Impact of COVID on Sports


Gold Member
Oct 30, 2020
If you want proof that COVID-19 is a smokescreen in 2020, just turn to sports. Explain to me how Dez Bryant takes the test the day of the game (last night) and the results are inconclusive. A second test comes out positive and 30 minutes before the game he is told he can not play in the game because of a positive result. This after hugging his old teammates on the Dallas Cowboys and practicing with his team the Ravens. In football you have the coaches wearing masks or face guards but the players are on the field without, making physical contact, sweating and breathing on each other, skin-to-skin contact, yet miraculously no one has come out of a game being sick or catching some "virus."

Look what happened to Matthew Stafford earlier this season...he tests positive and his family is harassed over it because he didn't abide by the "mask" rules but on subsequent tests, his results were negative, negative, negative. That's a load of bull. Think about this...those who test positive are being TOLD they are positive. A doctor or technician can tell you ANYTHING and it's up to each person to believe them and take their word for it or raise your eyebrows.

Think about Mixed Martial Arts. The UFC and Bellator have coaches and training staff for fighters wearing masks inside the Octagon. But in the fight itself, the men and women are bleeding on each other, sweating on each other, grappling body-to-body, even perhaps exchanging spit inadvertently. Yet, no one has died from COVID following a fight and in fact, there has not been a serious breakout of this "invisible" virus. In other words, COVID is a hoax. Inflated numbers to get the world to believe we are in a pandemic which we are not.

Mask are a control weapon by the powers above us and in fact, masks do not protect against any virus (look it up). Sports has been ruined completely by this "plan-demic" from not allowing fans to attend games to the cancellation of games, especially in the NCAA. MMA fights are being canceled because of positive tests, yet we have not seen any athlete that is currently playing die from the virus. Another example is Baltimore's Lamar Jackson. Sidelined by a positive result of COVID he gets sidelined for a few games but somehow he recovers from COVID-19 and plays on Tuesday night. Hmmmm....

Just because a test technician tells you that the result is positive does not make it true. It's their word for you to believe. COVID-19 deaths are being placed on the passing of people who actually died from something else. The sad thing is that the world has taken us so far deep into this plandemic that it would be impossible to just back out of it now and make it go away. This is here to stay for a REALLY long time. If you are a mask wearer don't plan on having the powers above tell you it's time to stop wearing it. That's not happening anytime soon and you can expect to be told to wear one all of next year.

If you have had the following done to you I don't envy you. No way am I taking the probe!

And as for the vaccine? No way are these ingredients of the shot going in this body!

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