes hay about Obama's citizenship! YES!

IT'S THE LEFT!! :boohoo:
OP says I'm not worried about Trump's over the top rhetoric because someone will stop him. Right? :confused-84:

Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
Who the hell said I support Trump,...........which part of I don't trust him don't you get..........

What I get about you is your are Fake and everyone knows it...........So man up and claim the party you belong to.

Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
Who the hell said I support Trump,...........which part of I don't trust him don't you get..........
What I get about you is your are Fake and everyone knows it...........So man up and claim the party you belong to.

Man up and admit that you don't what you are doing or thinking. I am Republican, proud of it, and I will piss on the far right that threaten the party at every opportunity. Eagle, you are grounded.
Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
Who the hell said I support Trump,...........which part of I don't trust him don't you get..........
What I get about you is your are Fake and everyone knows it...........So man up and claim the party you belong to.

Man up and admit that you don't what you are doing or thinking. I am Republican, proud of it, and I will piss on the far right that threaten the party at every opportunity. Eagle, you are grounded.

Eat your Hay and stay in the pen.
Trump will not make the changes you want, far right reactionaries.
Your far right and how you are da man show is getting old............Put on your donkey suit and stop pretending to be GOP.
I clipped your feathers long age, eagle, and you are grounded, forever. You far right fucks (and I say it with a smile) will be betrayed by Trump. Either he is shilling for Hillary, or he is playing it for himself,, and you can count on he is so going to screw you over unlike Obama ever though he could. Trump is a liberal: he will not downsize government, he will raise taxes on the rich, and he will not accommodate on LGBT marriage, or religious far right belief; even worse, he will turn ACA into single payer. You folks are as stupid as Vigilante. Amazeeeeing!:disbelief:
Who the hell said I support Trump,...........which part of I don't trust him don't you get..........
What I get about you is your are Fake and everyone knows it...........So man up and claim the party you belong to.

Man up and admit that you don't what you are doing or thinking. I am Republican, proud of it, and I will piss on the far right that threaten the party at every opportunity. Eagle, you are grounded.

Eat your Hay and stay in the pen.
I enjoy watching you fluttering and squawking in your cage, birdbrain.

And do take Ned's advice.

Have you ever actually read one of Trump's speech? They are not really speeches. They are a collection incomplete sentences and ideas.

They are stupid, we are smart, let’s be great again as he brags about his numbers, his success, lounging against the lectern, scowling, hands outstretched in his trademark "What gives?" gesture. As he himself would say, “Unbelievable!”
You still dont get it.

Trump is communicating, not like a policy wonk dishing out wonk word salads to voters to choke on. No, he is taking an advertisers approach, using short sound bites packed full of emotional hot button phrases and topics that his target audience responds to.

He could not care less if the NYT, Charles Krauthammer, George Will or any other wonks love his speeches or not; they are not composed for those egg heads, but for average people in a manner that is proven to be successful.

This denialism in regard to Trump is just amazing. It's as if Trump had managed to build a fusion power plant and is letting everyone hook up to it if they want, but you libtards are wandering around muttering 'But his speeches suck!'

For some voters, short sound bites might be enough. However, I think most people won't a lot more.

For example, consider his plan to deal with illegal immigrants in the US. How exactly does he plan to toss 11 million people out of the country? Is he not aware that everyone of those people is entitled to their day in court, that it would be impossible to round up 11 million people without the full support of local law enforcement, which he won't have, and that most American don't support mass deportation? When asked how he plans to do this, what does Trump say? It's a secret. Trust me, it's going to be fast and easy. He apparently thinks that most voters are just plain dumb.

I suspect that he has no vision of how he might go about doing anything he has promised. That's why he has not published his position on terrorism, denying Muslims entrance to the US, Syrian refugees, the deficit, budgets, social programs, education, healthcare, Social Security and dozen of other issues that Americans are interested in.

Twitter was made for this man. More than 140 characters and his mind wanders. Short sentences are his medium. People are tired of stupidity. Foreigners are pouring across the border. We’ll build a wall. It’ll be beautiful. ISIL was created by Hillary Clinton. Let’s take over Saudi Arabia. You’ve got to be strong. And smart. China is robbing us blind. The press is unfair. Whenever, he's asked questions about his statements, he diverts the media by making even more shocking statements. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested sending all blacks back to Africa since, according to Trump 90% of all white homicides are committed by blacks.
It doesn't matter whether or not he knows how he is going to evict the illegals, what matters is that he wants to. He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so. What matters is we can't/shouldn't talk about those illegals already here until we stop the flow of more coming in. You don't bail out the water until you plug the hole.
Have you ever actually read one of Trump's speech? They are not really speeches. They are a collection incomplete sentences and ideas.

They are stupid, we are smart, let’s be great again as he brags about his numbers, his success, lounging against the lectern, scowling, hands outstretched in his trademark "What gives?" gesture. As he himself would say, “Unbelievable!”
You still dont get it.

Trump is communicating, not like a policy wonk dishing out wonk word salads to voters to choke on. No, he is taking an advertisers approach, using short sound bites packed full of emotional hot button phrases and topics that his target audience responds to.

He could not care less if the NYT, Charles Krauthammer, George Will or any other wonks love his speeches or not; they are not composed for those egg heads, but for average people in a manner that is proven to be successful.

This denialism in regard to Trump is just amazing. It's as if Trump had managed to build a fusion power plant and is letting everyone hook up to it if they want, but you libtards are wandering around muttering 'But his speeches suck!'

For some voters, short sound bites might be enough. However, I think most people won't a lot more.

For example, consider his plan to deal with illegal immigrants in the US. How exactly does he plan to toss 11 million people out of the country? Is he not aware that everyone of those people is entitled to their day in court, that it would be impossible to round up 11 million people without the full support of local law enforcement, which he won't have, and that most American don't support mass deportation? When asked how he plans to do this, what does Trump say? It's a secret. Trust me, it's going to be fast and easy. He apparently thinks that most voters are just plain dumb.

I suspect that he has no vision of how he might go about doing anything he has promised. That's why he has not published his position on terrorism, denying Muslims entrance to the US, Syrian refugees, the deficit, budgets, social programs, education, healthcare, Social Security and dozen of other issues that Americans are interested in.

Twitter was made for this man. More than 140 characters and his mind wanders. Short sentences are his medium. People are tired of stupidity. Foreigners are pouring across the border. We’ll build a wall. It’ll be beautiful. ISIL was created by Hillary Clinton. Let’s take over Saudi Arabia. You’ve got to be strong. And smart. China is robbing us blind. The press is unfair. Whenever, he's asked questions about his statements, he diverts the media by making even more shocking statements. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested sending all blacks back to Africa since, according to Trump 90% of all white homicides are committed by blacks.
BTW you want to know the details, buy his book or visit his site.
Donald Trump on the Issues
For some voters, short sound bites might be enough. However, I think most people won't a lot more.

You do realize that the vast majority of voters have IQs under 110, right? These are the kind of people whose eyes glaze over at wordy responses, for whom anything more than two full sentences is tldr.

For example, consider his plan to deal with illegal immigrants in the US. How exactly does he plan to toss 11 million people out of the country? Is he not aware that everyone of those people is entitled to their day in court, that it would be impossible to round up 11 million people without the full support of local law enforcement, which he won't have, and that most American don't support mass deportation? When asked how he plans to do this, what does Trump say? It's a secret. Trust me, it's going to be fast and easy. He apparently thinks that most voters are just plain dumb.

If Trump starts enforcing the laws on the books, and punishes budinesses using illega labor, the employers stop using illegal black market labor. Then what do you think all these illegals will do?

THEY WILL GO HOME ALL BY THEMSELVES. The vast majority of them freely cross our borders to visit family in Mexico multiple times.

They just dont come back when they cant find jobs any more.

I suspect that he has no vision of how he might go about doing anything he has promised. That's why he has not published his position on terrorism, denying Muslims entrance to the US, Syrian refugees, the deficit, budgets, social programs, education, healthcare, Social Security and dozen of other issues that Americans are interested in.

Twitter was made for this man. More than 140 characters and his mind wanders. Short sentences are his medium. People are tired of stupidity. Foreigners are pouring across the border. We’ll build a wall. It’ll be beautiful. ISIL was created by Hillary Clinton. Let’s take over Saudi Arabia. You’ve got to be strong. And smart. China is robbing us blind. The press is unfair. Whenever, he's asked questions about his statements, he diverts the media by making even more shocking statements. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested sending all blacks back to Africa since, according to Trump 90% of all white homicides are committed by blacks.[/QUOTE]

No, actually he has given short descriptions in his current best seell, and what is the point in going into greater detail if you still ahve to hammer things out with Congress and the courts?
5.) It doesn't matter if her aid sent or didn't send anything, she instructed him on how to bypass security on classified information. That is a felony.
False. That's like saying it's a felony for me to tell you how to rob a bank.

It is. It is called conspiracy.
Ummm, no, you can publish a book on it if you want to.

But if you tell them, for example, how to bypass the bank's security system, even if they do not rob the bank, you are guilty of conspiracy.
Have you ever actually read one of Trump's speech? They are not really speeches. They are a collection incomplete sentences and ideas.

They are stupid, we are smart, let’s be great again as he brags about his numbers, his success, lounging against the lectern, scowling, hands outstretched in his trademark "What gives?" gesture. As he himself would say, “Unbelievable!”
You still dont get it.

Trump is communicating, not like a policy wonk dishing out wonk word salads to voters to choke on. No, he is taking an advertisers approach, using short sound bites packed full of emotional hot button phrases and topics that his target audience responds to.

He could not care less if the NYT, Charles Krauthammer, George Will or any other wonks love his speeches or not; they are not composed for those egg heads, but for average people in a manner that is proven to be successful.

This denialism in regard to Trump is just amazing. It's as if Trump had managed to build a fusion power plant and is letting everyone hook up to it if they want, but you libtards are wandering around muttering 'But his speeches suck!'

For some voters, short sound bites might be enough. However, I think most people won't a lot more.

For example, consider his plan to deal with illegal immigrants in the US. How exactly does he plan to toss 11 million people out of the country? Is he not aware that everyone of those people is entitled to their day in court, that it would be impossible to round up 11 million people without the full support of local law enforcement, which he won't have, and that most American don't support mass deportation? When asked how he plans to do this, what does Trump say? It's a secret. Trust me, it's going to be fast and easy. He apparently thinks that most voters are just plain dumb.

I suspect that he has no vision of how he might go about doing anything he has promised. That's why he has not published his position on terrorism, denying Muslims entrance to the US, Syrian refugees, the deficit, budgets, social programs, education, healthcare, Social Security and dozen of other issues that Americans are interested in.

Twitter was made for this man. More than 140 characters and his mind wanders. Short sentences are his medium. People are tired of stupidity. Foreigners are pouring across the border. We’ll build a wall. It’ll be beautiful. ISIL was created by Hillary Clinton. Let’s take over Saudi Arabia. You’ve got to be strong. And smart. China is robbing us blind. The press is unfair. Whenever, he's asked questions about his statements, he diverts the media by making even more shocking statements. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested sending all blacks back to Africa since, according to Trump 90% of all white homicides are committed by blacks.
It doesn't matter whether or not he knows how he is going to evict the illegals, what matters is that he wants to. He's a manager, he hires people who know how to make things happen. And if it's possible, his people will do so. What matters is we can't/shouldn't talk about those illegals already here until we stop the flow of more coming in. You don't bail out the water until you plug the hole.
I beg to differ. If he doesn't know how he might do it, then how can he promise people he will do it. For a president to just want to do something means nothing. Obama wanted to provide a Medicare type healthcare system but he didn't know how to do it so it didn't happen. Every Republican candidate wants to pay down the debt, but none of them know how they might do, so that's not part of their campaign. No candidate needs a detail plan, but they certify need to address major obstacles so votes won't consider it just a pie in sky scheme to get votes.
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