Important New Paper: MASKS DO NOT WORK

Science backs up common sense.

Will be lost in the cacophony of panic porn, though.
Progs are going to us their science to send more skewered satellites circling the earth to give us some more false climate emergency stats.
Progs are going to us their science…

Any time “progs” and “science” are mentioned together, it needs to be remembered, and called out, that theirs is the “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
I have said from the beginning that masks don't work.

The link to the study is in the first sentence below.

The paper is Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis in Medical Hypothesis, by Baruch Vainshelboim. (I am thrilled to say this beats me to the punch on the mask-reality paper I’ve been working on.)

Let’s begin at the Conclusion:

The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

This paper is eminently readable. If you can read this blog, you can surely read it. So click on over—don’t trust me!—and prove to yourself that masks don’t work. Meanwhile, here are some key quotes (I’m leaving off references; all emphases mine).

  • “Interestingly, 99% of the detected cases with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or have mild condition, which contradicts with the virus name (severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2)”.
  • “…’the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 are similar to those of severe seasonal influenza’ [5], having a [true] case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%.”
  • “Due to the difference in sizes between SARS-CoV-2 diameter and facemasks thread diameter (the virus is 1000 times smaller), SARS-CoV-2 can easily pass through any facemask“.
  • “among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of > 5 μm”
  • “suggesting that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit or infect other people “
  • “A meta-analysis among health care workers found that compared to no masks, surgical mask and N95 respirators were not effective against transmission of viral infections or influenza-like illness based on six RCTs”.
  • “Based on four COVID-19 studies, the meta-analysis failed to demonstrate risk reduction of facemasks for COVID-19 transmission”.
  • “In early publication the WHO stated that ‘facemasks are not required, as no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons’. In the same publication, the WHO declared that ‘cloth (e.g. cotton or gauze) masks are not recommended under any circumstance‘”.
  • “…the WHO repeatedly announced that ‘at present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID-19) on the effectiveness face masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.'”
  • “In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination.”
  • “The adverse physiological effects were confirmed in a study of 53 surgeons where surgical facemask were used during a major operation. “
  • “…wearing facemasks causing hypoxic and hypercapnic state that constantly challenges the normal homeostasis, and activates ‘fight or flight’ stress response, an important survival mechanism in the human body.”
  • “Encountering people who wearing facemasks activates innate stress-fear emotion, which is fundamental to all humans in danger or life threating situations”.
  • “global estimates showing that COVID-19 will cause a catastrophe due to collateral psychological damage such as quarantine, lockdowns, unemployment, economic collapse, social isolation, violence and suicides.”

Those are just the juicy ones. I left off tons of other studies. Including the ones, such as the recent Danish mask study, that we did earlier.

For every one “scientific” study you find that says masks are ineffective I can’t show you dozens that show the opposite.

For every one “scientific” study you find that says masks are ineffective I can’t show you dozens that show the opposite.

This genius claims that Oxygen and CO2 MOLECULES can be trapped by masks but virus spores can't be?

Ummmm huh?

He also ignores the fact that Covid spores travel on much larger moisture molecules.

Just stop

It was stupid the first time you morons made these's no less stupid now

No one ever claimed masks can trap molecules, because then every wearing them would be dead.
Covid spores do not travel on much larger moisture molecules, they are stuck to water molecules because water is very sticky, (adhesive).
But these tiny water droplet you breath out evaporate quickly.
They are going in less than 15 minutes, so then any virus spores they have may have trapper before, than are completely liberated back into the air again, with your next exhale.
It's no wonder the pandemic has lasted this long, the stupid people above are out of touch with reality. They actually believe wearing a mask and keeping a social distance is ineffective and only for sissies. Of course they are the cowards who can't go to the supermarket without their gun.

It is trying to slow down the epidemic, "flattening the curve", that makes any epidemic last long.
If we had instead allowed the initial spike to peak, and even encourages it slightly, we could easily have ended this epidemic in a single month.

Masks and social distancing, can never end any epidemic.
The spread is still above R0=1, so it just gets worse over time, not better.
I have said from the beginning that masks don't work.

The link to the study is in the first sentence below.

The paper is Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis in Medical Hypothesis, by Baruch Vainshelboim. (I am thrilled to say this beats me to the punch on the mask-reality paper I’ve been working on.)

Let’s begin at the Conclusion:


This paper is eminently readable. If you can read this blog, you can surely read it. So click on over—don’t trust me!—and prove to yourself that masks don’t work. Meanwhile, here are some key quotes (I’m leaving off references; all emphases mine).

  • “Interestingly, 99% of the detected cases with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or have mild condition, which contradicts with the virus name (severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2)”.
  • “…’the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 are similar to those of severe seasonal influenza’ [5], having a [true] case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%.”
  • “Due to the difference in sizes between SARS-CoV-2 diameter and facemasks thread diameter (the virus is 1000 times smaller), SARS-CoV-2 can easily pass through any facemask“.
  • “among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of > 5 μm”
  • “suggesting that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit or infect other people “
  • “A meta-analysis among health care workers found that compared to no masks, surgical mask and N95 respirators were not effective against transmission of viral infections or influenza-like illness based on six RCTs”.
  • “Based on four COVID-19 studies, the meta-analysis failed to demonstrate risk reduction of facemasks for COVID-19 transmission”.
  • “In early publication the WHO stated that ‘facemasks are not required, as no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons’. In the same publication, the WHO declared that ‘cloth (e.g. cotton or gauze) masks are not recommended under any circumstance‘”.
  • “…the WHO repeatedly announced that ‘at present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID-19) on the effectiveness face masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.'”
  • “In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination.”
  • “The adverse physiological effects were confirmed in a study of 53 surgeons where surgical facemask were used during a major operation. “
  • “…wearing facemasks causing hypoxic and hypercapnic state that constantly challenges the normal homeostasis, and activates ‘fight or flight’ stress response, an important survival mechanism in the human body.”
  • “Encountering people who wearing facemasks activates innate stress-fear emotion, which is fundamental to all humans in danger or life threating situations”.
  • “global estimates showing that COVID-19 will cause a catastrophe due to collateral psychological damage such as quarantine, lockdowns, unemployment, economic collapse, social isolation, violence and suicides.”

Those are just the juicy ones. I left off tons of other studies. Including the ones, such as the recent Danish mask study, that we did earlier.

Anyone who does a little fact finding and looks at physical attributes knows that masking is as useless as a screen door on a submarine...

The information below is not to size but it is to SCALE of the visualization.

University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png

Your average mask has holes the size of 100 microns....
No one ever claimed masks can trap molecules, because then every wearing them would be dead.
Covid spores do not travel on much larger moisture molecules, they are stuck to water molecules because water is very sticky, (adhesive).
But these tiny water droplet you breath out evaporate quickly.
They are going in less than 15 minutes, so then any virus spores they have may have trapper before, than are completely liberated back into the air again, with your next exhale.
He doesn't understand how aerosols work.. Our air conditioned environments are very dry making transmission much easier.
For every one “scientific” study you find that says masks are ineffective I can’t show you dozens that show the opposite.

All the ways people try to show masks as effective only show a very transient slow down, as masks temporarily trap saliva droplets.
But are masks always dripping with saliva?
Of course not.
That is because they are thin and exposed to air movement that constantly dries them out.
So then what happens to the virus these sticky saliva droplets had trapped?
Well they get totally released again, once the droplet evaporates.
So then to run a valid test, you would have to keep checking output continually, after the saliva droplets have dried out.
And none do.
That is because they can't possibly work.
No mask can ever filter or reduce actual virus size particles.

What is almost funny is that the one thing mask could help with, a long range sneeze or cough, I always see people lifting their mask for either one of these.
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All the ways people try to show masks as effective only show a very transient slow down, as masks temporarily trap saliva droplets.
But are masks always dripping with saliva?
Of course not.
That is because they are thin and exposed to air movement that constantly dries them out.
So then what happens to the virus these sticky saliva droplets had trapped?
Well they get totally released again, once the droplet evaporates.
So then to run a valid test, you would have to keep checking output continually, after the saliva droplets have dried out.
And none do.
That is because they can't possibly work.
No mask can ever filter or reduce actually virus size particles.
Its actually worse than just drying out. Face diapers do not have seals. This means that air and moisture flow around them at will. (path of least resistance). Masks do nothing but keep your hands in your face, coincidently the number one mode of transmission. (hand touches contaminated object, hand touches face and mucosal membranes, infection).

Even the N-95 mask, that starts filtering at 2.5-5 microns can not stop a dry virus particle at just 0.137 microns in size.
All the ways people try to show masks as effective only show a very transient slow down, as masks temporarily trap saliva droplets.
But are masks always dripping with saliva?
Of course not.
That is because they are thin and exposed to air movement that constantly dries them out.
So then what happens to the virus these sticky saliva droplets had trapped?
Well they get totally released again, once the droplet evaporates.
So then to run a valid test, you would have to keep checking output continually, after the saliva droplets have dried out.
And none do.
That is because they can't possibly work.
No mask can ever filter or reduce actually virus size particles.
I just don’t understand you people. You think you’ve found some secret logic that doctors and hospitals, all of which (with exception to the one off kooks) recommend and require masks to be worn in their workplace. But you know more than doctors about medical stuff huh?!
I just don’t understand you people. You think you’ve found some secret logic that doctors and hospitals, all of which (with exception to the one off kooks) recommend and require masks to be worn in their workplace. But you know more than doctors about medical stuff huh?!
Let me give you some fun FACTS...

Most hospitals have had 100% infection rates, of all staff, since May of last year. Medical staff who have been tested have antibodies from acquired immunity. They wore masks and they still became infected. Many staff didn't even know they had been infected and had a-symptomatic cases. Even the CDC's own data shows that masking as a mitigation strategy is failing at a greater than >90% rate in their weekly reports.

The facts do not support your fantasies..
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Let me give you some fun FACTS...

Most hospitals have had 100% infection rates, of all staff, since May of last year. Medical staff who have been tested have antibodies from acquired immunity. They wore masks and they still became infected. Even the CDC's own data shows that masking as a mitigation strategy is failing at a greater than >90% rate in their weekly reports.

The facts do not support your fantasies..
First of all that’s bullshit. I know plenty of hospital employees, nurses and doctors that have not caught it yet. Second, they still wear masks and require masks. But you think it’s all meaningless because you know more than they do about medicine and viruses, right? Is that from all your internet research?! What a joke
First of all that’s bullshit. I know plenty of hospital employees, nurses and doctors that have not caught it yet. Second, they still wear masks and require masks. But you think it’s all meaningless because you know more than they do about medicine and viruses, right? Is that from all your internet research?! What a joke
I call bull shit... OF the 9 regional hospitals around me, there is a 100% staff antibody rate. This means they all caught it at some point and when tested many didn't even know they had contracted it. Its called A-symptomatic infection and the only way to know if you have had it is to have an antibody test done. 9 different hospitals tested staff to see how bad it was and 9 hospitals showed 100% rates of infection of patient contact staff.

How many of those, that claim they haven't been infected, have been tested?
I call bull shit... OF the 9 regional hospitals around me, there is a 100% staff antibody rate. This means they all caught it at some point and when tested many didn't even know they had contracted it. Its called A-symptomatic infection and the only way to know if you have had it is to have an antibody test done. 9 different hospitals tested staff to see how bad it was and 9 hospitals showed 100% rates of infection of patient contact staff.

How many of those, that claim they haven't been infected, have been tested?
Where did you find out about this 100% antibody rate? What’s your source?
For every one “scientific” study you find that says masks are ineffective I can’t show you dozens that show the opposite.

And I can show you dozens that say the opposite of yours. In fact, I've had a few threads already on them.

The bottom line is we wouldn't constantly be seeing spikes in COVID in states with mask mandates if they were effective. Our mandate here in Nevada got reinstated in July. Our cases have been up and down, up and down ever since. Our total daily cases were lowest before the mandate was reimplemented. There is no correlation whatsoever to mask wearing and prevention of COVID spread. Only the Branch Covidians cling to them thinking they actually do any good.
And I can show you dozens that say the opposite of yours. In fact, I've had a few threads already on them.

The bottom line is we wouldn't constantly be seeing spikes in COVID in states with mask mandates if they were effective. Our mandate here in Nevada got reinstated in July. Our cases have been up and down, up and down ever since. Our total daily cases were lowest before the mandate was reimplemented. There is no correlation whatsoever to mask wearing and prevention of COVID spread. Only the Branch Covidians cling to them thinking they actually do any good.
Are you saying this solely from your internet research? Have you spoken to an actual doctor that you trust about it? If so, what did they say?

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