Imagine IF this past year's events had happened under a Clinton administration

Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
So Obama had fewer resignations/firings in 8 years than Trump has had in one year. Stay tuned.

NO....the real important "lesson" here is HOW MANY of those "firings/resignations" are from folks being fitted for orange garbs.
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
No I am talking about Obama who meddled in the British elections and Israel's elections? I guess you don't give a shit when your own fucking party does it to another country but when your bitch loses because some hackers got into HER "unsecure" server and she lost because of it, you go bat chit crazy? Well you are always bat chit crazy, you just show it more....
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
Does that make Obama EVIL???

Does that make Obama EVIL???

NO......and anyone with a half brain would agree....

Was Obama president when he chatted with Medvedev???............Yes or No?

Was Trump president when his minions chatted with Russians about the removal of sanctions?.............Yes or No?
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
No I am talking about Obama who meddled in the British elections and Israel's elections? I guess you don't give a shit when your own fucking party does it to another country but when your bitch loses because some hackers got into HER "unsecure" server and she lost because of it, you go bat chit crazy? Well you are always bat chit crazy, you just show it more....

Nut job, I didn't vote for Clinton nor did I vote for Obama, I voted for Mitt, so you are just being a stupid partisan hack. I don't have a party, the Republicans quit being fiscally conservative so I left. The Democrats were never fiscally sound, so I don't care for them. Neither party gives a damn about you or me and it is just the stupid party nuts that still think they do.

I don't care that people hacked Hillary's account, shame on her. I am against a communist threat that is sitting in Russia that could undermine future elections. Do I think there is collusion between Trump and Russia? Nope, just don't like the idea of Putin and his thugs trying to influence an American election. I try not to let party BS sway my opinion, apparently you like it when they do it to you.
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
Does that make Obama EVIL???

No, it makes him a stupid politician, and the people that follow him stupid lemmings.
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
No I am talking about Obama who meddled in the British elections and Israel's elections? I guess you don't give a shit when your own fucking party does it to another country but when your bitch loses because some hackers got into HER "unsecure" server and she lost because of it, you go bat chit crazy? Well you are always bat chit crazy, you just show it more....

Nut job, I didn't vote for Clinton nor did I vote for Obama, I voted for Mitt, so you are just being a stupid partisan hack. I don't have a party, the Republicans quit being fiscally conservative so I left. The Democrats were never fiscally sound, so I don't care for them. Neither party gives a damn about you or me and it is just the stupid party nuts that still think they do.

I don't care that people hacked Hillary's account, shame on her. I am against a communist threat that is sitting in Russia that could undermine future elections. Do I think there is collusion between Trump and Russia? Nope, just don't like the idea of Putin and his thugs trying to influence an American election. I try not to let party BS sway my opinion, apparently you like it when they do it to you.
communist threat that is sitting in Russia
I used to serve in the military to fight the communist threat in Russia, then in the 2008 I found out that the Commies were sitting in the USA and the moderates and liberals put him there......
It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
No I am talking about Obama who meddled in the British elections and Israel's elections? I guess you don't give a shit when your own fucking party does it to another country but when your bitch loses because some hackers got into HER "unsecure" server and she lost because of it, you go bat chit crazy? Well you are always bat chit crazy, you just show it more....

Nut job, I didn't vote for Clinton nor did I vote for Obama, I voted for Mitt, so you are just being a stupid partisan hack. I don't have a party, the Republicans quit being fiscally conservative so I left. The Democrats were never fiscally sound, so I don't care for them. Neither party gives a damn about you or me and it is just the stupid party nuts that still think they do.

I don't care that people hacked Hillary's account, shame on her. I am against a communist threat that is sitting in Russia that could undermine future elections. Do I think there is collusion between Trump and Russia? Nope, just don't like the idea of Putin and his thugs trying to influence an American election. I try not to let party BS sway my opinion, apparently you like it when they do it to you.
communist threat that is sitting in Russia
I used to serve in the military to fight the communist threat in Russia, then in the 2008 I found out that the Commies were sitting in the USA and the moderates and liberals put him there......

But Putin is a commie, he is a danger to our country, the Russians are still the same, they aren't the USSR but they are a threat. We need sanction Russia and hold them accountable. I know you despise the commies, hell you fought them and yet we still deal with them today and we have a President that won't sanction them. I find that troubling. I found Obama's words to Putin troubling. We need to watch Russia and China very carefully.
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

The stock market at 25,000 is a scandal......
You dumbass.
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

It doesn’t matter what happens the partisan left would excuse and dismiss everything she did and the partisan right would attack continuously.

Left and right partisans don’t care about country, just their politics.
Oh yeah, I served my country during the Cold War keeping the fucking commies out of it. Today with the middle of the road spineless moderates, they and the radical left put in a 1/2 white community agitator that almost fundamentally transformed America into a shithole. And you dare accuse those on the right that we don't care about our country. Well Sir ( and I use that term loosely) you are cordially invited to KMA (kiss my ass).


Are you talking about the fucking Russian commies that have tried to influence our elections for the last several election cycles? Are you talking the same fucking Russian commies that the right has embraced? I'm sorry guy, that is a big issue, I didn't care for Obama and his policies however I could never and I mean never agree, back or support a Russian murderer like Putin, he is the real evil.
Does that make Obama EVIL???

obam putinmmmmm.jpg
Just out of "curiosity", what would right wingers on here be now posting on this forum if the daily scandals surrounding the Trump administration these past 14 months, had been happening under a Hillary Clinton administration...???

I know that honesty on here under the umbrella of anonymity is a difficult task to employ, but it would take a few....or even one.......right winger on here to honestly address the question posed in the thread's title.

Its time to place country above politics, my right wing fellow posters.

They'd be lighting torches and getting pitchforks, the Republicans in Congress would need blood transfusions from flagellating themselves for the coming of the last days.

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