Why the GOP will lose Congress and the Oval office next election

I told the lefties here, for years, that their weaponization of PC & Identity Politics would come back to bite them in the ass. For that, I was called every name in the book. In 2016, it happened. The Big Pushback.

I've been trying to tell the righties here that their caveman politics would come back to bite them in the ass. For that, I'm called every name in the book. Will I be right again? I don't know, but this sure does seem like familiar territory.
To me, the extremes just switched ideologies. Magaturds adopted PC/identity politics, and regressives try and pretend problems don't exist. :dunno:
Being pro democrat policies of any kind makes you a pinko commie BOY! Not one democrat in leadership has Americas best interest in mind and neither do many of the republicans.
Everybody is against us Americans. Fortunately, more complaining usually solves the problem. :rolleyes:
To me, the extremes just switched ideologies. Magaturds adopted PC/identity politics, and regressives try and pretend problems don't exist. :dunno:
Great point. Also, one of the many shared behaviors of the two ends is this need to fucking overdo everything, overreact to everything, overcompensate for everything. Now both ends are doing it with the PC/Identity Politics crap.

I posted earlier today that the lefties here called me every name in the book when I warned them they were going too far with their weaponization of PC/Identity Politics, and I turned out to be right. We got Trumpism.

Now the Trumpsters call me every name in the book when I say their childish, paranoid, conspiratorial caveman politics is a bad idea. I don't know if I'll be right again, but it sure as hell is familiar territory.
Bipartisan means legislation devised by both parties and supported by both parties
I can agree on that...................so where are the border security provisions that the House requested?
I can agree on that...................so where are the border security provisions that the House requested?

Read what I wrote about Bipartisan

Republicans made a wish list to pander to their base without opposition input.
Why it had no chance
Great point. Also, one of the many shared behaviors of the two ends is this need to fucking overdo everything, overreact to everything, overcompensate for everything. Now both ends are doing it with the PC/Identity Politics crap.

I posted earlier today that the lefties here called me every name in the book when I warned them they were going too far with their weaponization of PC/Identity Politics, and I turned out to be right. We got Trumpism.

Now the Trumpsters call me every name in the book when I say their childish, paranoid, conspiratorial caveman politics is a bad idea. I don't know if I'll be right again, but it sure as hell is familiar territory.
name one conspiracy where we have been wrong!
Republicans will be toothless as long as they have neocons among their ranks. Purge the neocons from their party and they might have a chance. MAGA
Here we go again.

You're free to list out my left wing positions.

Go ahead. Man up and list them.

Already did you are for that asinine border bill, and lead the charge along with your leftist pals against trump, who is twice the man and twice the Patriot you will ever be.
Losers this Fall be like:

Already did you are for that asinine border bill, and lead the charge along with your leftist pals against trump, who is twice the man and twice the Patriot you will ever be.
That's it? That's all you have?

One issue that has support across the political spectrum, and the fact that I think you're a cultist.

Sorry, that doesn't make a person a leftist. You are ignorant.

That's it? That's all you have?

One issue that has support across the political spectrum, and the fact that I think you're a cultist.

Sorry, that doesn't make a person a leftist. You are ignorant.

Support from Leftists and rinos, intelligent people see it for what it is, garbage commie! It's not just you being against trump who I will remind you is twice the patriot you will ever be, it's your pure hatred of someone who is absolutely pro America
Interesting thread. Republicans bashing Republicans for their inability to do anything in a divided government. Go ahead GOPs. Burn it all down and blame others for it. Perfect.
Read what I wrote about Bipartisan

Republicans made a wish list to pander to their base without opposition input.
Why it had no chance

Dems knew there was no way house would pass this.....the goal was to place Biden's border failures in the laps of the GOP. Saw Schumer (The Head) and Biden ranting on how this is all Trumps fault......Trump's fault for Biden's failures.

If you believe anything other than that.....you've been compromised.
Interesting thread. Republicans bashing Republicans for their inability to do anything in a divided government. Go ahead GOPs. Burn it all down and blame others for it. Perfect.
They're talking things over is divisional? I wouldn't put my money on your interpretation. We shall overcome the idiocy of the current occupier of the WH. Meanwhile, reporters are having a field day with stunts that favor the Democrats, as usual. Our local offices are needing wider doors to welcome Democrats who are madder than a hatter at Biden, Bidenomics, and Chucky Schumer and the Pelosi Jan 6 BS. And the press isn't whisperin' anything about it, as usual. Have to go finish my poster that says "Welcome to the Republican Party, disappointed Democrats who hate the Biden Border, Bidenomics, and constant, dizzying false narratives instigated by the HR Clinton and N. Pelosi crowd.
You're losing the best people in the DNC family, and they will be an asset to the Republican Party. :yes_text12:
As has been said, there is no opposition party.

Judges Trump appointed just told Texas they must open up their border and be abused by 8 million or more illegals and just suck it up. Why? Cuz the Constitution says they must endure such abuse by the Federal government.

What a bunch of hateful and unfeeling morons. New York takes a few hundred thousand immigrants and the entire country can hear them whine about it that never stops. I would rather sleep in a room full of newborns every night than listen to them every day as they care nothing about Texas having to take the never ending millions.
They didn't tell Texas they must open up their border though. They only said the CBP could cut the razor wire if they needed to. They didn't say the razor wire had to be removed or order the CBP to cut it. They only expressed their legal opinion that CBP had the authority to do that. And it seems the CBP is just fine with the razor wire being there.
Interesting thread. Republicans bashing Republicans for their inability to do anything in a divided government. Go ahead GOPs. Burn it all down and blame others for it. Perfect.
Same scenario in the Senate with some dems......you don't have an exclusive.

The reason the GOP is done for, as a party, is their inability to do.............well....................anything. Specifically, to impeach Mayorkas for not doing his job in securing the border. In fact, under his watch the most immigrants crossed the border more than tripled.

The GOP had 2 years under Trump to do something, and they declined, only to find themselves out of political power in those short 2 years. The GOP failed to do their job, so why would they impeach Mayorkas for not doing his? But really, I think that is what they prefer. They are a never-ending minority party to voice occasional concerns, concerns like the failing border, failing economy, failing education system, even ending wars, etc. They are there to make you think you have a voice, they are there to make you think someone cares, but no.

We have the uniparty, or duopoly, or whatever the hell you want to call this tyrannical piece of shit government.

RIP United States.
Ain't gonna happen. The GOP does right and then stands pat. People respect the astutely respectful GOP; and far more than paying 40% higher grocery bills and look out below gas or diesel for their cars.

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