I'm very proud of Trump

He got big companies to come back to America... probably re-packing now that Mr SenileBabyKiller is (fake)pres
he made the US energy independent
he fought against abortion and often won in the courts
he killed that murdering, raping fiend terrorist BagDoodie or whatever his name was
killed ditto ditto ditto Soleimani
virtually ended ISIS
gave us a roaring economy
lowered our taxes

and I could go on and on...

Best President in so many ways... ever.

Greatest president ever, and still the true president
Oh, I see you think I am a big fan of Obama and Obamacare! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You tards are so prone to false dichotomies it's pathetic.
Showing your illiteracy again racist retard. Never had an Obozocare plan and never will. You’re pathetic you economics lightweight.
Your constant whining doesn’t change the fact that YOU fell for the shit of “saving $2500 a year”. You’re such an idiotic cult member that it’s easy to get you to swallow the crap.
October 10, 2013:

ObamaCare was classic bait and switch. All that rhetoric during the debates leading up to its passage was about per capita spending on healthcare compared to other countries. It was all about bending the cost curve downward.

But ObamaCare won't bend the per capita spending down.

Obama only knows how to move wealth around, not create it.

Nevertheless, five years from now, polling is going to show Americans by a large majority will want to keep ObamaCare around. The sooner the GOP wakes up to this reality, the better.

Ask around. Ask everyone you know. Ask them what the GOP's plan is to fix our seriously broken healthcare system. You will get nothing but shrugs. And that is how the GOP left a giant hole for ObamaCare to drive through.

October 30, 2013:

That is what Obama claimed ObamaCare would do! And it as a Big Lie. I've been saying all along that is what the real issue is. ObamaCare will NOT bend the cost curve down. I have also pointed out a zillion times that ObamaCare actually further entrenches things which bend the cost curve UP.

It was a classic bait-and-switch con. During the debates over ObamaCare was passed, all the Obama rubes were posting per capita spending figures for healthcare compared to other countries, plainly claiming ObamaCare would bend the cost curve down.

Suckers, idiots, and retards.

Try again, dumbass.
Poor dumb rubes. Running around in circles trying everything to avoid admitting they were completely fooled by Trump's promise to replace Obamacare.

It's hard for them to admit they were just that stupid.
"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Bleev me."

Where is Trump's replacement for Obamacare, rube?
Hey dumbfuck, is Trump in office? Since YOUR side wouldn’t vote for anything anyway (and the thankfully dead Shitstain McCain betrayed his constituents one last time) your flailing is just pathetic. Unlike you, I don’t need or want the government interfering in MY choices,
"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Bleev me."

Your pathetic whining is getting old you economic know nothing. Tell us again how Trump was going to destroy the stock market you rube.
Hey dumbfuck, is Trump in office? Since YOUR side wouldn’t vote for anything anyway (and the thankfully dead Shitstain McCain betrayed his constituents one last time) your flailing is just pathetic. Unlike you, I don’t need or want the government interfering in MY choices,
This is a topic about Trump's achievements, dipshit. Pay attention.

Are you willing to admit Trump hoaxed you about having a replacement for Obamacare, or are you so deeply buried up his ginormous ass you just can't bring yourself to do it?
If the Dems run Pete and/or KarmelKorn at that level, they are going to lose in 2024...

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