Imagine a world without Muslims

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Other people say this:

90% of these are incorrect.

For example, Aristotle wrote in 300 bc that the world was round. Nearly a thousand years before Islam was created. Gallileo was not the western man credited with discovering the world was round... that was Copernicus.

Also many of the discoveries attributed to 'Islam' were actually attributed to Middle Easterners, but way before 600AD, which is before the Prophet Muhammed and the creation of Islam.

Henry the V's castle? Which one? Most of the castles of England (and indeed western Europe were built from 1000 to 1300AD, Britain's most famous castles were built by Edward I. The castle Sant Angelo in Rome was built by the Romans for Emperor Hadrian.

Also, some of Islam's most famous architecture was copied from the Byzantines, in the case of Hadj Sofia, stolen completely.

Irrigation was used by the ancient Egyptians 2000 years before the birth of Christ, so was paper, soap, perfumes, hospitals, music, cosmetics.. etc etc etc.... is this claim being made simply because Egypt is now a Muslim country? In which case this is a lie, because the ancient Egyptians had nothing in common with Islam.


Note: The religion Islam was established between 650AD-700AD

CHESS is invented before 6th century BC by indians...... not muslims

Irrigation is done in India from 9000BC ie, from indus valley civilisation..... so definitely not by muslims

Indian temples and Roman bridges, which show the excellent human engineering techniques were build before the berth of Jesus Chirst. So architecture is not invented by muslims

The first university inthe world is established by Indians at Takshashila during 700bc.... so university is not invented by muslims

The first plastic surgery was carried out by Sushrutha, an Indian....... not a muslim

Bathing is invented by muslims?? Are u kidding me? First human beings Adam and Eve also took bath. They are not muslims. So bathing is not invented by Muslims. Heard about the Great Bath in indus valley civilisation?

Rest of the inventions are done by Europeans who are Christians
I'm a young guy so all I remember is news of Muslim gripes or conflicts always dominating the news. For a region/religion of so little economic consequences (except for oil) the Muslims of the world sure dominate the news. I'm bone weary of dealing with Muslim strife everywhere and I've actually lived in Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. I was a good guest, I didn't criticize my host, but my eyes were open and I don't really like their societies and more importantly I'd just like to live my life here in the West without dealing with their shit all the damn time.

For some of your people who have more experience in life, when did this Islam focus really begin? Did you hear a lot about Muslims back in the 60s and 70s?
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.

Christians over the past millenium have been guilty of their fair share of atrocities.
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.

Christians over the past millenium have been guilty of their fair share of atrocities.
Such as the Westboro Baptist Church.
Here's a big list of the victims of Christians: Christian Atrocities Victims of Christianity Catholic Church Inquisition Crusades
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.

Christians over the past millenium have been guilty of their fair share of atrocities.

So is the issue the past or the present? Do you judge the Christian world of today by the events of the past or the present and same with the Muslim world?
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.


The Enlightenment was based on questioning accepted dogma - religious and otherwise.

And it was an organic development in the lands of Islam? Oh wait, no, it developed from the internal tensions of Christendom.
that was my point when I related my experience with little neighborhood calenders back about 1972 Rikurzen . Post should still be up in this thread up towards the top . Yeah , I as a 10 year old knew about Muslims but they were ' mohamadens ' when I first started being aware of them . As a kid I only knew about them as Arabs , Bedouins , they were kinda cool , good with a sword , lived in the desert , admirable like the Knights that they fought during the Crusades that I read about in a few books . Also knew about the oil and hatred of Jews around the late 60s when I heard about the 1967-8 war and an Israeli exchange student kid had to leave my school to fly home because of the war .
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Yeah Dollface,

Someone DID imagine a world without Christianity. Several somones followed that same dream and most of all of the things even you might complain about is the result of those imaginings which became reality.

Look around you.

Like what you see?

Someone a few decades ago imagined a Godless America and SHAZAAAM!

Here it is.


I'd be happy if the UN passed a resolution banning all religion. :) More I think about it, more I'm forced to conceed religion does nothing good for us.
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.

Christians over the past millenium have been guilty of their fair share of atrocities.

So is the issue the past or the present? Do you judge the Christian world of today by the events of the past or the present and same with the Muslim world?

Present day christians are raping children and lying to hide the rapists.
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.

Christians over the past millenium have been guilty of their fair share of atrocities.

How many of those atrocities have been BECAUSE of their religion and how many were committed AGAINST THE TEACHINGS OF THEIR RELIGION?
I don't care what atrocities have been committed against whom. We are all humans and no matter the beliefs we hold, Jesus, Allah, or whatever you call your higher power would not want us to be treating each other the way we do.
oh , and my neighborhood calander story is in another thread Rikurzen . Main idea was that even though I knew about ' mohamadens ' [heard about them] there was no real thinking about them as they were in Arabia . It was about 72 that I started seeing Muslim holidays being added to that little neighborhood calander with a circulation of maybe 200 calanders that I noticed and said , what the heck , who cares about their holidays . Anyway , just my experience !!
Imagine a world without Christians or any other religious belief system.

Your life would very likely be measurably more brutal and harsh if that had happened. The Enlightenment is built on a Christian foundation.


The Enlightenment was based on questioning accepted dogma - religious and otherwise.
In America, the competing theology of the Rationalists (Anglicans) with that of the Evangelicals (Congregationalists, Baptists) inspired the Great Awakening of the 1740s. Puritan, evangelical Christianity since then grew to be a powerful force in the American psyche, through and beyond its founding.

Christianity otherwise, certainly since then, has built more hospitals, schools, shelters, and other charities than any other faith, ever, and not just in America. Christianity is a positive force in and a bedrock of Western civilization, like it or not.

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