IMPEACHMENT- will the dims or wont the dims???

Will the Democrats Force Impeachment Vote?

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Well tomorrow will be an interesting day to watch and see if AOC and her merry band of Islamist's and far left wackos will force an impeachment hearing or if the sane members of the dim wit party will regain control and bring it back into reality.

Will They Vote to Impeach or wont they? That is the question...

One thing is certain, the leadership of the democrat party will be exposed and any hope of retaining the House will evaporate, along with any hopes for the Senate or the White House..
I wont matter what they do now.. This will ensure they have lost the House in the upcoming election. This will expose just how much power AOC and her crew of Anti-American traitors has. This power struggle will consume them for the next 20 months and they will implode..
Well tomorrow will be an interesting day to watch and see if AOC and her merry band of Islamist's and far left wackos will force an impeachment hearing or if the sane members of the dim wit party will regain control and bring it back into reality.

Will They Vote to Impeach or wont they? That is the question...

One thing is certain, the leadership of the democrat party will be exposed and any hope of retaining the House will evaporate, along with any hopes for the Senate or the White House..

I know this: the moderate Dems in my state are crapping bricks right now.


The sycophants in the senate will never agree as many would lose their government welfare job. Best for the democrats to keep investigating the buffoon, Cadet Bone Spurs, our Pres, as maybe then the Trump snowflakes will realize they are being played. But some never learn and vote for tools like McConnell. And so it goes....

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
I'm convinced the chicken factor will prevent impeachment, particularly since cognizant Democrats see Barr coming over the ridge and know they are about to have massive problems concerning past behavior.

Pelosi knows the decision is hers alone. She would lock AOC in a closet somewhere before she would fold to the upstart.
I'm convinced the chicken factor will prevent impeachment, particularly since cognizant Democrats see Barr coming over the ridge and know they are about to have massive problems concerning past behavior.

Pelosi knows the decision is hers alone. She would lock AOC in a closet somewhere before she would fold to the upstart.
IF Pelosie says yes, she dooms her party to irrelevance and moderate Democrats vote Republican or do not vote at all. They lose the house and have no chance at the other branches.

If Pelosie says NO, then the far left wing of the party attacks her relentlessly. Again the infighting will stop moderates from voting or they vote republican to keep the economy going.

The internal power struggle is so bad that it is about to rip the older democrat party in half. The far left wing socialists will doom the party to irrelevance by essentially creating a third party splitting the Democrats in half.

The witch hunt and attempted Coup De Taut, they attempted, has backfired and they are about to implode. The criminal proceedings that are coming will further fracture the democrat party. And they did it to themselves...
After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
/——-/ Who the hell wants democRATs legislating? All they come up with is wacko left wing socialism. Let them squander these two years.
After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
/——-/ Who the hell wants democRATs legislating? All they come up with is wacko left wing socialism. Let them squander these two years.

Just think, if Trump wins reelection and the Dems hold the House and/or take the Senate, we could go 7 years without a single piece of significant legislation being passed.

Which would then set the precedent of nothing ever getting passed when the same party does not hold all of Congress and the White House of the costs of refusing to accept the results of elections....
Nah. They have nothing to impeach him for. If they try all that will happen is that they will look like the fools they are.

Sucks to be those useless jackasses.
After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
/——-/ Who the hell wants democRATs legislating? All they come up with is wacko left wing socialism. Let them squander these two years.

Just think, if Trump wins reelection and the Dems hold the House and/or take the Senate, we could go 7 years without a single piece of significant legislation being passed.

Which would then set the precedent of nothing ever getting passed when the same party does not hold all of Congress and the White House
And, that would be FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!

The only time liberty is in jeopardy is when those fuckers are in session.

Gridlock is golden.

After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
/——-/ Who the hell wants democRATs legislating? All they come up with is wacko left wing socialism. Let them squander these two years.

Just think, if Trump wins reelection and the Dems hold the House and/or take the Senate, we could go 7 years without a single piece of significant legislation being passed.

Which would then set the precedent of nothing ever getting passed when the same party does not hold all of Congress and the White House
And, that would be FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!

The only time liberty is in jeopardy is when those fuckers are in session.

Gridlock is golden.


I agree 100%

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After holding the nation hostage for 3+ years while they continue their assault on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and our Democracy, the Democrats need to get on with it - begin their attempt to successfully carry out their political coup, that has failed in every other attempt, by starting Impeachment proceedings.

Start the Impeachment already or STFU and start LEGISLATING!
/——-/ Who the hell wants democRATs legislating? All they come up with is wacko left wing socialism. Let them squander these two years.

Just think, if Trump wins reelection and the Dems hold the House and/or take the Senate, we could go 7 years without a single piece of significant legislation being passed.

Which would then set the precedent of nothing ever getting passed when the same party does not hold all of Congress and the White House

And that would be bad how?
There are not enough high crimes to impeach over

Dems are not going to impeach over a blow job

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