I'm unworthy but only say the Word and I shall be healed and made well...

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
You know... I've submitted the request for the electrical outlet 'burst' and 'spark' and 'pop' to be fixed... I also submitted the inquiry as to why my bank account is so overdrawn and given reasons why it might be incorrect. I've already done these...

Not only did I/nor do I have to not use the a.c anymore and not only did I have to purchase a 'fan', I had and have already 'cooperated' with many 'faulty' things already when those 'faulty' things could have gotten fixed a long time ago....

And don't forget that I've already 'prayed' about it...

So.... I've done my part... and I don't want to sound as if I'm being obstinate about accepting 'faults' which could be easily corrected but for some reason not being... And let's not forget that 132 dollars in the negative amount, that I have now, has to be repaid, probably by me, if they don't resolve 'how' I got those 5 29 dollar non sufficient funds added to the account.

I'm sorry, though...

So... "i'm nearby.. come down'...
'Sure, okay'.

Positive, right? or no?

How long should I wait for 'I'm nearby, come down'?

5 minutes? 10? 15?

I'm unsure..

So yes, I might have some 'loose' thoughts but they are only thoughts, right? Maybe if all those things which are a lot more 'physical' were to be on the 'normal' side, my thoughts would stop being so 'abnormal'??

Oh, did I mention the hole they found where the 'smell' was coming in from? It's a good thing the 'water leak/bubble' gave it away or else I might have ended up in the State hospital for olfactory hallucinations...

For those that are unsure what olfactory hallucinations are... here is a '411', information for many 'States'....

An olfactory hallucination (phantosmia) makes you detect smells that aren't really present in your environment. The odors detected in phantosmia vary from person to person and may be foul or pleasant. They can occur in one or both nostrils. The phantom smell may seem to always be present or it may come and go.

They might have diagnosed me with paranoid with delusions of 'grandeur', or maybe 'worth'?

I mean, really, what am I worth or 'not' worth?

ideas of 'worth'.. Worth would be a noun or adjective?


adjective: worth
  1. 1.
    equivalent in value to the sum or item specified.
    "jewelry worth $450 was taken"
    • sufficiently good, important, or interesting to justify a specified action; deserving to be treated or regarded in the way specified.
      "the museums in the district are well worth a visit"
    • used to suggest that the specified course of action may be advisable.
      "a meat and potato dish that's worth checking out"
    • having income or property amounting to a specified sum.
      "she is worth $10 million"
noun: worth
  1. 1.
    the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.

Lord, I'm unworthy but only say the word and I will be 'saved'....

Is 'unworthy' a noun or adjective?

So a wealthy person might say, I'm worthy and I don't need salvation..

And the 'poor' person might say, 'I'm unworthy but only say the word, and I WILL/Shall be 'saved''....

Who would want to be saved? I would obviously assume the 'poor' one if he/she admits to wanting to be... right?

i remember a verse.... But when you fast, wash your face and comb your hair.. so you don't appear to others to be 'fasting'... Well, that is first of all, not the kind of 'fast' that The LORD takes delight in... Secondly the truer fast is to not be 'anxious'. To not be downcast. To not be burdened. This is the truer fast but how does a person not be anxious, not be downcast, not be burdened in a world where there are daily 'evils' and struggles? They try. They do.. They put on the positive attitude, especially in public. They 'do' rather than not even attempt. This is how...

But when a load or burden becomes bone breaking and head concussioned, then maybe a little too much sand is in the sand bag, right? Or maybe too many sandbags are on your back??

And even at these times, what are you supposed to do? Easy. Take it to The LORD. And surely, HE will know what to do.... right? And surely, HE would, wouldn't HE? I mean, it would make a lot more sense if HE did rather than if HE didn't... Well, I would assume.... Others might have different approaches...

An example might be... 'try to get 'more' along with those things which are causing you those 'pains''.. Okay... but I'm not them nor do I insistently try to tell them that they should have The LORD in their life just in case they might need HIM for something,...... You know what I mean?? Life is not always peaches and roses and dandylions filled with 'love love love'.....

And if you like dandilions.. So what? although they are 'weeds'?

Dismissed as a weed, eradicated at all costs, cursed and scorned for its stubbornly long taproots that often refuse to give from the earth, it’s earned a reputation for invasiveness and uselessness.

If they are not maybe you're referring to the dandelions... dandelions might not be a 'weed'... :)

I might know what a dandelion is but what is a dandilion?

Dandi is a village in the Jalalpore taluka, Navsari District, Gujarat, India. It is located on the coast of the Arabian Sea near the city of Navsari.

and lion is... a cat that is second in size only to the tiger.

so dandilion might be a weed??

Wait! how is that possible??

Nearly all wild lions live in sub-Saharan Africa, but one small population of Asiatic lions exists in India's Gir Forest.

Gir National Park. Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary, also known as Sasan Gir, is a forest and wildlife sanctuary near Talala Gir in Gujarat, India.

Navarsi District: The district covers an area of 2,211 square kilometres roughly equal to country like Luxembourg and the US state of Delaware,

Talala (Gir) is a city and a taluka in Gir Somnath district in the gujarat state of india, also known as capital of Gir.


From Navarsi District to Talaga Gir, it is approximately:
11 h 33 min (667.0 km) via NH 48


So maybe for an Asiatic lion to be in Navarsi District, or Dandi village, that lion might be considered, a 'weed'...

And by all means, dande, also being...

Dande, with its capital at Barra do Dande, is a municipality in Bengo Province in Angola.

would definitely make dandi lions a 'weed' in dande... but dandelions would not be... :)

Oh Lord, said the dandilion. Why am I not a dandelion like the others???

The Lord roared back, 'because you are unique in your own right'. The dandilion turned into a Dandilion and 'roared' back... 'Yes, You are correct'.

But nonetheless, The Lion of (J)udah prevailed...

And more correct than The Lion of (J)udah would be The Lion of Yehudah...

So why were (J)ews called Yehudi before the State of Israel became Israel from Y'srael in 1948?

Why is 'salvation' of The (J)ews, or more correctly once again, Yehudi? Why is 'salvation' of the Yehudi?

Because the name Yehudah, or (J)udah, means:

confess (10), confessed (3), confesses (1), confessing (2), gave (1), gave praise (1), give you thanks (5), give thanks (59), giving praise (1), giving thanks (3), glorify (1), hymns of thanksgiving (1), making confession (1), placed (1), praise (17), shoot (1), thank (5), thanksgiving (1), throw down (1).

yadah: to throw, cast
Original Word: יָדָה
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: yadah
Phonetic Spelling: (yaw-daw')
Definition: to throw, cast

Because a part of 'salvation' is to [be able to] 'throw' wrongful things out or away.... before 'much' confession(s) need to be 'made'... I mean, what might happen if you become 'loaded' with 'sin' unconfessed?

And so there is the dandilion and there is the dandelion... One could be a 'weed' and the other could be a 'natural'.. But they both still can be 'saved'; each in their own right.

Regardless of what the 'Indian' might do, he/she will never become 'Angolan'.

Verified and agreed upon?
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Okay. so (J)udah's name was Yehudah... How then could those that were living in (J)erusalem before King David took 'control' over it have been called (J)ebusites, or Yebusi?

Strong's Concordance
Yebusi: inhab. of Jebus
Original Word: יְבוּסִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: Yebusi
Phonetic Spelling: (yeb-oo-see')
Definition: inhab. of Jebus

Because if (J)erusalem is the City of The King, The King, or The Lion of (J)udah, how could it become a city of The King?

Well, who was (J)udah's mother? Who was his father?

Where did (J)acob go to get for himself a 'wife'??? Back to the land from which his mother was from.. Where was that? Back to the land where Abram came from... Abram told/asked his servant to 'return' to the land of his 'fathers' and to get for his son, (I)saac, a wife. Where was Abram from?

From Ur, of Chaldees.

Ur Kaśdim, commonly translated as Ur of the Chaldees, is a city mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the birthplace of the Israelite and Ismaelite patriarch Abraham. In 1862, Henry Rawlinson identified Ur Kaśdim with Tell el-Muqayyar, near Nasiriyah in southern Iraq.

So... Maybe Abram was part Iraq? Maybe his wife, Sarah, was part Iraq? Maybe their son (I)saac was part Iraq? Maybe (I)saac's wife was part Iraq? Maybe their son(s) were part Iraq? Maybe (J)acob and Esau were part Iraq? Maybe (J)acob's wife was part Iraq? Maybe their children were part Iraq? Esau married a Canaanite, I think, who might have been part Iraq..

So if Abram was from the line of Shem who was from the line of Noah who was part of the Great Flood... and if Shem had 2 brothers, Ham and (J)apheth, both being sons also of Noah, and if they all 'landed' and lived together from off the Ark.. and if they were in Southern Iraq when they 'landed', what could that mean? That civilization 'started again' in Southern Iraq up to now since there has not been any 'doing away with 'mankind'' since then?

Genesis 6:6 "And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."
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So... 'Salvation' is of the (J)ews, which began with Abram, who was living in Ur of Chaldees when God and The LORD 'called' him to 'leave' his family and home..

Wait... Salvation is of the (J)ews..

of the line of (J)udah...

Although Jerusalem was in the territory allocated to the tribe of Benjamin (Joshua 18:28), it remained under the independent control of the Jebusites. Judges 1:21 points to the city being within the territory of Benjamin, while Joshua 15:63 implies that the city was within the territory of Judah. In any event, Jerusalem remained an independent Jebusite city until it was finally conquered by David[19] in c. 11th century BC and made into the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel.[20] After the breakup of the United Monarchy, Jerusalem continued as the capital of the southern Kingdom of Judah.

Salvation is 'of' the (J)ews where, supposedly, the 'Tribe of Judah', had 'territory' within/over although it is supposed to be in the territories of The Tribe of Benjamin?

And (J)udah being where (J)erusalem was/is?? But not until King David 'made conquest' to (J)erusalem where the (J)ebusites were living even at the time of the Exodus?

Wait a minute! Could (J)erusalem be the 'place' where Melchizedek was named King of Salem, or King of peace?

Malki-tsedeq: "my king is right," an early king of Salem

Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Malki-tsedeq
Phonetic Spelling: (mal-kee-tseh'-dek)
Definition: "my king is right", an early king of Salem

6664. tsedeq
tsedeq: rightness, righteousness
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: tsedeq
Phonetic Spelling: (tseh'-dek)
Definition: rightness, righteousness

accurate (1), fairly (1), just (10), just cause (1), justice (3), righteous (15), righteously (6), righteousness (76), righteousness' (1), rightly (1), vindication (1), what is right (3).

4428. melek
melek: king
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: melek
Phonetic Spelling: (meh'-lek)
Definition: king

King (253), king (1730), King's (6), king's (241), kingdom (1), Kings (41), kings (241), kings' (2), royal (5).


From melek and tsedeq;

Is this part of 'salvation', also?

Salem is referenced in the following biblical passages:

"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God." (Genesis 14:18)
"In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion." (Psalm 76:2)

The name refers to the royal city of Melchizedek and is traditionally identified with Jerusalem.[1] It is also mentioned in Hebrews 7.

Possibly a different place is mentioned in Genesis 33:18: "And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the city." The town of Salim, corresponds to that location. It is also mentioned in the Gospel of John 3:23: "And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized."



Salim being in the land of The Tribe of Gad or possibly in the land of The Tribe of Mannaseh of whom (J)oshua, one of those that 'left' Egypt, that crossed over to The Promised Land, was of?

However, we know that Abraham enjoyed sitting under the Tree in Mamre...

Mamre, full Hebrew name Elonei Mamre, refers to an ancient cultic shrine originally focused on a single holy tree, belonging to Canaan, Talmudic sources refer to the site as Beth Ilanim or Botnah, where it was one of the three most important "fairs", or market places, in Judea

So that would take us down southward, again...

13:18 Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the LORD." (Genesis 13:14-18 KJV)

2275. Chebrown
Chebrown: Hebron
Part of Speech: proper name, of a location; proper name, masculine
Transliteration: Chebrown
Phonetic Spelling: (kheb-rone')
Definition: "association, league", a city in S. Judah

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(Kiriath-arba) el-Khalil. Hebron means a "community" or "alliance"). Hebron was a town in the mountains of Judah, about 3000 feet above the Mediterranean Sea, and between Beersheba and Jerusalem, being about 20 miles from each. It was named Kiriath-arba (Gen 23:2; Josh 14:15; 15:13). About 2 miles to the N was Mamre, named after Mamre the Amorite (Gen 13:18; 35:27), which is now called el-Khalil ( "the friend"). Among those who lived there were the Canaanites and the Anakim (23:2; 14:15; 15:13), Abraham (Gen 13:18), Isaac and Jacob (35:27). David made it his royal residence (2 Sam 2:1-4; 5:5; 1 Kings 2:11); as did Absalom (2 Sam 15:10). Sarah was buried here (Gen 23:17-20); Joshua took Hebron (Josh 10:36-37; 12:10), and Caleb retook it (14:14). The Romans also captured and destroyed it.

Today it is the traditional site of the cave of Machpelah, burial place of some of the patriarchs, and is currently marked by the mosque of Hebron, which was formerly a Crusader church and that stands on the site of a church erected by the emperor Justinian in the sixth century. Cenotaphs in the mosque memorialize Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Leah, who are presumed to have been buried in the cave below.

Hebron was also the name of a grandson of Levi; a younger brother of Amram, father of Moses and Aaron (Ex 6:18; Num 3:19; 1 Chron 6:2,18; 23:12), before 1440 B.C. His descendants are called Hebronites (Num 3:27; etc.).

Hebron was associated with patriarchs, Gen. 13:18; 23:2; 35:27; visited by Israelite spies, Num. 13:22; taken by Joshua, Josh. 10:36; 14:13-15; in hill country of Judah, Josh. 15:54; city of refuge, Josh. 20:7; Judg. 1:10; David's capital, 2 Sam. 2:1-3, 11; 5:5; Absalom there, 2 Sam. 15:10; fortified, 2 Chr. 11:10.

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