Impeachment looming

Impeachment is a political process not a criminal trial.

AND ??? What does that have to do with TREASON???? Also it takes A 2/3 vote of the house and about 3/4 of the senate do the lying shit dimshits control that much, and do you think any Republican will vote for it KNOWING they will FACE REMOVAL from office for it. YOU ARE DUMBER than the last idiot if you do. When and if there are articles of Impeachment actually brought to the floor WDC will fill with mad people who want dead politicians in the streets WE are tired of you pliles of dogshit trying to control us and we are going to be rid of you damn liberals by any means needed to accomplish the EJTM. You may think not, but if so you think WRONG.
When did America acquire high crimes, and what is a high crime?
Why would the dems want to impeach this guy? they have candidates lineing up to run for congress, and Trump may head into 2020 with approval rates in the low 30s
The question is, will the Republican Congress begin to feel the heat from their constituents and realize it is in their party and their best interest to impeach. It would be similar to Republicans unable to replace Obama-care.
The question is, will the Republican Congress begin to feel the heat from their constituents and realize it is in their party and their best interest to impeach. It would be similar to Republicans unable to replace Obama-care.


1. Their constituents don't want impeachment. Only democrats do.

2. It is not in their party's best interest.

3. It has no similarities to the replacement of 0bamacare.

Congratulations, you failed on every point.
Maybe Trump care will offer free post election PTSD counseling for the left wing angry incoherent radicals who are still locked in a fantasy world that includes impeachment and assassination.

Yes. They take the pill that sends them back into the matrix .

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