Imagine how Hillary must feel...

Hillary Clinton was deemed too stupid to understand the rules about emails, private servers and top secret information! You want someone that stupid to run the country?

The fact that nobody was indicted for the emails isn't because Clinton was innocent of wrong's because the Obama Justice Department was a partisan JOKE!

President Dotard has been deemed WAY too stupid to understand any of the same.

Report: Trump revealed Israeli commando and Mossad operation in Syria to Russians

You do realize that was never established as fact? That it was simply "alleged" by Vanity Fair and the New York Times...two publications that lean far to the left?

That aside, does that in any way change the fact that Hillary wasn't hit with criminal charges for what she did with her private email servers because the Director of the FBI came to the conclusion that she was too stupid to understand the regulations that applied to both Congressional oversight of her department and the handling of top secret information?
You do realize that was never established as fact? That it was simply "alleged" by Vanity Fair and the New York Times...two publications that lean far to the left?

That aside, does that in any way change the fact that Hillary wasn't hit with criminal charges for what she did with her private email servers because the Director of the FBI came to the conclusion that she was too stupid to understand the regulations that applied to both Congressional oversight of her department and the handling of top secret information?

Then why did he defend it? Sorry - it is conclusive .. not "alleged" or "fake news"

Trump defends sharing 'facts' with Russians; reports say Israel gave intel

I'm not really interested in discussing Hillary Clinton. Didn't vote for her and she ran a horrible campaign.

Much more concerned with the deranged orange clown's reality TeeVee nightmare.
Last edited:

History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

Meh - her opponent was cheating, the referee was making bad calls...but she is still a loser for making this a close contest. She ran against a fucking clown and could not find a way to win.

Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers! Only someone with the gall of a Clinton would do what she DID...and then turn around and complain about what she did...and her opponent didn't do!

Then you on the left wonder why nobody wanted her as President? She's a corrupt, lying, incompetent shrew who enabled her husband's sexual harassment of women for decades and then ran for President as the "champion" of women! She claimed to be "broke" the very same year she and her hubby bought not one...but two million dollar mansions! Hillary Clinton should have never been your candidate, Anton but you on the left are so blinded by the bullshit that she and her husband put out that you couldn't see what's blatantly obvious!
You do realize that was never established as fact? That it was simply "alleged" by Vanity Fair and the New York Times...two publications that lean far to the left?

That aside, does that in any way change the fact that Hillary wasn't hit with criminal charges for what she did with her private email servers because the Director of the FBI came to the conclusion that she was too stupid to understand the regulations that applied to both Congressional oversight of her department and the handling of top secret information?

Then why did he defend it? Sorry - it is conclusive .. not "alleged" or "fake news"

Trump defends sharing 'facts' with Russians; reports say Israel gave intel

I'm not really interested in discussing Hillary Clinton. Didn't vote for her and she ran a horrible campaign.

Much more concerned with the reality show nightmare and international embarrassment currently in the White House.

I'm sure you're very "concerned" about Trump, Lovie...especially when what he does works...which seems to be an emerging pattern. The main stream media paints everything he does in the worst way they can and then sit on their collective hands when his policies grow the economy and bring people like the Chinese to the bargaining table.

I'm amused by all of you on the left suddenly claiming never to have supported Hillary Clinton! Gee, how did she get all those "popular" votes that you all obsess over?
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.
Last edited:
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important. Fake News are fabrications put out specifically to deceive.
even though it is fake. but I digress.

History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

Meh - her opponent was cheating, the referee was making bad calls...but she is still a loser for making this a close contest. She ran against a fucking clown and could not find a way to win.

Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers! Only someone with the gall of a Clinton would do what she DID...and then turn around and complain about what she did...and her opponent didn't do!

Then you on the left wonder why nobody wanted her as President? She's a corrupt, lying, incompetent shrew who enabled her husband's sexual harassment of women for decades and then ran for President as the "champion" of women! She claimed to be "broke" the very same year she and her hubby bought not one...but two million dollar mansions! Hillary Clinton should have never been your candidate, Anton but you on the left are so blinded by the bullshit that she and her husband put out that you couldn't see what's blatantly obvious!

Name one thing in the dossier that has been proven untrue. Provide "credible" sources.

History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

Meh - her opponent was cheating, the referee was making bad calls...but she is still a loser for making this a close contest. She ran against a fucking clown and could not find a way to win.

Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers! Only someone with the gall of a Clinton would do what she DID...and then turn around and complain about what she did...and her opponent didn't do!

Then you on the left wonder why nobody wanted her as President? She's a corrupt, lying, incompetent shrew who enabled her husband's sexual harassment of women for decades and then ran for President as the "champion" of women! She claimed to be "broke" the very same year she and her hubby bought not one...but two million dollar mansions! Hillary Clinton should have never been your candidate, Anton but you on the left are so blinded by the bullshit that she and her husband put out that you couldn't see what's blatantly obvious!

Name one thing in the dossier that has been proven untrue. Provide "credible" sources.

name one thing proven that is. that's all you need to know.
"Fact checking" by a left wing Brit blog site called "politics means politics"? That's a laugh. You could say that Nixon was cheated by JFK and the Kennedy clan and Goldwater was cheated by LBJ and the mainstream media/Hollywood propaganda machine but that's O.K. because everyone hated Nixon and thought Goldwater was a "war-monger" just before LBJ got us into Vietnam. Hillary had the MSM on her side and the gigantic propaganda machine Media Matters not to mention a freaking spy in the Trump campaign and foreign agents in the U.K. digging up fake stuff about Trump. . The perceived "vicious attacks" were nothing but business as usual in politics. You could say with a fair degree of accuracy that Hillary cheated Sanders in the primary and cheated in the debates by getting the questions beforehand
"Fact checking" by a left wing Brit blog site called "politics means politics"? That's a laugh. You could say that Nixon was cheated by JFK and the Kennedy clan and Goldwater was cheated by LBJ and the mainstream media/Hollywood propaganda machine but that's O.K. because everyone hated Nixon and thought Goldwater was a "war-monger" just before LBJ got us into Vietnam. Hillary had the MSM on her side and the gigantic propaganda machine Media Matters not to mention a freaking spy in the Trump campaign and foreign agents in the U.K. digging up fake stuff about Trump. . The perceived "vicious attacks" were nothing but business as usual in politics. You could say with a fair degree of accuracy that Hillary cheated Sanders in the primary and cheated in the debates by getting the questions beforehand

What questions did Hillary get "beforehand" regarding the Flint water crisis prior to her debate with Bernie Sanders?

A CNN spokeswoman said the network was “completely uncomfortable” with the news that Brazile allegedly leaked a debate question to Clinton’s campaign. In a statement, Lauren Pratapas said:

On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.

DNC head leaked debate question to Clinton, Podesta emails suggests
History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

is this serious ?

You don't make a "basket of deplorables" statement about half the country....and expect sympathy.

So long Hillary.....and please.....never come back.

Yes, it’s terrible when someone speaks the truth.

Call it the truth if you desire.

But don't be stupid enough to think it won't have consequences.
"Fact checking" by a left wing Brit blog site called "politics means politics"? That's a laugh. You could say that Nixon was cheated by JFK and the Kennedy clan and Goldwater was cheated by LBJ and the mainstream media/Hollywood propaganda machine but that's O.K. because everyone hated Nixon and thought Goldwater was a "war-monger" just before LBJ got us into Vietnam. Hillary had the MSM on her side and the gigantic propaganda machine Media Matters not to mention a freaking spy in the Trump campaign and foreign agents in the U.K. digging up fake stuff about Trump. . The perceived "vicious attacks" were nothing but business as usual in politics. You could say with a fair degree of accuracy that Hillary cheated Sanders in the primary and cheated in the debates by getting the questions beforehand

What questions did Hillary get "beforehand" regarding the Flint water crisis prior to her debate with Bernie Sanders?

A CNN spokeswoman said the network was “completely uncomfortable” with the news that Brazile allegedly leaked a debate question to Clinton’s campaign. In a statement, Lauren Pratapas said:

On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.

DNC head leaked debate question to Clinton, Podesta emails suggests

But, Donna Brazile did. Where she got them may be argued, but she admits she gave Hillary questions. She also claims to have passed material to the other candidates as well.

Brazile On Giving Hillary Debate Question: You Never Saw The Things I Gave To Sanders Or O'Malley

History will prove that she was cheated out of the presidency - the first female president. Never has a woman been so unfairly and viciously attacked in U.S. history based on fake news, lies, conspiracy theories, Russians - and Comey. She has been investigated and persecuted beyond belief - and has never been indicted for any crimes. She survived Whitewater, Benghazi, Emails, and more. Whether you love or hate her - she didn't deserve this. Imagine how she must feel...

What do you think?

Hillary Clinton: Fact checking some of the outrageous accusations

Conspiracy theories, not facts, driving Clinton haters

Who is Seth Rich - and was his death really connected to Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton Uranium One Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Hillary Clinton addresses the bogus pizzagate conspiracy that lead a gunman to open fire in a Washington, DC pizza parlor. Secretary Clinton further elaborates on the rise of fake news, its dangers, and the role of Russian operatives in spreading it.

Meh - her opponent was cheating, the referee was making bad calls...but she is still a loser for making this a close contest. She ran against a fucking clown and could not find a way to win.

If Trump's a clown what does that make Hillary??
Hillary Clinton pontificating on "fake news" is rather hilarious when she spent huge amounts of money to create fake news about Donald Trump with Richard Steele's phony dossiers!

Dumbass there is nothing "fake news" about the dossier.

Steele fully believed in his work and considered it important, much of it is turning out to be true or very close.

Fake News on the other hand are deliberate fabrications put out to deceive the public. Few outlets got more of that than Trump's own tweeter feed.

Ah, so Steele "fully believed in his work"? So why when he was sued in British courts for defamation did he turn around and claim that his "work" was never intended to be put out by the media because it was simply scenarios that MIGHT have happened? What Steele believed in was getting paid to smear Trump. What he NOW believes in is covering his ass!

The fact that you can't discern that this was a deliberate fabrication on Steele's part at this point of the proceedings tells me that you're either extremely naive...or totally clueless.
When Hill was under FBI investigation all the dumbfuks said how can some one under FBI investigation run for president ?....Now with it happening to Dump all the dumbfuks are silent What fn traitors republicans are
"Fact checking" by a left wing Brit blog site called "politics means politics"? That's a laugh. You could say that Nixon was cheated by JFK and the Kennedy clan and Goldwater was cheated by LBJ and the mainstream media/Hollywood propaganda machine but that's O.K. because everyone hated Nixon and thought Goldwater was a "war-monger" just before LBJ got us into Vietnam. Hillary had the MSM on her side and the gigantic propaganda machine Media Matters not to mention a freaking spy in the Trump campaign and foreign agents in the U.K. digging up fake stuff about Trump. . The perceived "vicious attacks" were nothing but business as usual in politics. You could say with a fair degree of accuracy that Hillary cheated Sanders in the primary and cheated in the debates by getting the questions beforehand

What questions did Hillary get "beforehand" regarding the Flint water crisis prior to her debate with Bernie Sanders?

A CNN spokeswoman said the network was “completely uncomfortable” with the news that Brazile allegedly leaked a debate question to Clinton’s campaign. In a statement, Lauren Pratapas said:

On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.

DNC head leaked debate question to Clinton, Podesta emails suggests

But, Donna Brazile did. Where she got them may be argued, but she admits she gave Hillary questions. She also claims to have passed material to the other candidates as well.

Brazile On Giving Hillary Debate Question: You Never Saw The Things I Gave To Sanders Or O'Malley

Would someone like to take a stab at telling me why CNN should ever be trusted with a Presidential debate ever again?

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