Immigrants gaining jobs, native-born Americans aren't

[The immigrants are paying, through their taxes, to support those that feel these jobs are beneath their dignity.

Funny stuff.

I guess the jobs that Mexicans wouldn't take, like fighting in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam was beneath THEIR dignity.

hey dipshit....20% of the American troops killed in Vietnam were of Latino how many wars have you fought in Gordo?.....

I guess you pulled that figure out of some Mexican's ass.

Out of 58,217 only 350 were Hispanic/Latino.

And no Mexican Army ever fought in Vietnam.

If you consider that 20%, I'm glad you don't work at my bank. Just another example of success through an American public school education.:lol:
Damn, you're right! If Mexico had helped out in Vietnam we might have won that war!!! :cuckoo:

The way Mexicans breed like rats, they would have overpopulated Southeast Asia in less than a decade. Then those commies would have to deal with illegals.
I guess the jobs that Mexicans wouldn't take, like fighting in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam was beneath THEIR dignity.

hey dipshit....20% of the American troops killed in Vietnam were of Latino how many wars have you fought in Gordo?.....

I guess you pulled that figure out of some Mexican's ass.

Out of 58,217 only 350 were Hispanic/Latino.

And no Mexican Army ever fought in Vietnam.

If you consider that 20%, I'm glad you don't work at my bank. Just another example of success through an American public school education.:lol:

I worked in USNAV Hospital 59 during the View Nam conflict.

Thousands of Viet Nam wounded Hispanic and Latinos went though that place in the two years I was stationed there.

I deal with Hispanic and latino with their guts blown out, their faces shot off, their arms and leg gone, and you?

You, sir, are a lying, chickenhawking puke unworthy to call yourself a citizen of the same country those Latinos brethern of mine served so honorably.

You got a DD214, punk?!

I doubt it, you fucking racist piece of shit.
I guess the jobs that Mexicans wouldn't take, like fighting in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam was beneath THEIR dignity.

hey dipshit....20% of the American troops killed in Vietnam were of Latino how many wars have you fought in Gordo?.....

Not many of those troops were foreign nationals, i.e. Mexicans; being 'latino' doesn't make anybody 'special' and entitled to anything, like crossing borders at will and violating other countries' laws.

and nobody said it did.....
I guess you pulled that figure out of some Mexican's ass.

Out of 58,217 only 350 were Hispanic/Latino.

And no Mexican Army ever fought in Vietnam.

If you consider that 20%, I'm glad you don't work at my bank. Just another example of success through an American public school education.:lol:

sorry it was supposed to have been 2%.....but said NONE....when yet there was.....plenty of "Latino-Americans" fought over there how many wars has big bad Gordo fought in that he feels qualified to bad mouth the Latino guys who have?.....
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Immigration reform as being touted by the Ospama Administration is a laughable fraud; as soon as those criminal illegal aliens become legal citizens, they will become unemployed and unemployable, and they will be replaced by the next wave of illegals their former employers can arrange for. Contrary to what some seem to believe, most of those criminal illegals that are actually coming here to work already know where they're going and who they will be working for before they ever cross the border. It's an ongoing organized criminal enterprise that's been going on for decades.

You seem to get the bigger picture! These are not doctors or lawyers invading our country but at best, blue collar workers at worst, criminals... Another blanket amnesty would add millions more into our unemployement pool.
Immigration reform as being touted by the Ospama Administration is a laughable fraud; as soon as those criminal illegal aliens become legal citizens, they will become unemployed and unemployable, and they will be replaced by the next wave of illegals their former employers can arrange for. Contrary to what some seem to believe, most of those criminal illegals that are actually coming here to work already know where they're going and who they will be working for before they ever cross the border. It's an ongoing organized criminal enterprise that's been going on for decades.

You seem to get the bigger picture! These are not doctors or lawyers invading our country but at best, blue collar workers at worst, criminals... Another blanket amnesty would add millions more into our unemployement pool.

Of course another blanket amnesty would be a mistake.

The FIRST blanket amnesty under REAGAN was a mistake, too.

BOTH parties have allowed this ongoing diaster to happen.
Immigration reform as being touted by the Ospama Administration is a laughable fraud; as soon as those criminal illegal aliens become legal citizens, they will become unemployed and unemployable, and they will be replaced by the next wave of illegals their former employers can arrange for. Contrary to what some seem to believe, most of those criminal illegals that are actually coming here to work already know where they're going and who they will be working for before they ever cross the border. It's an ongoing organized criminal enterprise that's been going on for decades.

You seem to get the bigger picture! These are not doctors or lawyers invading our country but at best, blue collar workers at worst, criminals... Another blanket amnesty would add millions more into our unemployement pool.

And I don't think the repubs will do anything to stop it as I've read many times before that this country is addicted to cheap labor and big profits - and the proof is in the pudding. BOTH parties are responsible for this fiasco!!!
If you're competing for a job with someone who has no education and can't speak english, you have more problems than immigration policy can help you with....
I like how the discussion immediately turns to illegal immigrants, despite the fact that the vast majority of people in that "foreign-born" category are not.
If you're competing for a job with someone who has no education and can't speak english, you have more problems than immigration policy can help you with....

In a perfect world you'd be spot on but you also have to take into account that a lot of these blue collar positions are going to illegals for they are willing to work for much less. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to swing a hammer.
There is a need for cheap labor more then ever now. The economy is ripe for cheap labor.
Been thinking about this thread.

How many of us are not descended from immigrants?
I am about 1/16th Cherokee. The rest is from immigrants.

so only immigrants that have been here for a while are ok?

I worked in USNAV Hospital 59 during the View Nam conflict.

Thousands of Viet Nam wounded Hispanic and Latinos went though that place in the two years I was stationed there.

I deal with Hispanic and latino with their guts blown out, their faces shot off, their arms and leg gone, and you?

You, sir, are a lying, chickenhawking puke unworthy to call yourself a citizen of the same country those Latinos brethern of mine served so honorably.

You got a DD214, punk?!

I doubt it, you fucking racist piece of shit.

Oh excuse me. Out of 58,217 DEAD, only 350 were Hispanic/Latino/whatever.


You can read can't you?

And I always say: MEXICAN ARMY but some people haven't learned how to READ yet!

And you can feed those asshole all you want but not with the money that was meant to feed POOR AMERICANS. That's called theft!
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sorry it was supposed to have been 2%.....but said NONE....when yet there was.....plenty of "Latino-Americans" fought over there how many wars has big bad Gordo fought in that he feels qualified to bad mouth the Latino guys who have?.....
Vietnam War Statistics

I see smoking all that pot still hasn't cleared up your cataracts.

I never said Latino/Mexicans/Hispanics/whatever in the US Armed Forces.

You are just going to have to get those reading glasses or have mommy help you with the big words.

But let us not forget the 25,000 Brazilians who fought bravely in WW2 from the begining of the Italian Campaign while their Mexican counterparts took a siesta until the war was almost over.
Been thinking about this thread.

How many of us are not descended from immigrants?
I am about 1/16th Cherokee. The rest is from immigrants.

so only immigrants that have been here for a while are ok?

You'll have to talk to Adam and Eve as to who gets what. Just because a few Indians canoed here doesn't make them the sole owner. God owns it all. If Indians do not recognize Him, He won't recognize them.
If you're competing for a job with someone who has no education and can't speak english, you have more problems than immigration policy can help you with....

Since they're taking jobs away from American latinos and blacks, not just white construction workers, you think it's okay? Citizenship is worth nothing to you? This is the typical Democratic Party attitude toward blue collar workers, they're all low life scum and don't matter; and the key reason the Democrats and their brie and chardonnay leadership have to pander to numerous little splinter groups of crazies and rely heavily on ethnic nationalism and racism for votes, when they should have had slam dunk wins the last 12 years.
Been thinking about this thread.

How many of us are not descended from immigrants?
I am about 1/16th Cherokee. The rest is from immigrants.

so only immigrants that have been here for a while are ok?

Red herring, and besides, unless you want to repeat the epidemics and starvation related diseases that killed off many of the earlier waves of immigration and build yet more huge slums, there was nothing 'great' about the immigration waves of the past to brag about, either. Also, few of the 'Pro-immigration' advocates seem to want to point out that many early immigrants left and went back home, except for those too poor to get away, for some reason; some 60% or so of Italian males of the 1890's had returned to Italy by 1910, for instance.

Google Books has plenty of books and articles from the 19th and early 20th century on the effects of unrestricted immigration that are less than enthusiastic about the new slums and whatnot, for those interested.

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