Impeachment Backfired: Michigan Voter Tell CNN He’s Changing His Vote To Trump Because Of Dem Charad


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
This was an obvious outcome. Everyone I’ve talked to on both sides feel Democrats overplayed their hand. Americans don’t like bullies so are moving to Trump in a natural reaction.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's rising poll numbers are a result of American voters tired of the Dem impeachment saga.
What's funny is that they found out that polling in the last election polls sucked because people didn't want to put up with shit for saying they would vote for Trump.

So, they kept silent and voted for Trump.

What makes you think, given the toxic attitude of the anti-Trump camp, that people are going to tell them anything.

It's going to stay interesting for a while.
The American people see right through this sore losers fiasco. DO IT DEMS IMPEACH TRUMP you gutless bunch of cowards grow a pair and DO IT. :auiqs.jpg:
Now if we can get one guy to tell CNN that he's converting to Democrat its even again. too funny.
Not sure why we you're concerned with what one person thinks or what the people who associate with one person think.

Here's some data from 538 regarding support for impeachment.

Dafuk is a "charad"? Does it hang?

Americans don’t like bullies so are moving to Trump


Hire a proofreader.
Uhhh, Pogo, space limitations. Charade.
You’re welcome. :11_2_1043:

If you have X amount of space for a sign, do you make the sign to read, "Dangerous Curve Ah" and then go "fuck it, I ran outta space :dunno: ?

"Proofreader" applies subtly to that and much more to the deliciously ironic line quoted. Think about i

Oops, sorry, musta been space limita

Just think, if the OP had figured out number agreement between subject and verb we coulda taken a "Chara". Always feels good to take a Chara.
Trump's impeachment polling is historically unprecedented - CNNPolitics

The bottom line: Americans think Trump did something wrong that, at a minimum, deserves to be looked into for possible impeachment. He is in historically unprecedented waters. The impeachment numbers he's facing now are really not good for him, given where we are in the process.
A left biased polling source
Impeachment Polls: How Popular Is Impeaching Trump? |
A national poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, released on July 30, 2019, shows that voters were against impeachment nearly 2-to-1. Without accounting for political party, gender, or college education, 60 percent of all of those surveyed said that Congress should not begin the process to impeach President Trump. 32 percent of those surveyed swung the other way. 8 percent did not express an opinion either way.

A Morning Consult poll conducted September 13-15 among registered voters resulted in a similar outcome. Only 37 percent of total voters surveyed thought Congress should begin impeachment proceedings. 50 percent said no, while 12 percent said they were undecided.

FiveThirtyEight Politics also took a look at an average of polls taken since President Trump took office. The site reported that on average, about 38.5 percent of total surveyed voters supported impeachment while 55.7 percent have been against it. Editor-in-chief Nate Siver added that the numbers are “fairly close to a mirror image of Trump’s approval and disapproval ratings.”

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