Images from Palestine

It was always the land of those that inhabited the land, the Muslims, the Christian and Jewish Arabs. Not European Zionists.

But if the measure of "ownership" of land is who inhabits it -- then the Jewish people have as much right to it as the Arabs do, at least by your standards of measure.
The OP is an antisemitic/anti Zionist piece of garbage

Straight from storm front.....what's new here..

piece of ...........
No need to get hostile to discuss the topic? Or just going to bash me personally which IS against the rules...I am heading to bed so I will give you until the morning to make your mind up.

Nazis and islamofascist two peas in a pod More images from Gaza


Sad and Criminal acts committed.

Time for the so-called and 'invented' Palestinians to wise up, pack up, and leave.

They can't win.

There is no longer any Arab cavalry riding over the hill to rescue them.

They only hold a few non-contiguous, disjointed slivers of land, which, bundled together, still don't amount to anything remotely resembling a sustainable nation-state.

Most of their own Muslim-Arab neighbors have given up on them and merely offer lip service with respect to aid, having gotten their own asses kicked by Israel time and again.

Many of their Muslim-Arab neighbors have themselves fallen apart or come close to falling apart as nation-states and are no longer in any sort of position to aid the Palestinians.

They shot themselves in the foot by resorting to terrorism abroad in the world during the 1970s and 1980s, losing much of the sympathy that they might once have hoped for.

They're broke... they continue to stupidly poke at the Israeli bear with a stick... their vicious political masters use them for cannon fodder... they've lost, and just can't admit it.

Well... they'd better come 'round, and face the facts... they've lost... with zero hope of reversing their rapidly dwindling fortunes... time to regain a bit of sanity, and give up.

Any Pali with an ounce of brains and two cents to rub together is going to get his family out of that shit-hole, to give them a chance at life, and happiness, elsewhere.

Time for the Pals to give themselves a future... by giving up, walking away, scattering to the Four Winds, and embracing Life for once, rather than Death, someplace else.

One sentence was enough to realize it was a waste of my time to read that crap. They will never give up. Why would you EVER give up trying to defeat your mortal enemy? They have used genocide to try and wipe your people off the face of the earth and you should just give up!? Hell no.

That's why we have 12 million Jews and only 2 BILLION muslims on this planet. Why palestinians have the highest live birth rate in the world that could only be accounted by the females producing multiple births from age 12 till 55 every 9 months. Still waiting for conclusive evidence of this genocide to be produced, not some site that lists the requirements for a genocide.

Sad and Criminal acts committed.

Time for the so-called and 'invented' Palestinians to wise up, pack up, and leave.

They can't win.

There is no longer any Arab cavalry riding over the hill to rescue them.

They only hold a few non-contiguous, disjointed slivers of land, which, bundled together, still don't amount to anything remotely resembling a sustainable nation-state.

Most of their own Muslim-Arab neighbors have given up on them and merely offer lip service with respect to aid, having gotten their own asses kicked by Israel time and again.

Many of their Muslim-Arab neighbors have themselves fallen apart or come close to falling apart as nation-states and are no longer in any sort of position to aid the Palestinians.

They shot themselves in the foot by resorting to terrorism abroad in the world during the 1970s and 1980s, losing much of the sympathy that they might once have hoped for.

They're broke... they continue to stupidly poke at the Israeli bear with a stick... their vicious political masters use them for cannon fodder... they've lost, and just can't admit it.

Well... they'd better come 'round, and face the facts... they've lost... with zero hope of reversing their rapidly dwindling fortunes... time to regain a bit of sanity, and give up.

Any Pali with an ounce of brains and two cents to rub together is going to get his family out of that shit-hole, to give them a chance at life, and happiness, elsewhere.

Time for the Pals to give themselves a future... by giving up, walking away, scattering to the Four Winds, and embracing Life for once, rather than Death, someplace else.

One sentence was enough to realize it was a waste of my time to read that crap. They will never give up. Why would you EVER give up trying to defeat your mortal enemy? They have used genocide to try and wipe your people off the face of the earth and you should just give up!? Hell no.

Their choice... Life or Death... so far, they have chosen Death... no need for that... they cannot win... they have no land left... it's over... time for them to go.

They haven't chosen a damn thing. Their land was stolen and they have been slaughtered for 70 years. Time will come when the welfare leach state of Israel will be kicked off the tit and forced to fend for its self.

When did they come into possession of the land then, and who stole it from them. Looking at historical records the arab muslims owned Palestine for about 22 year in the later part of the 7C before being kicked out. Then the Chriatiaqns owned it for a few years until the Ottomans took it and made it part of their empire. In 1917 they lost the war as did their aqllies the Palestinian arab muslims and as part of the reparations the land was handed to the LoN. Still not arab muslim is it, the LoN granted the land to the Jews as their NATIONal home. The UN tried to partition the Jewish owned land illegally and the arab muslims refused to accept what was offered, so still no ownership. In 1948 Israel announced it was recreating Israel on the land that was theirs under INTERNATIONAL LAW and the arab muslims declared war on them. They were beaten back by farmers with tractors and women with pitchforks and still no ownership by arab muslims.

The time will come when the decent people round up the Nazi's and islamonazi's and send them on a one way ticket to the moon so that the rest of humanity can get along just fine.
It was always the land of those that inhabited the land, the Muslims, the Christian and Jewish Arabs. Not European Zionists.

You are trying to apply logic and reason to the arguments of a Nazi.

The Nazi philosophy is more of a mental illness than a valid philosophy


The Nazi's and the Arab Muslims have a lot in common


Nazi flag flying right near the mosque in the Palestinian town of Beit Omar. -

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