Imagine Clinton as President in Trump's shoes

Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.
Dumb ass, Bush sold the only steel mill on the West Coast that can roll armor and titanium to the Russians. This has been part of the globalization and free trade. Same as the orange clown's many business's around the world, including Russia.

You're wrong once again......hack.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nope not one instance of Sec. Clinton selling uranium.

She received monies to her foundation. It was indirect through and abuse of her power as sec state. This isn't rocket science.

apparently it is, you ignore the facts.

some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.

If you think those are deep ties just wait until you look into Trump's real estate deals with Russin Oligarchs, or many members of his team having ties.

Hell, did you hear the one about the Sec of State literally having a best friend award from Russia?

theyre not even associated with "ties to russia"

dumbass RW's

That response doesn't even make sense.

good, then you're still an idiot.

I agree, continue your path to irrelevancy
Imagine Hemisphere #1 and taxation without representation, constitutional rape and UN dominance.
Thank you, no.

I see you've completely swallowed Putin's lies and distortions. You have constitutional rape right now, along with a President who doesn't know how government works and is fucking up at every turn.

You sure as hell would NOT have bombed two countries, been thrown out of Yemen, and be on the edge of war with NK.
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.
Dumb ass, Bush sold the only steel mill on the West Coast that can roll armor and titanium to the Russians. This has been part of the globalization and free trade. Same as the orange clown's many business's around the world, including Russia.

You're wrong once again......hack.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nope not one instance of Sec. Clinton selling uranium.

She received monies to her foundation. It was indirect through and abuse of her power as sec state. This isn't rocket science.

No uranium mined in the USA was ever sold to any Russian.
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.

If you think those are deep ties just wait until you look into Trump's real estate deals with Russin Oligarchs, or many members of his team having ties.

Hell, did you hear the one about the Sec of State literally having a best friend award from Russia?

theyre not even associated with "ties to russia"

dumbass RW's

That response doesn't even make sense.

good, then you're still an idiot.

I agree, continue your path to irrelevancy

Wait....what? I thought you and I were arguing something CC.
But she did release her tax returns.

She hid her SUBPOENAED BILLING RECORDS which were found in the WH residence.

Trump - refuses to voluntarily release taxes since they've been audited EVERY YEAR.

Hillary - deliberately doesn't comply with subpoena because billing records incriminate her - has to get Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell to take the fall....

Hillary is corrupt. That is what the American people believe, because it is true, no matter how many times you pull an Al Capone and claim "they got nuttin;"

The got nuttin because there was nuttin to get. Her law firm billing records for the period 10 years BEFORE they were requested. Given the number of times they moved during that period, is it any wonder they couldn't find them. And when they were found, there was nothing incriminating in them anyway.

Republicans persisted in inventing rumours of the Clintons' wrong doing, and then getting Congress, or Ken Starr to investigate them. Every Clinton investigation goes back to lies Repulicans told because Clinton was both a good President, and he was popular. The only way Republicans have ever been able to defeat the Clintons was to lie about them, and they've been doing it for over 30 years.

Lord Brown Trout has never heard a lie about the Clintons he doesn'e believe. And because he's a Republican, he never bothers to fact check.
Imagine Hemisphere #1 and taxation without representation, constitutional rape and UN dominance.
Thank you, no.

I see you've completely swallowed Putin's lies and distortions. You have constitutional rape right now, along with a President who doesn't know how government works and is fucking up at every turn.

You sure as hell would NOT have bombed two countries, been thrown out of Yemen, and be on the edge of war w
ith NK.

You're thinKing about O. He was bombing countries we weren't at war with.
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.
Dumb ass, Bush sold the only steel mill on the West Coast that can roll armor and titanium to the Russians. This has been part of the globalization and free trade. Same as the orange clown's many business's around the world, including Russia.

You're wrong once again......hack.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Nope not one instance of Sec. Clinton selling uranium.

She received monies to her foundation. It was indirect through and abuse of her power as sec state. This isn't rocket science.

No uranium mined in the USA was ever sold to any Russian.

Ignorance really is bliss. I think I'm going to start burying my head in the sand also.
This scenario hits home. Neither Clinton nor Trump is worthy to be President. One down, one to go.


Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing. And Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua. And Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in a resort. AND, in an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.

By the way, this is not about political party affiliation at all. Let's face it, if Hillary--or any woman candidate--had five children from three husbands she would never have survived the primary.

But she did release her tax returns. And we would not be in a stare-down with North Korea had she won.
However, she and Bill also have used the CGI for self-enrichment. So yes, Trump and Clinton are really just different gendered versions of the same person.
But putting Trump into office was the STUPIDEST way to get rid of her. He's going to get us into WW3.

No, Os ineptitude and horrid foreign policy have us at the brink of war.

Obama didn't threaten North Korea. At least fess up to your orange clown's missteps. Obama refused to approve that disaster in Yemen that got the US military barred from attacking terrorists there, because of lack of intel.

But then when the orange clown fucks up, it's always someone else's fault. Like the health care bill. Trump blamed the Democrats because it didn't pass, even though Republicans have a 27 seat majority in the House. Trump and Bannon demanded that Republicans pass it and threatened to primary them if they didn't. They refused and he blamed the Democrats.

Such a LOSER!!
This scenario hits home. Neither Clinton nor Trump is worthy to be President. One down, one to go.


Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing. And Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua. And Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in a resort. AND, in an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway.

By the way, this is not about political party affiliation at all. Let's face it, if Hillary--or any woman candidate--had five children from three husbands she would never have survived the primary.

But she did release her tax returns. And we would not be in a stare-down with North Korea had she won.
However, she and Bill also have used the CGI for self-enrichment. So yes, Trump and Clinton are really just different gendered versions of the same person.
But putting Trump into office was the STUPIDEST way to get rid of her. He's going to get us into WW3.

No, Os ineptitude and horrid foreign policy have us at the brink of war.

Obama didn't threaten North Korea. At least fess up to your orange clown's missteps. Obama refused to approve that disaster in Yemen that got the US military barred from attacking terrorists there, because of lack of intel.

But then when the orange clown fucks up, it's always someone else's fault. Like the health care bill. Trump blamed the Democrats because it didn't pass, even though Republicans have a 27 seat majority in the House. Trump and Bannon demanded that Republicans pass it and threatened to primary them if they didn't. They refused and he blamed the Democrats.

Such a LOSER!!

O really was a loser. Thanks.
This is good to see the far right trying to fight this OP and looking stupid while doing it.
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.
No, 'she' did not, and Trump is going down because of Flynn, Manafort, and Page.
More jake off tripe destined for his growing heap of failed Trump prognostications. At the rate he's going it won't be long until it becomes mount jake off.
Lol, Clinton actually made deals with russia and selling uranium. Yeah, she had deep ties.
No, 'she' did not, and Trump is going down because of Flynn, Manafort, and Page.
More jake off tripe destined for his growing heap of failed Trump prognostications. At the rate he's going it won't be long until it becomes mount jake off.
Yup, failed EOs, failed health repeal and replace program, fail with Page and Manafort and Flynn, no taxation reform until much, much later (yeah, sure!). blastsilly keeps ramming the stick up his own ass.

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