Impeachment of Trump could lead to mass riots this summer

Street riots?


Obama WILL have the legacy for which he so long has jonesed!
Is there a point at which frothing at the mouth and screaming mere conjecture is "fact" makes it so?
Chris Menahan | Information Liberation - DECEMBER 13, 2016 716 Comments

Is there a point at which frothing at the mouth and screaming mere conjecture is “fact” makes it so?

Confidence trickster Keith Olbermann, formerly of MSNBC and now at GQ where he produces similar videos, seems to believe there is.

In this crazed rant he posted around 20 times to his Twitter timeline, Olbermann said if Trump is allowed to become president “January 20th will not be an inauguration but rather the end of the United States as an independent country.”

He went on to say President-elect Donald Trump is “not a president” but instead a “puppet put in power by Vladimir Putin.”

“Those who ignore these elemental, existential facts — Democrats or Republicans — are traitors to this country and will immediately and forever after be held accountable,” he said.

There is no hard evidence of any kind Russia was behind the DNC/Podesta hacks, nor the imaginary “RNC hack” which never happened.

Incidentally, back in October — when Olbermann assumed Hillary Clinton was going to win the election — he told Trump to “burn in hell” for suggesting the election could be rigged.


“It shakes every one of our freedoms, it mocks every dead American soldier, it spits in every sacrifice made under our flag,” he said at the time.

I guess Keith Olbermann now hates every last dead American soldier and wants to spit on their graves, either that or he believes those words no longer hold weight now that Trump won.


Keith Olbermann: Trump Is Putin ‘Puppet’ And Anyone Who Disagrees Is A ‘Traitor’
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

I see that our Russian propagandist is working over-time.

LMAO, a trained sheep and you don't even know it. You idiots have been taught to say that , that is how fkn stupid you are.

And your a moronic Clinton agent , and a Weiner supporter

I'm pro middle class workers. I'm not pro Russian (got your back Jack) Trump.

You need to make a decision; You're either with the US or with Russia.
Trump and the media have formed a symbiotic relationship, one that has existed even before Trump entered politics. He needed the media during his campaign to frame his message as an outsider, hater of everything not American, and a champion of the non-minority, a job the media loved. And after the election, Trump framed the media as "the enemy of people", a phrase made popular by Lenin and used very successfully by Trump. He now provides the media a 24 hour a day on going story line, guaranteed to attract readers and viewers.

The idea that the media hates Trump is ridiculous. Trump's election has made late night TV hosts rock stars. Almost every news program on TV has seen their audiences increase since Trump came on the scene. Hit rates on major political web sites have gone through roof. The media absolutely loves Trump. The media has made Trump the man everybody loves to hate or to love. It really doesn't matter to media as long as people keep watching.

I don't see that. He has never been a hater of anything not American, just someone who believes in America first and thinks it should be the best thing going on the planet! What could be better for a president to aspire to than the sorry attitude that our last president had? And Trump has since when young been the champion of all, minorities, blue-collar workers, women---- he was promoting women to executive roles long before it was fashionable, and he used to go to job sites and sit and talk with the workers, actually ask them questions, listen to their input, etc. You won't find many executives like that.

As to the media, they create the relationship, not Trump, and you can shove your bullshit Lenin reference right up your ass. I'm surprised you didn't try to work a Nixon crack in there as well! But I agree that Trump consumes the media 24 hours a day. They are that obsessed with him, and at least he isn't out golfing every other day like Obama.

As to your ridiculous assertion that the media loves Trump, no, they just love the money he brings in for them.
Trump's war with the media is not a one way street. It dates back well before the turn of the century when Trump was an outrageous young man about town with a foul mouth and a quick temper. Trump had an ongoing fight with almost every columnist in town. On Howard Stern, Larry King and other talk shows he loved to pan entertainers, sports figures, and others in the public eye. They were fat, ugly, stupid, a poor player, gave a bad performance, or whatever he could think of. By the time he announced his run for the presidency he had thousands of powerful people that really hated him and weren't afraid to say. The day after he announced his run, he blasted New York Times for an article they had not even published. Thus began He routinely contacted TV and radio news shows offering to make appearances. Anything that would keep his name in the news was ok.

He played the media perfectly in his campaign and said so. He was the underdog hated by the media, politicians, Washington insiders which endeared him to his supporters. Now as president he needs the support that goes well beyond his base and for that he needs the media but the media is not going for it so they have become the enemy of people. Actually, they are just Trump's enemy.
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Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

I see that our Russian propagandist is working over-time.

LMAO, a trained sheep and you don't even know it. You idiots have been taught to say that , that is how fkn stupid you are.

And your a moronic Clinton agent , and a Weiner supporter


product of feral inbreeding

View attachment 127611

Bad Cop, Good Cop Charade

That was nothing but Skull & Bones loyalty. Kerry was the one veteran who could make that sissyboy draftdodging traitor Bush look good. Don't believe the protesters Kerry joined after coming home were ever anti-war; they were spoiled snobs who hated the idea of working-class troops getting any respect. Yale is for yellow bluebloods. Because of incessant numbing mind control, people still believe they have to choose between these fraternal twins.
The majority of active service, veterans, and law enforcement voted for Trump you think they'll support your coup? Oh and provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or STFU.
The Putin-Russia Hack of the U.S. elections is the coup!!!!

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due to political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a reported memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

The New York Times claims this February memo is the “smoking gun,” but in fact it contradicts Comey’s sworn testimony on May 3.

During the Senate testimony, Comey confirmed to Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) that in theory, the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice could stop a FBI investigation.

The former FBI director added it would “be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that – without an appropriate purpose.”

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.”

Remember, he said this on May 3, months after the reported memo he claimed to have written after meeting with Trump.

This story is developing.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?
The link is a remarkable piece of something but is certainly not journalism or anything close to it. The quotes are out of context and certainly do not support the contention that Comey perjured himself. The question Comey was answering was hypothetical question, "If any senior officials at the DOJ oppose an investigation, can they halt that investigation.

Comey: "In theory, yes."
Senator: "Has it happened"
Comey: "No, ....
FBI Director Comey Denies Trump Admin | User Clip |

When ppl learn what it actually means to hear " Controlled Media" , then it begins to make sense why the indoctrinated/uniformed think actually information is a conspiracy ..

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - William Colby - Former CIA Director

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Learn about the CFR

View attachment 127602

So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.
Trump is going to be impeached. Trump will be impeached. The country will not tolerate a total buffoon in the WH. Trump is in way over is head and its obvious he can't handle the responsibility of the office. So, as a result, we are going the "full Nixon" on President Trump.

And there is nothing you big mouth, militia pricks can do about it.
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots.

There may be some truth to this comment, "There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots"; of course we would expect insurrection from the right - the left protests and the right kills and maims.
The Putin-Russia Hack of the U.S. elections is the coup!!!!

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due to political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a reported memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

The New York Times claims this February memo is the “smoking gun,” but in fact it contradicts Comey’s sworn testimony on May 3.

During the Senate testimony, Comey confirmed to Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) that in theory, the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice could stop a FBI investigation.

The former FBI director added it would “be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that – without an appropriate purpose.”

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.”

Remember, he said this on May 3, months after the reported memo he claimed to have written after meeting with Trump.

This story is developing.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?
The link is a remarkable piece of something but is certainly not journalism or anything close to it. The quotes are out of context and certainly do not support the contention that Comey perjured himself. The question Comey was answering was hypothetical question, "If any senior officials at the DOJ oppose an investigation, can they halt that investigation.

Comey: "In theory, yes."
Senator: "Has it happened"
Comey: "No, ....
FBI Director Comey Denies Trump Admin | User Clip |

When ppl learn what it actually means to hear " Controlled Media" , then it begins to make sense why the indoctrinated/uniformed think actually information is a conspiracy ..

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - William Colby - Former CIA Director

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Learn about the CFR

View attachment 127602

So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.
Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due to political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a reported memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

The New York Times claims this February memo is the “smoking gun,” but in fact it contradicts Comey’s sworn testimony on May 3.

During the Senate testimony, Comey confirmed to Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) that in theory, the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice could stop a FBI investigation.

The former FBI director added it would “be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that – without an appropriate purpose.”

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.”

Remember, he said this on May 3, months after the reported memo he claimed to have written after meeting with Trump.

This story is developing.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?
The link is a remarkable piece of something but is certainly not journalism or anything close to it. The quotes are out of context and certainly do not support the contention that Comey perjured himself. The question Comey was answering was hypothetical question, "If any senior officials at the DOJ oppose an investigation, can they halt that investigation.

Comey: "In theory, yes."
Senator: "Has it happened"
Comey: "No, ....
FBI Director Comey Denies Trump Admin | User Clip |

When ppl learn what it actually means to hear " Controlled Media" , then it begins to make sense why the indoctrinated/uniformed think actually information is a conspiracy ..

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - William Colby - Former CIA Director

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Learn about the CFR

View attachment 127602

So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.

Provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or shut your faggot mouth.
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots.

There may be some truth to this comment, "There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots"; of course we would expect insurrection from the right - the left protests and the right kills and maims.

Thus far, with very few exceptions where the Left provoked a response, all reports of violence are due to the behavior of Progressive factions.
The link is a remarkable piece of something but is certainly not journalism or anything close to it. The quotes are out of context and certainly do not support the contention that Comey perjured himself. The question Comey was answering was hypothetical question, "If any senior officials at the DOJ oppose an investigation, can they halt that investigation.

Comey: "In theory, yes."
Senator: "Has it happened"
Comey: "No, ....
FBI Director Comey Denies Trump Admin | User Clip |

When ppl learn what it actually means to hear " Controlled Media" , then it begins to make sense why the indoctrinated/uniformed think actually information is a conspiracy ..

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - William Colby - Former CIA Director

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Learn about the CFR

View attachment 127602

So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.

Provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or shut your faggot mouth.

"faggot mouth"? Vulgarity is another sign of someone's lack of intelligence and lack of education, but is more telling in your case. You are a coward, a bully who bullies while hiding behind a keyboard.

Who or what made you into the deplorable person, one who never matured beyond their early teenage years?
When ppl learn what it actually means to hear " Controlled Media" , then it begins to make sense why the indoctrinated/uniformed think actually information is a conspiracy ..

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - William Colby - Former CIA Director

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Learn about the CFR

View attachment 127602

So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.

Provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or shut your faggot mouth.

"faggot mouth"? Vulgarity is another sign of someone's lack of intelligence and lack of education, but is more telling in your case. You are a coward, a bully who bullies while hiding behind a keyboard.

Who or what made you into the deplorable person, one who never matured beyond their early teenage years?

Evidence or STFU.
Deep state behind chaos & collapse narrative

The attempt to de-legitimize & impeach Trump could lead to massive riots in American cities this summer.


Well isn't that special, we'll see how much of a conspiracy that is if it happens. People are not going to accept taking away the Only President we have had that isn't under the Puppet Masters Control.

There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots.

There may be some truth to this comment, "There will be no impeachment, but there may be riots"; of course we would expect insurrection from the right - the left protests and the right kills and maims.

Thus far, with very few exceptions where the Left provoked a response, all reports of violence are due to the behavior of Progressive factions.

Evidence. How many protest marches have you observed in person? There are always a few agent provocateurs who cross the line of civility, and they are not progressives or liberals by definition.

Some examples of disaffected criminals who killed and maimed are McVeigh, Roeder and Rudolph, others such as the unabomber and mass shooters maybe political but are mostly apolitical but influence by hate and fear - the rhetoric of Trump and other Right Wing Demagogues.
So How Will It End for Putins "Bitch"......I mean Putin's "Puppet"????

Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.

Provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or shut your faggot mouth.

"faggot mouth"? Vulgarity is another sign of someone's lack of intelligence and lack of education, but is more telling in your case. You are a coward, a bully who bullies while hiding behind a keyboard.

Who or what made you into the deplorable person, one who never matured beyond their early teenage years?

Evidence or STFU.

I have documentary evidence, it is in your every post.

As for the Russian Question, time will tell. What we know is Russia intervened/interfered with out election, and Trump surrogates and family met with Russians. At this time it is all smoke, the investigation is on going - but the fire dept. is on scene and will find out the truth.

Thanks so much for sharing, your vile, vulgar and insipid comments are inspiring.
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Impeachment of Trump could lead to mass celebrations this summer
Provide evidence or STFU you stupid fuck.

I am always confused on the meaning of someone being called a "stupid fuck", but this ^^^ post clears that up. A "stupid fuck" is a person who describes another as a "stupid fuck", because of course the "stupid fuck" is not smart enough - and so poorly educated - he or she cannot compose a substantive written response in the form of a rebuttal.

Provide evidence of Trump-Russian collusion or shut your faggot mouth.

"faggot mouth"? Vulgarity is another sign of someone's lack of intelligence and lack of education, but is more telling in your case. You are a coward, a bully who bullies while hiding behind a keyboard.

Who or what made you into the deplorable person, one who never matured beyond their early teenage years?

Evidence or STFU.

I have documentary evidence, it is in your every post.

As for the Russian Question, time will tell. What we know is Russia intervened/interfered with out election,

According to unsubstantiated claims from proven perjurers like James Clapper, you can't even provide evidence that the Russians hacked Podesta all you can offer is an intel report making claims that they don't offer evidence to support.
Evidence. How many protest marches have you observed in person?

More than you'll ever know. I lived in the DC area in the 60s-70s and went to every major counterculture event.

Of course, we went solely to score dope and pick up girls.

All instances of violence I observed were due to the behavior of you people or people connected with you. And don't claim no connection because those people were precisely the same as you people are now, word for word.

The biggest difference was the cops were far more willing to hand out samples of wood shampoo.

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