Impeachment looming

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse, Homer. Cut the bullshyte
The ball is rolling, its just a matter of time

Trump’s odds of impeachment soar to new high

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat

You're a fool. HRC is not POTUS, and she is not a Socialist. Trump is POTUS, and he is a Plutocrat, a born one who has staffed his administration with billionaires, yes men and women, cronies and given a job in his administration to the wife of the leader of the Senate.

Did he drain the swamp?
Has he lobbied Ryan and McConnell to pass the Trillion Dollar Infrastructure bill/bond?
How many jobs has he created?
Did he defeat ISIS?
Has he locked up HRC
How about that Wall (has Mexico made a down payment)

Admit you're a fool and admit to voter remorse, it will cleanse your soul.

HRC is not POTUS

The most qualified person to ever run for President......rejected twice. Awesome!

and she is not a Socialist.

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse, Homer. Cut the bullshyte

No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse

It was in all the papers.
where are we headed as a society? everytime a conservative talks with a foreign nobody..."COLLUSION!"
"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse, Homer. Cut the bullshyte

No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse

It was in all the papers.
Progressives were singled out just as much as were conservatives. That what happened when you have yourself assdeep in right wing propaganda and lies.
"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse, Homer. Cut the bullshyte

No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse

It was in all the papers.
Progressives were singled out just as much as were conservatives. That what happened when you have yourself assdeep in right wing propaganda and lies.

Kid you are completely uneducated.
"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse, Homer. Cut the bullshyte

No one ever singled out the the party for IRS abuse

It was in all the papers.
Progressives were singled out just as much as were conservatives. That what happened when you have yourself assdeep in right wing propaganda and lies.

Progressives were singled out just as much as were conservatives.

Yeah, all the progressive Tea Party groups were slow walked as well. DERP!
you are right we can't stop him, thats why he has been so successful on healthcare, tax reform, infrastructure, all of his major initiatives. He is far too bust trying to defend himself and his family from treason.

How are you going to even get charges of treason filed you ignorant twit, HAHAHAHAH you are the stupidest liberal on the board, and that is quite an accomplishment. There is no precedent, OR any statute that will even let the charge be filed, AND it must be filed by someone who will not file it on your stupid communist dimshits political grounds as NONE of your piles of shit crying for it HAVE any standing or constitutional authority to do so. NEXT stupid liberal idiot!!! HAHAAHAHA
Oh BTW when you liberals make all of these wild predictions MAYBE you should go to some area online that will give you a background on the subject you are trying to build your psychotic fantasy on. There are only a few people in the political arena at the present time that could be charged with treason, and they are communist dimocrats, AND they are at odds with a lot of the agencies that can charge them and that have standing to do so. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. The future is beginning to look more like some hanged dimshits daily as more and more espionage, treason, MAJOR obstruction, and REAL violations of article 2 and major 1 violations and criminal acts surface against the dimshits that were in control for the past eight years.
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal trial.

AND ??? What does that have to do with TREASON???? Also it takes A 2/3 vote of the house and about 3/4 of the senate do the lying shit dimshits control that much, and do you think any Republican will vote for it KNOWING they will FACE REMOVAL from office for it. YOU ARE DUMBER than the last idiot if you do. When and if there are articles of Impeachment actually brought to the floor WDC will fill with mad people who want dead politicians in the streets WE are tired of you pliles of dogshit trying to control us and we are going to be rid of you damn liberals by any means needed to accomplish the EJTM. You may think not, but if so you think WRONG.

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