I'm starting to sour on Trump

I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
just shows you the quality of those wanting to be president these days....and many unpopular people had better ideas than the "popular" people and many of them were all about the country instead of themselves or their precious party like many of the "cool" kids are...
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
----------------------------- and the unpopular candidates are all rinos so might as well vote for the democrat if one of the rinos is the nominee , imo !!
Trump isn't even a rino. He's running for the Republican nomination, but he is not a Republican in name.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
just shows you the quality of those wanting to be president these days....and many unpopular people had better ideas than the "popular" people and many of them were all about the country instead of themselves or their precious party like many of the "cool" kids are...
That is one of my biggest gripes...thinking of their party instead of the country. I really admire someone who can diss their prospective party and be a realist. Neither party is perfect. It's a matter of honesty.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
----------------------------- and the unpopular candidates are all rinos so might as well vote for the democrat if one of the rinos is the nominee , imo !!
Trump isn't even a rino. He's running for the Republican nomination, but he is not a Republican in name.
Well, maybe it would be best to have as leader who is not from a major party. He would not owe anyone anything!
"I'm starting to sour on Trump"

And of course you're not alone.

Indeed, we'll see the process continue as the actual primaries begin – sober, everyday, rank and file republicans of good faith who know Trump is wrong on the issues, that Trump is a liar with contempt for sound, responsible governance, and in fact not a serious candidate, who as nominee would clearly lose the GE.
care to elaborate on that jones?....especially point no. 3.....
"I'm starting to sour on Trump"

And of course you're not alone.

Indeed, we'll see the process continue as the actual primaries begin – sober, everyday, rank and file republicans of good faith who know Trump is wrong on the issues, that Trump is a liar with contempt for sound, responsible governance, and in fact not a serious candidate, who as nominee would clearly lose the GE.
care to elaborate on that jones?....especially point no. 3.....
I would like to hear about that, as well.
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
----------------------------- and the unpopular candidates are all rinos so might as well vote for the democrat if one of the rinos is the nominee , imo !!
better not vote for trump then.....
TRUMP is good even if all he does is destroy the 'gop' rino party Harry !!
I love the way he stomps on the Leftard media, but he is not Presidential material.
i agree....i wont even consider the guy...besides that i will not vote for a 70 year old for the most stressful job in the country....
So that leaves the more unpopular candidates...
----------------------------- and the unpopular candidates are all rinos so might as well vote for the democrat if one of the rinos is the nominee , imo !!
Trump isn't even a rino. He's running for the Republican nomination, but he is not a Republican in name.
----------------------------------- affiliation , doesn't matter to me , I want an end to the search for the rino or dem best able to win no matter what they stand for . If the gop had its way jebito or Kasich or roobio , yada yada would be in the lead and I can't stand any of the rinos and the things that they stand for Davros !!
"I'm starting to sour on Trump"

And of course you're not alone.

Indeed, we'll see the process continue as the actual primaries begin – sober, everyday, rank and file republicans of good faith who know Trump is wrong on the issues, that Trump is a liar with contempt for sound, responsible governance, and in fact not a serious candidate, who as nominee would clearly lose the GE.
care to elaborate on that jones?....especially point no. 3.....
I would like to hear about that, as well.
"I'm starting to sour on Trump"

And of course you're not alone.

Indeed, we'll see the process continue as the actual primaries begin – sober, everyday, rank and file republicans of good faith who know Trump is wrong on the issues, that Trump is a liar with contempt for sound, responsible governance, and in fact not a serious candidate, who as nominee would clearly lose the GE.
care to elaborate on that jones?....especially point no. 3.....
I would like to hear about that, as well.
jones has never answered any question asked of him....32,000 posts ,thousands of replies to his bullshit but no replies to those thousands of questions asked of him....hence jones is a pussy.....
TRUMP is good even if all he does is destroy the 'gop' rino party Harry !!
yea elect him to do that.....meanwhile the countries problems get worse...how about electing someone who actually gives a shit about this countries problems?.....
I never fell for the Trump rhetoric. He's a wolf (Democrat) in sheep's clothing (Republican). He did however bring to the forefront many issues that I feel needed to be discussed. That being said, the man is definitely no conservative. He donated $25,000 to the McAuliffe (D) campaign in Virginia and gave none to Cuccinelli (R). There are many more examples.

My vote is for whoever the Republican nominee is because I cannot vote for a Democrat. If I had my way it would be Ted Cruz but I don't believe he will be the one. I believe Trump will falter and Rubio, an establishment candidate, will get the nomination. If so, then no matter who wins it's business as usual (screwing the American people).
I was an implacable opponent of Trump's since the beginning too, mostly because I pay attention to politics and know the positions he's taken over the years. It seems Branch Trumpidians are clueless that he has supported gun control, tax hikes, and expansion of government repeatedly over the last 20 years. These idiots think he's a conservative!
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
TRUMP is good even if all he does is destroy the 'gop' rino party Harry !!
yea elect him to do that.....meanwhile the countries problems get worse...how about electing someone who actually gives a shit about this countries problems?.....

Harry, name me ONE presidential candidate, BESIDES TRUMP, that doesn't OWE SOMEONE or SOME GROUP his support for all the fucking MONEY they have given him/her or supplied to PACS connected INDIRECTLY (what a fucking joke that is!!!) over what would be good for America? Even a good man like Cruz owes ...

Billionaire brothers give Cruz super PAC $15 million ...
Jul 27, 2015 - Two low-profile Texas brothers have donated $15 million to support Sen. Ted Cruz, a record-setting contribution that amounts to the largest ...

And HE is probably the BEST of the worst of them all!
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

Sums it up for me...until he proves he doesn't!
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

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