Impeachment of Trump could lead to mass riots this summer

Point out the motorized wheelchairs and scooters in that picture.
BTW...was that the group from last year?

Apparently, that was a photo of a "Bikers for Trump" rally. At least, that's what Google Image Search says. Kinda weird someone would post that, though. Far more people marched for science and women since Trump's inauguration.
Was that the group that was concerned about enough Porta Potties?
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

There wont be riots in the cites. There will be a march on the capital of the US by well armed militia that will remove those who impeach the President of the US with bullshit reasons. It will be time to drain the swamp, that the US citizens voted for, but those established types prevented from happening. Liberals (R) and (D) are too stupid to know this.

A 'well armed militia'. So let's examine what one considers 'well armed'. The most they would have is kitted full-auto AK47's or AR15's.

And of course the US military would show up who ARE well armed.

And then after pissing their pants and crying like babies the 'well armed militia' would go to fetal position and ask for their mum.

Lol the police and military will come to our aid in our counter coup and not to the aid of the coup orchestrated resistance to a duly elected government and if they do then many many battle hardened veterans know how to make IEDs now so the question is how far do you want to take this? Because we're ready to go to the fucking mats, are you?
Seriously?! After 8 years of Obama? What are you smoking under that mask?

Not sure what America you lived in, but the Obama years were much better than the 8 years of Bush the Dumber. Obama created more jobs, incomes rose, household debt declined, Osama bin Laden was killed, the deficit was reduced by 66%, we got the world to go along with sanctions on Iran and Russia (sanctions the right-wingers opposed and said wouldn't work), and the stock market reached all-time highs.

The only reason you would get angry at Obama was if you didn't succeed when everyone else did. So did you just fall flat on your face during the Obama years? Maybe the reason things were so bad for you wasn't Obama...maybe the reason things were so bad for you was because you suck. Isn't that a possibility? That your own personal failures during Obama were of your own doing, not his? Plenty of people managed to do quite well during Obama's term, yet you are screeching on the boards as if you are not. So were you left behind? Where's the personal responsibility?
Lol the police and military will come to our aid in our counter coup and not to the aid of the coup orchestrated resistance to a duly elected government and if they do then many many battle hardened veterans know how to make IEDs now so the question is how far do you want to take this? Because we're ready to go to the fucking mats, are you?

I wouldn't bet on that if I were you. Our law enforcement folks don't typically support people who collude with our enemies. Trump had such a hard time finding people to staff Defense positions...why do you think that is?
Your too stupid to breathe do the gene pool a favor and fucking kill yourself you fake news peddling faggot.

Ugh...homophobia is soooooo 2004. By now everyone knows that anyone who uses homophobic slurs is most likely a self-loathing homosexual themselves. I don't care what you do in your long as it's between consenting adults, let your freak flag fly. If you want to marry someone of the same sex, go for it. If you want to marry multiple people (not sure why anyone would want to, but whatever), be my guest. I don't care. Sexuality isn't something to be shamed about. If you think it is, then all that means is that you are sexually repressed.

Anyway, I'm tired of fake veterans spamming the board. So go fuck yourself, right back at cha!
Sure it will.

If the deep state coup which started the day Trump won is successful then the right of the people to petition their government for a redress of grievences has been abridged, and the people will not only have the right but the obligation to take up arms against this tyranny. We will march on Washington and hang the elites from the lampposts, this includes all members of the elite class from journalists to judges to career politicians to state department bureaucrats, they will all be legitimate targets. And make no mistake the police and military will come to our aid in our counter coup and not to the aid of the resistance to a duly elected government.

Look everyone! Another one!
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative
The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.
People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

There wont be riots in the cites. There will be a march on the capital of the US by well armed militia that will remove those who impeach the President of the US with bullshit reasons. It will be time to drain the swamp, that the US citizens voted for, but those established types prevented from happening. Liberals (R) and (D) are too stupid to know this.

Oh STFU!!!!! Trump is damaged goods. It's going be funny watching the Trump voters go to jail along with Trump.
There are no grounds for impeachment, just left-wing hysteria
The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun
The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

Play Video 0:40

Anti-Trump protesters chant during swearing-in ceremony
Protesters broke out in chants against President Trump during his swearing-in ceremony on the U.S. Capitol. (Claritza Jimenez/The Washington Post)
The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway.

At the moment the new commander in chief was sworn in, a campaign to build public support for his impeachment went live at, spearheaded by two liberal advocacy groups aiming to lay the groundwork for his eventual ejection from the White House.

The organizers behind the campaign, Free Speech for People and RootsAction, are hinging their case on Trump’s insistence on maintaining ownership of his luxury hotel and golf course business while in office. Ethics experts have warned that his financial holdings could potentially lead to constitutional violations and undermine public faith in his decision-making.

[Trump Inauguration Live Coverage]

Their effort is early, strategists admit. But they insist it is not premature — even if it triggers an angry backlash from those who will argue that they are not giving the new president a chance.

“If we were to wait for all the ill effects that could come from this, too much damage to our democracy would occur,” said Ron Fein, legal director at Free Speech for People. “It will undermine faith in basic institutions. If nothing else, it’s important for Americans to trust that the president is doing what he thinks is the right thing … not that it would help jump-start a stalled casino project in another country.”
There wont be riots in the cites. There will be a march on the capital of the US by well armed militia that will remove those who impeach the President of the US with bullshit reasons. It will be time to drain the swamp, that the US citizens voted for, but those established types prevented from happening. Liberals (R) and (D) are too stupid to know this.

Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

No the AMERICAN PEOPLE are behind the protests. You know the 75% of the American voters who either stayed home and didn't vote and the majority of voters who voted for Clinton and other candidates.
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

You mean mass celebration. No one misses a traitor. Not even other traitors.

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