Impeachment looming

If we could get off impeachment focus on what people who have the power over major government agency's are doing we would be better served.
If we could get off impeachment focus on what people who have the power over major government agency's are doing we would be better served.

Absolutely! Trump's anti establishment appointees have declared war on our planet and our people, even those who believe in him will suffer, as will the next generations and people around the world.

This ^^^ isn't hyperbole, when fascism came to America on Jan 20th last, it came with the key to open Pandora' Box.
Impeachment looming

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: the liberal meltdown continues, I'll be rubbing salt in their wounds for 4 to 8 years.

Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

That's why Hillary lost. Get some help.

Trump family lies are now the cause of Hillary losing the electoral college?

Clear, concise and spot on. It is the Trump defense, find someone else to blame.
Like blaming her loss on the Russians? You poor bastard.
Who really knows, for sure we don't, but its all gonna come out real soon.

A corrupt old drunk who kept passing out.
I said she was unhealthy, I'm surprised she's lasted this long.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

That's why Hillary lost. Get some help.

Trump family lies are now the cause of Hillary losing the electoral college?

Clear, concise and spot on. It is the Trump defense, find someone else to blame.

Like blaming her loss on the Russians? You poor bastard.

The truth be told my mom and dad were married, I am in the top 10% of earners in America, and I did not blame HRC's loss on the Russian's.

HRC lost. It's over and we are stuck with a demagogue, a narcissist and a megalomaniac in the office of POTUS. Trump is unfit to hold that office.

BTW, with all the myriad of problems our nation is facing, he is spending this week end at a golf event at one of his golf courses in New Jersey.

It's over and we are stuck with a demagogue, a narcissist and a megalomaniac in the office of POTUS.

Going on 9 years now.
Four reasons Trump will be impeached (I guess):

A. Hillary was exposed.
B. The DNC was exposed.
C. Liberal media was exposed.
D. Trump won.

The situation is similar BLM, who project their poor dispositions on cops and white people. Irony.
Impeachment looming

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: the liberal meltdown continues, I'll be rubbing salt in their wounds for 4 to 8 years.

Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: the liberal meltdown continues, I'll be rubbing salt in their wounds for 4 to 8 years.

Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

This is a joke right? When did Hillary ever align with common people? She has done nothing but look down at us.

It blows my mind that you elitists think you stand for us while you trash us
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: the liberal meltdown continues, I'll be rubbing salt in their wounds for 4 to 8 years.

Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.
Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

This is a joke right? When did Hillary ever align with common people? She has done nothing but look down at us.

It blows my mind that you elitists think you stand for us while you trash us

When did Hillary ever align with common people?

It was probably when she called us a basket of deplorables.
Odd, I thought the anti liberal movement claimed liberals were the haters? Was I wrong, or is hypocrisy the single greatest character flaw of members of the new right?

I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.
If they are unable to impeach him, and if he becomes a two term President, believe me he is smarter than them all. He knows not to invest so much money as they has invested to get rid of him. He knows that it will be an bad investment to try to get rid of him. I noticed that he is antagonizing those that are against him, so that they will keep on challenging him and to spend up their money, so that will bring more money into the economy and that it is bringing up a rise in the stock market.

Well, all last year they complained of him using up all the oxygen in the room. Yet they kept covering him. Then they tried ignoring him, not appearing at his inauguration, not appearing at his address, and that brought him more attention. Now all they do is complain that he is incompetent, illegal, immoral, whatever, and they keep covering him. The Left and the Media are obsessed with him, fixated on him, and all Trump does in return is benefit from it coming out on top. Yet the ego of the Left is compelled to keep trying; after 999 out of 999 losses, they keep telling themselves that the "next time" will be the charm! Victory is "right around the corner." Like Animal House where the guy keeps asking: "Please, May I have another?" Where I come from, that is called using someone as "your bitch." Trump has made the Left his "Media Bitch."
I guess by them saying his name over and over, that it brings a chill in them. I guess that they like the feeling that his name brings to them.

Hillary among her supporters...
I hate liberals, they are a threat to freedom and this great nation and will be destroyed.

Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat
Exactly what makes Hillary a Socialist? Can u be specific
Cool, I pity you. You can hate me, and the millions like me who believe in the principles of Jeffersonian democracy, and the democratic rule of law. Just don't deny you are a fascist:

"The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."
Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Time to pull out again: The 14 Points of Fascism

Sounds like almost every left-wing fascist/communist government. So what?

"left-wing fascist government"?

You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy in this one short idiot-gram. The Right Wing aligns with the Clergy and Nobles; the Left Wing aligns with the common people.

Trump aligns with the Clergy (he even brought Pat Robertson out and dusted him off) and the nobles, i.e. the Master's of the Universe who brought us the Great Recession and profited from it.

"left-wing fascist government"?


You've proved you lack any knowledge and understanding of history and political economy

Right wingers want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub.
Did you forget?
Right wingers want the government out of healthcare, they want to push grandma off the cliff.
Did you forget?

We don't want the huge all-powerful, economy controlling government you left-wingers desire.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left, it has not changed since the 60's. The difference between us is this, I see the people in the aggregate, and you can't see the forest for the tree you want to cut down for a profit.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat; most of his appointees are Plutocrats. or ass kissers and cronies.

"Power to the People" was the goal of the new left,

Which is why the IRS abused Tea Party groups....don't want the wrong people to have the power.

If you voted for Trump you voted for a Plutocrat

If you voted for Hillary you voted for a Socialist who lives like a Plutocrat

You're a fool. HRC is not POTUS, and she is not a Socialist. Trump is POTUS, and he is a Plutocrat, a born one who has staffed his administration with billionaires, yes men and women, cronies and given a job in his administration to the wife of the leader of the Senate.

Did he drain the swamp?
Has he lobbied Ryan and McConnell to pass the Trillion Dollar Infrastructure bill/bond?
How many jobs has he created?
Did he defeat ISIS?
Has he locked up HRC
How about that Wall (has Mexico made a down payment)

Admit you're a fool and admit to voter remorse, it will cleanse your soul.

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