Imagine Elizabeth Warren Runs In 2020.How Will The " Pocahontas Protesters" Dress Up As ??

luv that blastoff when he gets going
She would dress as she always has dressed. Duh. What's your problem?
Except that on the campaign trail she'd add war paint. Probably something by Coco Chanel I'd imagine.

Yuh huh.

And why would she do that? Tell the whole class.
Noodle on it for a bit. C'mon, you can do it.

So your answer is "noodles".

Makes as much sense as anything else in this mindless apology for a thread that makes a fucking mockery of legitimate political discourse.
The protesters should dress up as the patriotic white Army soldiers who killed the Indians at Wounded Knee.


If 'Faux Squaw' Warren runs it'll be another glorious massacre just like at Wounded Knee in 1891.
what will she call it? "The Tee Pee Tour" ?
That will be fun

After all these years, the best Republicans have on Warren is offensive Indian stereotypes
if Harry Reid Runs, I will dress up as a shoulder press machine with a left eye hanging from it.
The hard left and the regressive hard and alt rights don't believe in legitimate political discourse, only raw power so they can hurt those who disagree with them.
The hard left and the regressive hard and alt rights don't believe in legitimate political discourse, only raw power so they can hurt those who disagree with them.

We have to destroy the left before they destroy the country.
Warren would decimate part of our military by getting rid of all our helicopters with offensive native American names.
Love Liz Warren...she knows how to get under Trumps skin

All he can do in response is Indian dances
I'd love to see Warren take on Trump

She knows which buttons to push
Warren would decimate part of our military by getting rid of all our helicopters with offensive native American names.
Warren would pass a law that requires all new public structures add on a 4th bathroom for Americans who believe they are decendants of native americans.

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