I'm very proud of Trump

20 years ago I could go to a doctor for a check up or if I felt I'll for $50. A couple years ago I had to go get stitches and it was $400 for 4 of them. Ridiculous, now you go to these mini hospitals. Thanks obama.

thank bighealthcorp for their obscene profits.

What 5 health insurance CEOs were paid in 2020​

Lauren Jensik - Friday, June 11th, 2021 Print | Email

The Wall Street Journal released its annual CEO pay and performance ranking June 1. The publication based its list on compensation figures reported by S&P 500 companies for CEOs who served in their roles for all of 2020.
Here's what five payer CEOs made last year:
  1. Centene CEO Michael Neidorff: $24,956,777 (down 5.6 percent from 2019)
  2. CVS Health (Aetna) CEO Larry Merlo: $23,043,822 (down 37 percent from 2019)
  3. Cigna CEO David Cordani: $19,929,493 (up 3.2 percent from 2019)
  4. Anthem CEO Gail Boudreaux: $17,109,952 (up 11 percent from 2019)
  5. Humana CEO Bruce Broussard: $16,489,639 (down 1.4 percent from 2019)
What 5 health insurance CEOs were paid in 2020
And how did Biden bring manufacturing jobs back? He didn't. People just went back to work. Those jobs were already there, but ended because of Covid and the HUGE unemployment salary that made it more profitable to just stay home.

& biden has had the prez gig less than a year. donny had FOUR & didn't even bring his own ' factories ' back here.
it was affordable because there was no real coverage. my kid paid $100 a month for his policy when he was in college & it didn't even cover a flu shot - had a $25K annual limit & $50K lifetime cap on bennies. & they could turn you down if you had a pre condition. all that went away after obamacare where individual coverage became like group insurance with a lot more coverage that was mandated. & that's why people like it & wanna keep it.
It's called capitalism. And the uninsured could still get treated by going to the emergency room.
It's called capitalism. And the uninsured could still get treated by going to the emergency room.

it's called greed. you sound just like mittens romney who said the same thing re: the uninsured can get treated at an ER.

but guess what, einstein? if them thar uninsured need a bed - guess who actually pays for it?

huh huh HUH?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... that would be *you* - thru higher taxes AND higher premiums.
He got big companies to come back to America... probably re-packing now that Mr SenileBabyKiller is (fake)pres
he made the US energy independent
he fought against abortion and often won in the courts
he killed that murdering, raping fiend terrorist BagDoodie or whatever his name was
killed ditto ditto ditto Soleimani
virtually ended ISIS
gave us a roaring economy
lowered our taxes

and I could go on and on...

Best President in so many ways... ever.
Trump is is president
Today is like 4 days since I asked playtime this question.

never saw it.

And he still can't answer.

SHE. i'm a born & raised female .... since 1962.

Things that make you go hmmmm.

things that make *you* go hmmmmm ... is kinda silly. perhaps because you lack critical thinking skills. so let's take a looksey at that, shall we?

PERHAPS biden hasn't gotten to it yet - since he's been in the presidency less than a year & had to get a pandemic response going because his predecessor was so incompetent getting that job done.

& Infrastructure - something else yer chosen one was impotent in accomplishing.

come visit this in 3 more years, & we'll see what's doing - m'k?

The Biden Plan to Ensure the Future is “Made in All of America” by All of America’s Workers - Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

that is of course that you don't believe the big lie & think that donny will be re installed b4 then because he's still the president, like the duped dumb fuck who replied right above this one.
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things that make *you* go hmmmmm ... is kinda silly. perhaps because you lack critical thinking skills. so let's take a looksey at that, shall we?

PERHAPS biden hasn't gotten to it yet - since he's been in the presidency less than a year & had to get a pandemic response going because his predecessor was so incompetent getting that job done.

& Infrastructure - something else yer chosen one was impotent in accomplishing.

come visit this in 3 more years, & we'll see what's doing - m'k?

The Biden Plan to Ensure the Future is “Made in All of America” by All of America’s Workers - Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

that is of course that you don't believe the big lie & think that donny will be re installed b4 then because he's still the president, like the duped dumb fuck who replied right above this one.

Let's recap, shall we? You said:
Whereas the GREAT Biden has actually brought back over 300,000 manufacturing jobs!!!!

Again, how exactly did Biden bring back over 300,000 manufacturing jobs?
Greatest president ever

one term...


twice impeached...


multiple campaign...


... cabinet members...


... staff ...

pleading guilty +/or spent time in prison for multiple charges of illegalities...


himself under congressional & multiple state & federal investigations ...


.... civil lawsuits pending ...

= deplorables are delusional.
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Greatest president ever
oh yes, great accomplishments...

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