immigrants from which continents would you welcome?

from these …

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Any of them, as long as they go through the proper channels.
JGalt, I think you should have added that they are educated, speak the language, and are self-sufficient with a job waiting and not reliant on welfare. I think that approach is very reasonable, now the kicker to get the left in an uproar. I would not let a hardcore practicing Muslim anywhere near this Christian country. So sue me!
JGalt, I think you should have added that they are educated, speak the language, and are self-sufficient with a job waiting and not reliant on welfare. I think that approach is very reasonable, now the kicker to get the left in an uproar. I would not let a hardcore practicing Muslim anywhere near this Christian country. So sue me!

True. Islam is incompatible with Western civilization and values.
I would welcome anybody whose chief desire is to become an American while adapting OUR culture rather than expecting us to kowtow to theirs.
Dog-----That is just wishful thinking. Immigrants today, whether legal or illegal do not want to assimilate. They hold on to their culture and demand that we embrace theirs. They are the smart ones while we are the dumb-asses who kowtow to the liberal left. My parents came here in the 1920's and when referring to their homeland (Belgium), it was called the "old country". They had moved on and became US citizens.
"Proper Channels" doesn't mean anything anymore. What we need is a moratorium on any entry until we can deal with what we have now and make an effort to deport undesirables. How many frigging people do you need to pick tomatoes or kill chickens or build roofs? Killing our own kids and then saying the birth rate is declining so we need more immigrants is just insanity.

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad​

Dog-----That is just wishful thinking. Immigrants today, whether legal or illegal do not want to assimilate. They hold on to their culture and demand that we embrace theirs. They are the smart ones while we are the dumb-asses who kowtow to the liberal left. My parents came here in the 1920's and when referring to their homeland (Belgium), it was called the "old country". They had moved on and became US citizens.
Oh, I know. I agree.

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