Immunity from responsibility


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Our countries politicians and bankers want to have immunity from any liability of theft or actions that damage others.

I came across this article while doing a search.

Jeff Sessions needs to be voted out of office for trying to protect thieves by giving them immunity. Representatives from both parties have allowed these giants to rob people for way too long. It is time to put each and everyone of them out of office that has conspired to pillage through deceptive legislation. The list and reason they need to be voted out starts here:

Senate, old legal woes drawn into patent fight - Lisa Lerer -


In July, Se. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) introduced an admendment in the Senate Judiary Committee to essentially grants the banks immunity from the suit.
Photo: AP


In its complaint, DataTreasury alleges that the banks stole its technology and distributed it throughout the industry. Some major financial institutions, most notably JPMorgan Chase and Merrill Lynch, settled for what the company considers a “significant sum.”

Cases against Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and 53 other financial institutions were put on hold pending the results of a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reexamination of the patents. The patent office upheld the patents several months ago, and last Wednesday the court lifted the stay, allowing the cases to move forward.

Added comment from the article that states it as it truly is for small businesses.
Can you say unconscionable? That the financial services industry is now smearing the patent holder suggests they are on an unsure legal footing. That they would stoop to attempt to buy legislation underscores their unscrupulousness and desperation and the sad state of affairs in Congress.

Mr. Bartlett refers to DataTreasury as a ?patent troll?. What is that? According to some a patent troll is a firm who licenses patents they do not themselves commercialize. Yet many of the large firms who are most critical of the practice do it themselves. Out licensing is now an important profit center of most every firm. Often, as a result they end up licensing out patents covering technologies they themselves do not use as they are not consistent with their corporate plan. Rather hypocritical isn?t it? The financial services industry would do so themselves except for one problem...they don't have any patents. The only thing they know about patents is they don't have any.

Mr. Bartlett then states "The law is tilted so badly in favor of plaintiffs that have no products and yet extort billions of dollars". My what a tangled web he weaves! How can it be extortion if the patent holder is trying to make the banks pay for use of their invention. Rather than a case of extortion this appears to be more a case of daylight robbery by the banks, notwithstanding Mr. Bartlett's protestations.

Sadly, some legislators and other parties have been duped by slick firms such as the Financial Services Roundtable and their well greased lawyers, lobbyists (some disguised as trade or public interest groups), and stealth PR firms. Don't be surprised to find the Washington lobbyist scandal spreading into the patent deform proceedings. When the financial services industry and the rest of corporate America agrees to not use our inventions without consent, American inventors and small entities will agree to stop suing them. Sincerely, Stephen Wren actuary/inventor StL, MO

another comment;
Who is kidding Who??? This is the industry that Sessions champions, The INNOCENT banks and their ilk: This is an article From: Chief Executive (U.S.)5/1/2001 Author: PRINCE, C.J It's not every CEO who freely admits to swiping other people's ideas--although, truth be told, the vast majority of successful chief executives have probably taken the liberty. But ask Richard Kovacevich, CEO OF WELLS FARGO, whether he prefers inventing ideas or stealing them and he's quick with his response. "Oh, I'd much rather steal an idea," the 57-year-old CEO says matter-of-factly. "Quite frankly, it's much easier mentally. I have no pride about that." DON'T THROW STONES, ETC.......................
I suppose like they tried to steal my mining operation by erroneous bank created documentation.
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I love Readers Digest. One of the few things I have missed in the last ten years. This is a great article.

Outrageous! Politicians Kissing Up for Cash

When politicians and big donors get cozy, the rest of us end up paying for their sweetheart deals.
By Michael Crowle
Tax-Funded Campaigns
You don't need a map to know that Florida is a long way from Alaska. But that didn't stop Don Young, a Republican and Alaska's lone Congressman, from making a February 2005 trip to the Sunshine State for a fund-raiser that added $40,000 to his political coffers. Among the hosts: a wealthy Florida developer with an interest in a transportation bill drawn up by a committee Young chaired.

Shortly after the event, that bill got a little tweak -- slipped in after Congress approved the legislation but before the President signed it. Ten million dollars originally meant for general improvements to Florida's Interstate 75 was earmarked for building an interchange at a specific spot, along Coconut Road. The site just happens to sit near 4,000 acres owned by that Florida developer -- property that's likely to soar in value if the interchange is built.
From the Readers Digest article it appears that Mr. Young should answer the question, "Did you take campaign payolla for voting paybacks?"

Obviously two year olds do not choose politicians to give money to but apparently Barack Obama accepted donations from two year old's. Hillary got a boat load from a fugitive and an Edwards supporter was indicted for pressing employees to write checks to the Edwards campaign. Three members of Congress from Washington State pushed for a $4.5 million earmark that the Navy did not want or need. I wish the article had named them so their names to the growing list of representatives who help add unnecessary expenses to the growing debt America has.
Add U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Al Franken(D-MN), Dick Lugar (R-MN) to that need to get rid of list. Various reason to vote each one out but here goes two very good reasons in their push to remove a "fee" on medical device manufacturers because the lobbyist are whining and push forth the proposed legislation even though so many citizens are adamantly against what the legislators are doing.

Medical device manufacturers will be paying this fee for a reason. It is a way for them to pay their fair share of the cost of administration. Who are these supposedly fine group of lobbyist and companies pushing to get rid of this fee and advance Obamacare?

AdvaMed 2010 is the premier MedTech Conference for CEOs, business executives, policy-makers, financiers, media, and industry stakeholders from around the....

AdvaMed 2010 provides unparalleled learning and best practice forums. More than 40 educational panels featuring 160+ thought-leaders will discuss the issues that are important to you, as well as 4 keynote addresses from internationally respected voices. In recent years, plenary speakers included Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W.Bush, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and leading FDA and HHS officials and more.

Medical-Device Makers Scramble to Avert New Fees in Health Bill -
Klobuchar and Franken push to remove "fee" on medical device makers | Polinaut | Minnesota Public Radio
A few more to add to the list of "Do I really want to vote for this guy/gal?"

Open Fuel Standard Act of 2009

Text of S. 835: OFS Act
Sponsor: Sam Brownback (R-KS)

Maria Cantwell [D-WA]
Susan Collins [R-ME]
Charles Grassley [R-IA]
Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
Joseph Lieberman [I-CT]
John Thune [R-SD]

Bill Summary: Requires that auto manufacturers ensure that not less than 80 percent of automobiles manufactured or sold in the U.S. (by each manufacturer) operate on fuel mixtures containing 85 percent ethanol, 85 percent methanol, or biodiesel. Establish Limited Liability Protection for Renewable Fuel and Ethanol Manufacture, Use, or Distribution.
Add U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Al Franken(D-MN), Dick Lugar (R-MN) to that need to get rid of list. Various reason to vote each one out but here goes two very good reasons in their push to remove a "fee" on medical device manufacturers because the lobbyist are whining and push forth the proposed legislation even though so many citizens are adamantly against what the legislators are doing.

Medical device manufacturers will be paying this fee for a reason. It is a way for them to pay their fair share of the cost of administration. Who are these supposedly fine group of lobbyist and companies pushing to get rid of this fee and advance Obamacare?

AdvaMed 2010 is the premier MedTech Conference for CEOs, business executives, policy-makers, financiers, media, and industry stakeholders from around the....

AdvaMed 2010 provides unparalleled learning and best practice forums. More than 40 educational panels featuring 160+ thought-leaders will discuss the issues that are important to you, as well as 4 keynote addresses from internationally respected voices. In recent years, plenary speakers included Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W.Bush, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and leading FDA and HHS officials and more.

Medical-Device Makers Scramble to Avert New Fees in Health Bill -
Klobuchar and Franken push to remove "fee" on medical device makers | Polinaut | Minnesota Public Radio

And for a measley 100k they could have Palin as a speaker as well.

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