Images from Palestine

Best post of the whole thread Coyote.

There are good people on both sides
Jews are inherently evil. Its in their DNA. Just as the bible says

Bible Gateway passage: John 8:44-45 - King James Version

The Serpent Seedline: Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain

I am not a christian but I was raised one so...

And as such you should know that the Bible is the first Blood Libel written by Roman Pagans and Greeks around the 3C C.E.

And only an islamonazi propagandist or neo Marxist moron would believe the full context of a passage from the Bible can be gained from just reading two lines of obscure text. You do know that what you have linked to was not part of the Bible don't you, and was added at a much later date

There is dispute over the authenticity of the passage between John 7:53 and 8:11. It appears in the King James Version but modern English translations note that it is not present in the most reliable early manuscripts of John, and therefore suggest that it is unlikely to be part of the original text.

John 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That second link is seriously psycho. I'm not sure whoever authored that realizes who the Ebionim where.

The family, descendants and followers of Jesus. They remained in Jerusalem and were in the Babble referred to as the Church of Jerusalem. They never advocated abandoning Judaism and never advocated starting a new religion. That was all Paul. Who was abandoned or censured on every missionary journey he made with the Ebionim.

The truth of the matter is that Paul invented Pauline Christianity out of mostly pagan beliefs; and was reviled for invoking the name of a respected rabbi for doing so. Why else do you think he wrote letters to the theselonians ? He was causing riots among the people because he was so full of shit when he spoke in public.

Deal is todays christianity is based entirely off what Paul invented. NOT what the rabbi Jesus taught.
You really want to blow your mind? Find a link that deals with the religion called Christian Identity.

Which one as there are many and varied Christian identities, which is why so many Christian cults fled Europe for the New World
No need to get hostile to discuss the topic? Or just going to bash me personally which IS against the rules...I am heading to bed so I will give you until the morning to make your mind up.

Odious has a point. Lets look at some images from Gaza. Because its important for the terrorist supporters be aware of the consequences of their actions.





Figured it was only a matter of time before you terrorist lovers started blaming children,old folks and women for the actions of a terrorist state like Israel. Such actions are against the geneva convention but Israel has the perfect response anytime someone points out they broke an international law or violated a human rights violation they just scream ANTI SEMITE! Or JEW HATER! Works wonders.So you see the day Israel is wiped of the face of the earth to never return there won't be much tears shed.

And your evidence of your racist claim is based on what exactly, the sermon from your imam who was sent the transcript today. Who has declared officially that Israel is a terrorist state. Which articles of the Geneva conventions is responding to illegal weapons banned under, where does it say that Israel cant return fire at valid military targets aimed at their children.

What international laws have been broken, give the full details and the date of implementation, where are the human rights violations in evidence.

By the way I see a lot of anti semitic Jew hatred in your post because that is all you have to argue with, you have no actual evidence to support your claims, and your final comment shows just what you are hoping to see happen. I hope the doctors get to you before the security services, that way you will at least live a bit longer


Same old same old that does not explain which laws have been breached or which official body has declared the laws to have been broken. Why not gin actual instances of these breached as in qassam rocket fired from shatilla refugee camp at Sderot landing in the vicinity of a school on June 15 2014. This act was designated as a war crime by HRW and the UN stated that the weapon was illegal as it was not "controlled". A definitive case with details showing that the UN knows a war crime took place and have noted it in official records. Not one such instance has been noted in respect of Israeli actions.

By the way when did Palestine capitulate and hand over full control to Israel. Only actions on the Israeli side of the December 1967 green line can be shown as apartheid. and they are nill. So produce the evidence as called for and not some islamonazi propaganda site that shows it does not have a clue as to the reality in the first sentence as it claims that laws passed in 1993 were in force in 1948, but only for the Jews
You asked I delivered. Nit pick all you want not my issue.
That second link is seriously psycho. I'm not sure whoever authored that realizes who the Ebionim where.

The family, descendants and followers of Jesus. They remained in Jerusalem and were in the Babble referred to as the Church of Jerusalem. They never advocated abandoning Judaism and never advocated starting a new religion. That was all Paul. Who was abandoned or censured on every missionary journey he made with the Ebionim.

The truth of the matter is that Paul invented Pauline Christianity out of mostly pagan beliefs; and was reviled for invoking the name of a respected rabbi for doing so. Why else do you think he wrote letters to the theselonians ? He was causing riots among the people because he was so full of shit when he spoke in public.

Deal is todays christianity is based entirely off what Paul invented. NOT what the rabbi Jesus taught.
You really want to blow your mind? Find a link that deals with the religion called Christian Identity.

Which one as there are many and varied Christian identities, which is why so many Christian cults fled Europe for the New World

Christian Identity - Metapedia

I used to adhere to this religion but christianity in ALL its forms is fucking nuts.
Odious has a point. Lets look at some images from Gaza. Because its important for the terrorist supporters be aware of the consequences of their actions.





Figured it was only a matter of time before you terrorist lovers started blaming children,old folks and women for the actions of a terrorist state like Israel. Such actions are against the geneva convention but Israel has the perfect response anytime someone points out they broke an international law or violated a human rights violation they just scream ANTI SEMITE! Or JEW HATER! Works wonders.So you see the day Israel is wiped of the face of the earth to never return there won't be much tears shed.

And your evidence of your racist claim is based on what exactly, the sermon from your imam who was sent the transcript today. Who has declared officially that Israel is a terrorist state. Which articles of the Geneva conventions is responding to illegal weapons banned under, where does it say that Israel cant return fire at valid military targets aimed at their children.

What international laws have been broken, give the full details and the date of implementation, where are the human rights violations in evidence.

By the way I see a lot of anti semitic Jew hatred in your post because that is all you have to argue with, you have no actual evidence to support your claims, and your final comment shows just what you are hoping to see happen. I hope the doctors get to you before the security services, that way you will at least live a bit longer


Same old same old that does not explain which laws have been breached or which official body has declared the laws to have been broken. Why not gin actual instances of these breached as in qassam rocket fired from shatilla refugee camp at Sderot landing in the vicinity of a school on June 15 2014. This act was designated as a war crime by HRW and the UN stated that the weapon was illegal as it was not "controlled". A definitive case with details showing that the UN knows a war crime took place and have noted it in official records. Not one such instance has been noted in respect of Israeli actions.

By the way when did Palestine capitulate and hand over full control to Israel. Only actions on the Israeli side of the December 1967 green line can be shown as apartheid. and they are nill. So produce the evidence as called for and not some islamonazi propaganda site that shows it does not have a clue as to the reality in the first sentence as it claims that laws passed in 1993 were in force in 1948, but only for the Jews
You asked I delivered. Nit pick all you want not my issue.
That second link is seriously psycho. I'm not sure whoever authored that realizes who the Ebionim where.

The family, descendants and followers of Jesus. They remained in Jerusalem and were in the Babble referred to as the Church of Jerusalem. They never advocated abandoning Judaism and never advocated starting a new religion. That was all Paul. Who was abandoned or censured on every missionary journey he made with the Ebionim.

The truth of the matter is that Paul invented Pauline Christianity out of mostly pagan beliefs; and was reviled for invoking the name of a respected rabbi for doing so. Why else do you think he wrote letters to the theselonians ? He was causing riots among the people because he was so full of shit when he spoke in public.

Deal is todays christianity is based entirely off what Paul invented. NOT what the rabbi Jesus taught.
You really want to blow your mind? Find a link that deals with the religion called Christian Identity.

Which one as there are many and varied Christian identities, which is why so many Christian cults fled Europe for the New World

Christian Identity - Metapedia

I used to adhere to this religion but christianity in ALL its forms is fucking nuts.

Actually you didn't, you just cut and pasted a pack of half truths manipulated to suit your POV

And islam is based on the bad parts of Christianity making it even worse, and here you are defending the muslims
Its another ludicrous claim in a litany of ludicrous claims.

There's good people on all sides. The trick is to identify them and find solutions
Sad and Criminal acts committed.
First, it needs to be established what exactly those major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did and do to warrant a treatment they allegedly get on the facecrap, of course.
Sad and Criminal acts committed.
First, it needs to be established what exactly those major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did and do to warrant a treatment they allegedly get on the facecrap, of course.

You mean what the native people of Palestine did to upset the European (Zionist) colonial invader.

Probably, the invader was upset that the Christians and Muslims resisted the invasion.
Sad and Criminal acts committed.
First, it needs to be established what exactly those major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did and do to warrant a treatment they allegedly get on the facecrap, of course.

You mean what the native people of Palestine did to upset the European (Zionist) colonial invader.

Probably, the invader was upset that the Christians and Muslims resisted the invasion.

You've lost all sense of reality.

Arab Muslims, as of about 1945 around 90~95 % had very recently immigrated to the mandate area.

So what it boils down to is you are lying again Monty.


So this is what Gaza looks like. This is what happens when terrorists are in charge. So whats the problem with identifying the terrorists and locking them up ?
Last edited:
Best post of the whole thread Coyote.

There are good people on both sides
Jews are inherently evil. Its in their DNA. Just as the bible says

Bible Gateway passage: John 8:44-45 - King James Version

The Serpent Seedline: Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain

I am not a christian but I was raised one so...

"Inherently evil"? And where exactly is the gene for "evil"? :lmao:

Right next to the one for lying of course, as this is what this POS is doing. In the UK it is called incitement and carries a much worse penalty than actually committing the crime.
Sad and Criminal acts committed.
First, it needs to be established what exactly those major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did and do to warrant a treatment they allegedly get on the facecrap, of course.

You mean what the native people of Palestine did to upset the European (Zionist) colonial invader.

Probably, the invader was upset that the Christians and Muslims resisted the invasion.

Lost the war they were fighting in 1917 and as such lost their rights to the lands they infested
There is a thread devoted to invaders and squatters - please take those derailments to that thread.
Odium, et al,

I think the production of this video (and editing), as well as the vocal and music arrangement is quite excellent. I think it communicates the message well. Yes, a 'We Will Not Go Down' by Michael Heart is a first rate production. It should be remembered and preserved as part of the story and history of the Gazians:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Sad and Criminal acts committed.


The lyrics, like most propaganda, paint one-side as demonic and evil --- while the other side is portrayed as heroic and steadfast against all odds.

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on whose wrong or right

The continuation of hostilities by the Palestinians --- and --- the failure to adhere with Customary and International Humanitarian Law were strong contributing factors excessive civilian Palestinian casualties. While the lyrics are very dramatic, they are not representative of actual events. The Hostile Arab Palestinians cannot “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune" from Israeli combat engagements. Failure on the part of the HAMAS leadership to comply with the Customary and IHL is a contributing factor in the cause of that injuries and death. This was done on purpose to either shield hostile operations or create media sympathy and political pressure.

• Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.

Article 13(1), Additional Protocol II, stipulates that “the civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against the dangers arising from military operations” and it would be difficult to afford such protection when military objectives are located within or near densely populated areas.

The duty of each party to the conflict to avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas is set forth in Article 58(b) of Additional Protocol I, to which no reservations relevant to this rule have been made.

Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

The duty of each party to the conflict, to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives is set forth in Article 58(a) of Additional Protocol I, to which no reservations relevant to this rule have been made.

The ICRC has reminded parties to both international and non-international armed conflicts of the obligation, to the extent feasible, to remove civilian persons and objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Most Respectfully,
Best post of the whole thread Coyote.

There are good people on both sides
Jews are inherently evil. Its in their DNA. Just as the bible says

Bible Gateway passage: John 8:44-45 - King James Version

The Serpent Seedline: Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain

I am not a christian but I was raised one so...

"Inherently evil"? And where exactly is the gene for "evil"? :lmao:

See the link to the bible? I am assuming you are a christian?
Sad and Criminal acts committed.
First, it needs to be established what exactly those major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did and do to warrant a treatment they allegedly get on the facecrap, of course.
You mean what the native people of Palestine did to upset the European (Zionist) colonial invader.
Nah, palistanians aren't zionists and don't come from the Europe, they're just major arab settlers and squatters from the hood with shahadistic tendencies, of course.
Best post of the whole thread Coyote.

There are good people on both sides
Jews are inherently evil. Its in their DNA. Just as the bible says

Bible Gateway passage: John 8:44-45 - King James Version

The Serpent Seedline: Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain

I am not a christian but I was raised one so...

"Inherently evil"? And where exactly is the gene for "evil"? :lmao:

See the link to the bible? I am assuming you are a christian?

I'm more of an evidence based person, I prefer to base my opinions about genetics on science rather than books of mythology.

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