I'm very proud of Trump

Obamacare was a failure, just like liberalism is.

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

Published: Oct 15, 2021

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The public has remained deeply divided on the health reform law since it was passed in March 2010. Click below to examine how specific groups feel about the law and how those opinions have changed or not changed over time. Access all KFF Health Tracking Poll resources here.

We asked: “As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it?”

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA
the chart shows that favorability has always been consistently higher since it has been enacted. & at thebottom, it CLEARLY shows when the pretty much evenance of the opinion track SPIKES in 2016..... hmmmmm wonder why?

yer welcome, yet again - for the facts.


KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

Published: Oct 15, 2021

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The public has remained deeply divided on the health reform law since it was passed in March 2010. Click below to examine how specific groups feel about the law and how those opinions have changed or not changed over time. Access all KFF Health Tracking Poll resources here.

We asked: “As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it?”

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA
the chart shows that favorability has always been consistently higher since it has been enacted. & at thebottom, it CLEARLY shows when the pretty much evenance of the opinion track SPIKES in 2016..... hmmmmm wonder why?

yer welcome, yet again - for the facts.

Yeah pay couple hundred bucks a month, then if you need to use it. You have to borrow the money for the deductible. Nice plan.
Yeah pay couple hundred bucks a month, then if you need to use it. You have to borrow the money for the deductible. Nice plan.

the deductibles went up precisely why i said. oh & i have a cadillac plan thru my husband's work & although their deductables haven't risin' - their catastrophic caps have bigley.

guess why? because it's a for profit business. THEREin lies the problem from the start.
the deductibles went up precisely why i said. oh & i have a cadillac plan thru my husband's work & although their deductables haven't risin' - their catastrophic caps have bigley.

guess why? because it's a for profit business. THEREin lies the problem from the start.
Actually healthcare was affordable till government got involved in it and it can be again. If we would get government out of it.
Actually healthcare was affordable till government got involved in it and it can be again. If we would get government out of it.

it was affordable because there was no real coverage. my kid paid $100 a month for his policy when he was in college & it didn't even cover a flu shot - had a $25K annual limit & $50K lifetime cap on bennies. & they could turn you down if you had a pre condition. all that went away after obamacare where individual coverage became like group insurance with a lot more coverage that was mandated. & that's why people like it & wanna keep it.

tutt tutt.
it was affordable because there was no real coverage. my kid paid $100 a month for his policy when he was in college & it didn't even cover a flu shot - had a $25K annual limit & $50K lifetime cap on bennies. & they could turn you down if you had a pre condition. all that went away after obamacare where individual coverage became like group insurance with a lot more coverage that was mandated. & that's why people like it & wanna keep it.

tutt tutt.
20 years ago I could go to a doctor for a check up or if I felt I'll for $50. A couple years ago I had to go get stitches and it was $400 for 4 of them. Ridiculous, now you go to these mini hospitals. Thanks obama.
He got big companies to come back to America... probably re-packing now that Mr SenileBabyKiller is (fake)pres
Tramp LOST over 100,000 manufacturing jobs in his 4 failed years pretending to be president on TV. Whereas the GREAT Biden has actually brought back over 300,000 manufacturing jobs!!!!
Tramp is all talk and no action! Biden actually gets things done Tramp only talks about doing. Is it infrastructure week yet???
He got big companies to come back to America... probably re-packing now that Mr SenileBabyKiller is (fake)pres
he made the US energy independent
he fought against abortion and often won in the courts
he killed that murdering, raping fiend terrorist BagDoodie or whatever his name was
killed ditto ditto ditto Soleimani
virtually ended ISIS
gave us a roaring economy
lowered our taxes

and I could go on and on...

Best President in so many ways... ever.

1. I agree, Trump was/is a nationalist. And supports "Buy American." That is a good thing for this country. And it "used" to be something the democrats supported, back when they supported the American working class. Now the left seems to care more about tranny-weirdo's than the working man.

2. Trump didn't do that. American oil companies did. Even during the Obama Administration. Oil executives, who make million dollar bonuses aren't going to take orders from a president who makes about $500K per year.

3. In Trumps first spending bill, with a republican majority, Planned Parenthood got funded millions.

4. Ok, so he killed a few middle eastern people. So did Obama and W. ISIS ended themselves. Mostly during the Obama administration. (Note: Obama was too pro war for me.)

5. The tax cuts were revenue neutral to the government. He lowered the tax rate. But abolished many deductions. I ended up paying more in taxes, because of the type of business I'm in.

I loved a lot of what Trump had to say. But his actions were usually opposite of his words. As in "Lock her up." That ended the day after the election. But for some reason, Fox News didn't report that.

If republicans want to do their party and this country a HUGE favor, you'll stop throwing actual conservatives under the bus every election season. People like Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie and Rand Paul (his first 3 years).
Tramp LOST over 100,000 manufacturing jobs in his 4 failed years pretending to be president on TV. Whereas the GREAT Biden has actually brought back over 300,000 manufacturing jobs!!!!
Tramp is all talk and no action! Biden actually gets things done Tramp only talks about doing. Is it infrastructure week yet???

And how did Biden bring manufacturing jobs back? He didn't. People just went back to work. Those jobs were already there, but ended because of Covid and the HUGE unemployment salary that made it more profitable to just stay home.
where? where in that article did she confirm it? go ahead & c/p the exact reference in that article. you liar liar, bullshitting troll pants on fire!

lol! your 'link' ... much like you ...

View attachment 568941

No, you obviously didn’t read the article you drunk illiterate asshole. YOU fail again. Confirmed by the family idiot. Slapping you again. Too easy to beat an uneducated idiot like you who got her ass burned on her lack of proper grammar. Now go fuck yourself.

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

Published: Oct 15, 2021

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print
The public has remained deeply divided on the health reform law since it was passed in March 2010. Click below to examine how specific groups feel about the law and how those opinions have changed or not changed over time. Access all KFF Health Tracking Poll resources here.

We asked: “As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it?”

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA
the chart shows that favorability has always been consistently higher since it has been enacted. & at thebottom, it CLEARLY shows when the pretty much evenance of the opinion track SPIKES in 2016..... hmmmmm wonder why?

yer welcome, yet again - for the facts.

An online and phone sample of 1100 adults, 475 of whom were over 65 and not even using Obozocare. Medicare. Seems you prove yourself the dolt yet again. Bad methodology and you parrot it.

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