Immigrants gaining jobs, native-born Americans aren't

I see smoking all that pot still hasn't cleared up your cataracts.

I never said Latino/Mexicans/Hispanics/whatever in the US Armed Forces.

You are just going to have to get those reading glasses or have mommy help you with the big words.

But let us not forget the 25,000 Brazilians who fought bravely in WW2 from the begining of the Italian Campaign while their Mexican counterparts took a siesta until the war was almost over.

maybe you should learn how to read Gordo.....this is where you first Mentioned MEXICANS and Vietnam.....your post not mine.....and you did not say Mexicans from Mexico and their distinction.....just no.9 i believe it was....
.....(I guess the jobs that Mexicans wouldn't take, like fighting in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam was beneath THEIR dignity) time distinguish between the another post you claimed you ALWAYS say Mexican did not do it in that post Gordo.....
I see smoking all that pot still hasn't cleared up your cataracts.

I never said Latino/Mexicans/Hispanics/whatever in the US Armed Forces.

You are just going to have to get those reading glasses or have mommy help you with the big words.

But let us not forget the 25,000 Brazilians who fought bravely in WW2 from the begining of the Italian Campaign while their Mexican counterparts took a siesta until the war was almost over.

maybe you should learn how to read Gordo.....this is where you first Mentioned MEXICANS and Vietnam.....your post not mine.....and you did not say Mexicans from Mexico and their distinction.....just no.9 i believe it was....
.....(I guess the jobs that Mexicans wouldn't take, like fighting in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam was beneath THEIR dignity) time distinguish between the another post you claimed you ALWAYS say Mexican did not do it in that post Gordo.....

Excuse me.

Next time I call Mexicans MEXICAN!:cuckoo:
im so glad i came across this post. and its sad to say that you believe illegals are taking the americans their job.
first and foremost, americans, including myself always want more than what we've got. we always want more money.
the illegals as you call them just come and do the jobs you lazy americans dont wanna do, because you feel that your too good to it yourself, so no, they're not taking your job they're simply doing the job YOU wont do.
government paid apt homes. have you looked at who lives in them?? mainly white or blacks. and instead of learning how to decently work a job and make a living, they've sat at home to fill out welfare and food stamp applications, while eating junk food and watching jerry springer. so instead of complaining get off your behing and do something.
i was always taught that if you want something someone else has you will work 10 times harder than they did.
my dad, WAS an illegal at one point in his life. but before you start calling them names and telling them to return to their country, you should hear their childhood stories, my dad would go days without eating because of poverty in mexico, his toys were old beat up shoes. and i am proud of the man my father is, because he went years of being called names and still stood strong.
i am a us born citizen, im mexican american, i LOOK mexican, but ive been called a wetback before and funny thing is, they didnt know i spoke their language, i AM from the united states.
and its a sad story to hear ppl say horrible things about illegals... one thing is for sure, your house has been touched by an illegal, wayyyyyy before you did, and illegal built your home, you should thank him.
I like how the discussion immediately turns to illegal immigrants, despite the fact that the vast majority of people in that "foreign-born" category are not.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the "vast" majority....:eusa_whistle:
im so glad i came across this post. and its sad to say that you believe illegals are taking the americans their job.
first and foremost, americans, including myself always want more than what we've got. we always want more money.
the illegals as you call them just come and do the jobs you lazy americans dont wanna do, because you feel that your too good to it yourself, so no, they're not taking your job they're simply doing the job YOU wont do.
government paid apt homes. have you looked at who lives in them?? mainly white or blacks. and instead of learning how to decently work a job and make a living, they've sat at home to fill out welfare and food stamp applications, while eating junk food and watching jerry springer. so instead of complaining get off your behing and do something.
i was always taught that if you want something someone else has you will work 10 times harder than they did.
my dad, WAS an illegal at one point in his life. but before you start calling them names and telling them to return to their country, you should hear their childhood stories, my dad would go days without eating because of poverty in mexico, his toys were old beat up shoes. and i am proud of the man my father is, because he went years of being called names and still stood strong.
i am a us born citizen, im mexican american, i LOOK mexican, but ive been called a wetback before and funny thing is, they didnt know i spoke their language, i AM from the united states.
and its a sad story to hear ppl say horrible things about illegals... one thing is for sure, your house has been touched by an illegal, wayyyyyy before you did, and illegal built your home, you should thank him.

Before I start to cry:(........where was Mexico during WW2. More Russians died during that war than the ENTIRE population of Mexico at that time. Do Mexicans feel sorry for Russians?

And there are over 125 countries POORER than Mexico in the world. Do Mexicans care?

Between 1950 and 2005, Mexico's population quadrupled and their life expectancy went from 50 to 72 years of age thanks to billions of dollars of aid from the US. But don't bother to say "Thank You". All I ever hear is how racist Americans are.

When Mexicans use American money to get fat, don't they consider the poor Americans living in tent cities?

Mexicans always claim to be religious and good Catholics, yet my 80 year old Catholic school had to close its doors out of years of Mexican parents not paying the tuitions or not supporting THEIR church.

Want more?
This video amazed me. See youtube below.

"The video shows Lawrence Lebowitz, Vice President for Marketing for the law firm of Cohen & Grigsby, together with a panel of the law firm's attorneys, explaining to an audience of employers how to use loopholes in the laws governing the work visas to hire foreign workers in place of Americans. Lebowitz says, "our goal is clearly, not to find a qualified and interested US worker.""

"The problem is that middle class jobs, both in manufacturing and in professional occupations such as engineering, are being offshored as corporations replace their American workforces with foreigners. I have called jobs offshoring "virtual immigration.""

"Chances are high that economists will ignore the story also. Economists have made fools of themselves with their hyped claims that jobs offshoring is a great benefit to America and that any attempt to stop it would bring hardship, failed companies, and lost American jobs. When a profession gets egg all over its face, it closes ranks and goes into denial."
Paul Craig Roberts: Goodbye to the City on the Hill


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