Imagine If A Reporter Inadvertently Asks The President Something Pertaining To Taiwan Invading China. Then Corrects Him/Herself After The Response.


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Gaffe after Gaffe after Gaffe. Can you just imagine if the president got questioned about an update or issue pertaining to Taiwan contemplating invading China, then he gives an answer, then the reporter says something like, Oh, Mr. President, I'm sorry, I mean to speak of China's intentions to invade Taiwan. My bad.
But by this time, the President had already gave us his answer pertaining Taiwan's threat to China.
Can we say "OOOPS". :oops-28:
if he gets any worse, he will likely answer any question, even if its a trick question like any question pertaining to last phone call/contact with Mao Tse Ting
if I had the chance, in would ask the President: Mr. President, how do you feel about the nation of canada contemplating buying the state of California for a proposed $597,238. and 42 cents?

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