"Impeaching Biden not a GOP priority", says McCarthy...that's why we need a different speaker like Gaetz or Jordan, my friends

Can they drill in ANWR?
Its not just the drilling permits, its the pipelines needed to get the oil to market, Xiden kills pipelines. No responsible oil company will invest just to have Xiden kill it like he killed KeystoneXL after $billions were invested.
We don’t need ANWR, never did
We have plenty of domestic production

We have a massive network of pipelines

More misinformation

There is plenty of untapped production in the US and plenty of permits to use it.

Oil Companies are just refusing to use them

Fucking liar.

Permits are not granted by Xi's Biden Administration.

A lease without drilling permits means nothing.

The first thing Biden did was shut down oil production on public lands, to rescue the Russian and Iranian economies, which were collapsing due to Trump.

Under Trump; American economy booming, Russia and Iran collapsing.

Under Biden; Russian and Iranian economies BOOMING, America collapsing.

Hey, Quid Pro funded Vlad's expansion into the Ukraine...
Election reform
We don't have election problem, this was proven conclusively after over a year of litigation, recounts and audits that found no real descrepancies or fraud.

What we have is a problem with a large % of Republicans now refusing election results they don't happen to like.

This is what happens when you elect completely shameless, amoral liars like Trump - plenty of tools are going to eat up and live those lies. They will litteraly attack our government and they will push for bad policies to address non-existant problems.
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After the mid-terms and the GOP takes the House and Senate is the time for impeachment, not before then.

Respectfully, it makes zero sense to impeach him. It would do nothing to remove him, and if it did, we would have someone worse. Why would you pi** off 30% of the voters, to get nothing in return? Remember, they did it to Trump trying to drive him out of office, and trying to get voters to turn against him. We don't need to do that, Biden and the Left are doing it all for us!

In virtually every measure of political power from America right/wrong way on down, Biden is waaaaaaaay underwater. Why make it easy on the Crats by removing him for them, or even trying? And if Biden runs in 24? How much better can it get for the GOP than that!

Want to know what is even better! What if he decides NOT to run-) What would happen if he doesn't, and the Dems do not push Cameltoe? OMG! Can we hear the calls from us, and some of their constituents on racism, sexism, etc! And what if they DO push her to be the nominee? The ONLY person in higher government easier to beat than Biden would be her!

There is no upside to impeach Biden, except maybe making some GOPers feel better about what was pulled on Trump. But to do so, is just bad politics! When your political opponents have no good answer to what they can do, why solve it for them? If you do it, they can then point at us and proclaim they were forced by us to do it, so anything that would have been bad from their decision falls squarely into our laps, and they are off the hook.

The Dems are in a stew, and the fire is being raised on it. Let us not be dolts, and turn the fire off for them-) Control him, not remove the meal. Yes, it is still a CRAP SANDWICH, but it is THEIR crap sandwich, not ours-)
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We don’t need ANWR, never did
We have plenty of domestic production
We have a massive network of pipelines
1. We need oil, ANWR has oil, duh.

2. US oil production under Xiden is 1.5m bbls/ day less than under Trump, so Xiden buys oil from Russia and the ME instead of producing it.

3. If you want to develop new wells that oil needs a new pipeline to get to market, duh. Xiden doesn't like new pipelines, so no new oil wells, and gas heads for $7/gal. Epic fail.
Respectfully, it makes zero sense to impeach him. It would do nothing to remove him, and if it did, we would have someone worse. Why would you pi** off 30% of the voters, to get nothing in return? Remember, they did it to Trump trying to drive him out of office, and trying to get voters to turn against him. We don't need to do that, Biden and the Left are doing it all for us!

In virtually every measure of political power from America right/wrong way on down, Biden is waaaaaaaay underwater. Why make it easy on the Crats by removing him for them, or even trying? And if Biden runs in 24? How much better can it get for the GOP than that!

Want to know what is even better! What if he decides NOT to run-) What would happen if he doesn't, and the Dems do not push Cameltoe? OMG! Can we hear the calls from us, and some of their constituents on racism, sexism, etc! And what if they DO push her to be the nominee? The ONLY person in higher government easier to beat than Biden would be her!

There is no upside to impeach Biden, except maybe making some GOPers feel better about what was pulled on Trump. But to do so, is just bad politics! When your political opponents have no good answer to what they can do, why solve it for them? If you do it, they can then point at us and proclaim they were forced by us to do it, so anything that would have been bad from their decision falls squarely into our laps, and they are off the hook.

The Dems are in a stew, and the fire is being raised on it. Let us not be dolts, and turn the fire off for them-) Control him, not remove the meal. Yes, it is still a CRAP SANDWICH, but it is THEIR crap sandwich, not ours-)
The reason to do it is to put a big black stain on the Dim reputation. He will remain in office as an impeached president. Do you imagine the Dims are not going to use Trump's impeachment as a campaign issue?
We don't have election problem, this was proven conclusively after over a year of litigation, recounts and audits that found no real discrepancies or fraud.
What we have is a problem with a large % of Republicans now refusing election results they don't happen to like.
This is what happens when you elect completely shameless, amoral liars like Trump - plenty of tools are going to eat up and live those lies. They will literally attack our government and they will push for bad policies to address non-existent problems.
We do have an election problem. Mail-in ballots and Zuckerbucks and an unrealistic total vote count is just a start

If you dont want Biden impeached, you hate black……well, I would say WOMEN, but Ketanji doesnt know what a woman is…..only biologists can say that.
McCarthy and McConnell are clones.

Both are Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans"

Both are Jews who lie about being Jewish
Reviewed? Yea it was reviewed alright and it didn't do too well:

Lott uses an unusual estimation strategy that suffers from a subtle but fundamental flaw: his conclusions about fraud in Fulton and Allegheny counties are entirely dependent on the completely arbitrary order in which pairs of precincts in other counties are entered in the dataset. When we rerun Lott’s analysis using an alternative but equally justifiable coding rule, the evidence for anti-Trump fraud in these two counties entirely disappears. When we replace Lott’s unusual specification with a more standard estimation strategy, we find absolutely no evidence of fraud. In short, Lott’s (2020) analysis provides no evidence of anything distinctive or suspicious about the absentee ballot results in either Fulton County or Allegheny County.

The reason to do it is to put a big black stain on the Dim reputation. He will remain in office as an impeached president. Do you imagine the Dims are not going to use Trump's impeachment as a campaign issue?

Only if Trump runs and is the nominee. They will also use Jan 6th.

By the time the new congress is seated, we will probably know if Trump is running. Personally, I hope he doesn't. Let me tell you, if he announces a run, the Jan 6th committee will indict him instantly for tying his shoes wrong, and we will again be on the defensive like we were with Russia-Russia-Russia, except this time, it would be while trying to get him elected, instead of already having him in office giving time to prove the charges scurrilous.

As polls show------------> Trump has massive clout in the GOP. Polls also show, more and more of the GOP do not want him to run again; not because they don't like him, but because of the lift it would take to get him back in because of the firestorm he would bring to the race.
After the mid-terms and the GOP takes the House and Senate is the time for impeachment, not before then.
It's not time for another clown show impeachment.

He won't be removed from office so enough with the fucking games.

Impeaching should be on the table but not the priority.

Once Biden is out he's done. The real problem is going to be rooting out all of his people he has put into positions of power that will remain.

There is a whole lot of work that needs to be done once he is out that extends beyond just Biden himself. Society itself needs to be unfucked as well.

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