Important Lessons for Leftists


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
From Prager University

Truth to a liberal is like Kryptonite to Superman. - Larry Elder

Amala Ekpunobi grew up in a leftist home and worked as an organizer for the political left. She never questioned the narrative — until she discovered the racism she thought she was fighting against was being perpetuated by her side.

“We are bringing back segregation in this country, and people will sell it to you that we are doing it in a positive perpetuates the same racist narrative that they are trying to run away from.”

Amala shares her story of questioning leftist ideology, which ultimately led to changing her mind. Click to watch.

Brandon Tatum
When the nation’s leaders and the media turned against law enforcement, former police officer Brandon Tatum struggled to reconcile his own experiences with anti-police rhetoric. He discusses what led to his ideological shift as a black man in America. Click to watch.
Gina Florio
Gina Florio graduated Harvard University as an angry atheist taught to hate America—so much so that she abandoned her birth country for Australia. When a freak accident sent her back to the U.S., a video by Candace Owens, then others by Dave Rubin and PragerU, opened her eyes to the lies she had been believing all of those terrible years. Click here to watch.
Brandon Straka
WalkAway founder Brandon Straka’s political opinions were once wrapped up entirely in his sexual identity. But after a profound healing experience at an AA meeting, his resentment for heterosexual and conservative people melted away. Click here to watch.
Amir Odom
Black Lives Matter and the left-wing media narrative of what black Americans are supposed to be and believe left Amir Odom fearful, believing lies, and deeply unhappy. He hopes his message will reach other young black Americans who have fallen prey to BLM's dangerous, divisive agenda. Click here to watch.
From Prager University

Nope *leaves*
Thanks to public education, you are one of those prog slaves, who get that thrill up your leg when your masters talk..
Have you received your $1,400 check yet?
Thanks to public education, you are one of those prog slaves, who get that thrill up your leg when your masters talk..
Have you received your $1,400 check yet (AFrench2)?

Brilliant, Jim.

"Public education is a socialist monopoly, a real one." - The Late Milton Friedman

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