I’m the first Kenyan-American to be president

And a year earlier, he was interviewed by a reporter for the New York Times over his election as Editor of the Harvard Law Review:

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

''The fact that I've been elected shows a lot of progress,'' Mr. Obama said today in an interview. ''It's encouraging.

And that's the part about this 'pamphlet' conspiracy that is just so bone stupid.

Obama's place of birth was affirmed as Hawaii BEFORE the pamphlet.

Obama's place of birth was affirmed as Hawaii AFTER the pamphlet.

What possible purpose would there be in *intentionally* providing the wrong information that is contradicted by both newspaper articles and later accounts in your own autobiography.

Not only is the conspiracy fact free. Its fucking retarded.

But Birthers embrace the fucking retarded.

They live for the fucking retarded.
I wonder which motivates your average dumbshit birther more; ignorance or dishonesty? Are they disingenuous? Or just completely stupid?

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And that 'questionable heritage' of course is 'African' or "Kenyan'- but of course that has nothing to do with the color of his skin.....
Why do you say African/Kenyan is questionable? Are you racist?

I was talking about his baby daddy communist fathers, his communist grandparents, and his mostly absent mother that left him to the mentoring of a well known communist, and allowed her boy to sell drugs out of an ice cream cart and join the choom gang.

Oh Birthers love themselves lies- and slander- and you are a true Birther.

All of your lies above- none of them have anything to do with Presidential eligiblity.

Since you lie about such trivial things as above- why should we believe that you aren't lying when you say your opposition is not about his father being Kenyan or African?
Who said anything about presidential eligibility? Clearly all it takes to be the leader of the democrats is to be the biggest piece of shit in the country.

Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
And a year earlier, he was interviewed by a reporter for the New York Times over his election as Editor of the Harvard Law Review:

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

''The fact that I've been elected shows a lot of progress,'' Mr. Obama said today in an interview. ''It's encouraging.

And that's the part about this 'pamphlet' conspiracy that is just so bone stupid.

Obama's place of birth was affirmed as Hawaii BEFORE the pamphlet.

Obama's place of birth was affirmed as Hawaii AFTER the pamphlet.

What possible purpose would there be in *intentionally* providing the wrong information that is contradicted by both newspaper articles and later accounts in your own autobiography.

Not only is the conspiracy fact free. Its fucking retarded.

But Birthers embrace the fucking retarded.

They live for the fucking retarded.
I wonder which motivates your average dumbshit birther more; ignorance or dishonesty? Are they disingenuous? Or just completely stupid?

Probably your most eloquent response dumbshit.
Why do you say African/Kenyan is questionable? Are you racist?

I was talking about his baby daddy communist fathers, his communist grandparents, and his mostly absent mother that left him to the mentoring of a well known communist, and allowed her boy to sell drugs out of an ice cream cart and join the choom gang.

Oh Birthers love themselves lies- and slander- and you are a true Birther.

All of your lies above- none of them have anything to do with Presidential eligiblity.

Since you lie about such trivial things as above- why should we believe that you aren't lying when you say your opposition is not about his father being Kenyan or African?
Who said anything about presidential eligibility? Clearly all it takes to be the leader of the democrats is to be the biggest piece of shit in the country.

Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Why do you say African/Kenyan is questionable? Are you racist?

I was talking about his baby daddy communist fathers, his communist grandparents, and his mostly absent mother that left him to the mentoring of a well known communist, and allowed her boy to sell drugs out of an ice cream cart and join the choom gang.

Oh Birthers love themselves lies- and slander- and you are a true Birther.

All of your lies above- none of them have anything to do with Presidential eligiblity.

Since you lie about such trivial things as above- why should we believe that you aren't lying when you say your opposition is not about his father being Kenyan or African?
Who said anything about presidential eligibility? Clearly all it takes to be the leader of the democrats is to be the biggest piece of shit in the country.

Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?
Oh Birthers love themselves lies- and slander- and you are a true Birther.

All of your lies above- none of them have anything to do with Presidential eligiblity.

Since you lie about such trivial things as above- why should we believe that you aren't lying when you say your opposition is not about his father being Kenyan or African?
Who said anything about presidential eligibility? Clearly all it takes to be the leader of the democrats is to be the biggest piece of shit in the country.

Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?

What would be the point of that?
Who said anything about presidential eligibility? Clearly all it takes to be the leader of the democrats is to be the biggest piece of shit in the country.

Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?

What would be the point of that?
It's fun to get it off your chest. What else can actual Americans do while their country is being trashed by this piece of shit of questionable heritage?
Oh come now- we all know the biggest pieces of shit in the country are Birthers.
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?

What would be the point of that?
It's fun to get it off your chest. What else can actual Americans do while their country is being trashed by this piece of shit of questionable heritage?

But what's the point, if it's totally made-up crap? Isn't that kind of, I dunno what you'd call it, maybe... a complete waste of one's time?
So in your opinion the biggest pieces of shit in this country are people who question whether Obama was born in the USA or not.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?

What would be the point of that?
It's fun to get it off your chest. What else can actual Americans do while their country is being trashed by this piece of shit of questionable heritage?

But what's the point, if it's totally made-up crap? Isn't that kind of, I dunno what you'd call it, maybe... a complete waste of one's time?
Nah. Its fun to make the democrats defend this piece of shit. Pick better leaders for your party and maybe you won't have such a hard time defending the pieces of shit.
In my opinion the persons who continue to try to find some excuse for how the legally elected President of the United States could not possibly be the actual President of the United States- 7 years after his first election, 3 years after his second election- are the biggest pieces of shit in this country- yes.
Dude, didn't you're momma ever explain to you the concept of pulling someone's leg to get a rise out of them?

What would be the point of that?
It's fun to get it off your chest. What else can actual Americans do while their country is being trashed by this piece of shit of questionable heritage?

But what's the point, if it's totally made-up crap? Isn't that kind of, I dunno what you'd call it, maybe... a complete waste of one's time?
Nah. Its fun to make the democrats defend this piece of shit. Pick better leaders for your party and maybe you won't have such a hard time defending the pieces of shit.

Its fun to make fun of idiotic Birthers- and watch them squirm and try to rationalize how their demands that this particular President jump through hoops they never cared about for any other President- is based upon something- anything- other than race.
Why did Obama tell his publisher that he was born in Kenya?

It was the literary agents fault for not fact checking what Obama told her. We have all learned that lesson.

So Obama told her that he was born in Kenya?

Birthers demonstrating once again they cannot read

Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.


Sure, they just picked a birth country at RANDOM and hit Kenya!


What Rubes these Democrats be

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