Important place, this message board


VIP Member
Apr 26, 2006
Stockholm - Sweden
Even though people here rarely tries to understand the position of someone having an alternative opinion: this place is important.

In the rest of social media and society you people would never meet or get to hear from each other. Far more concerning than anything else, a society where the people is filtered out from each other.
Don't think it achieves anything meaningful, Erik. Name-calling and fake news rules!
As a newcomer, I have been astonished (and pleased) by the amount of free speech that is allowed here.

I do not know about your homeland of Sweden, but many comments posted here would be prohibited on other American forums.

I agree that it is a good opportunity for people to blow off steam.

People are unable to express many of these views in public (at school, work, etc.).

Until the Internet, ordinary people had to confine their true thoughts to discussions among family and friends.

Yes, I, too, believe that this message board is important.
Even though people here rarely tries to understand the position of someone having an alternative opinion: this place is important.

In the rest of social media and society you people would never meet or get to hear from each other. Far more concerning than anything else, a society where the people is filtered out from each other.
Don't think it achieves anything meaningful, Erik. Name-calling and fake news rules!
Not in all forums here. Admin had great wisdom in establishing different rules of engagement for certain venues.

You should visit many forums before blanketing the entire site as chaotic bickering, name calling, and lying. Also, try some of the invitation only social groups. Some of them will kick your ass out if you don't behave.

You'll find them near the bottom of the Forums List...between The Flame Zone and USMB Badlands.
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While no Board can ever be "perfect" compared to other Boards the Moderation here is superb.
Yes, it is. The bell shaped curve applies to them also. Some appear too anxious to move threads though and ignore the flaming that crybaby liberals do to precipitate the move.
It is a well run board, and I appreciate the operators. Occasionally, rarely actually....a moderator goes Jackboot on us, but nothing to bother about.

The actual intellectual discussion is minimal, but that is not their fault.

I come for the Candor. I am very angry at what Liberals are doing to this great country.....and I get to express that anger as impolitely as I care to do. I don't change anyone's mind...but at least they can tell what I think of them. Psychic release, I suppose.

Welcome. Try to debate with Facts....instead of dodges and deflections....we already have a fair sum of that.
Yes, we have better moderators than those I've seen on most other political boards.

But, the real importance and value of this board is that it gives me a place to show folks exactly how right I am.

While at the same time, showing trumptards how wrong they are.

Never forget that unassailable fact.

You're welcome.
Even though people here rarely tries to understand the position of someone having an alternative opinion: this place is important.

In the rest of social media and society you people would never meet or get to hear from each other. Far more concerning than anything else, a society where the people is filtered out from each other.
A Matrix of Programmed Ideas and Conclusions

The Whirled Wad of Wub is pre-filtered. The authorities allowed social media only after they were sure they had brainwashed everybody into thinking they were legitimate and helpful authorities on truth and deception, right and wrong. Whether the King Ape uses his Right paw or his Left paw, he will still swat you down.
Don't think it achieves anything meaningful, Erik. Name-calling and fake news rules!
Not in all forums here. Admin had great wisdom in establishing different rules of engagement for certain venues.

You should visit many forums before blanketing the entire site as chaotic bickering, name calling, and lying. Also, try some of the invitation only social groups. Some of them will kick your ass out if you don't behave.

You'll find them near the bottom of the Forums List...between The Flame Zone and USMB Badlands.
Your first patagraph, I think is really means there is a space for everyone from rough and tumble to civil. The folks that set up the zones were really smart about that :)
"People here rarely tries"? I suspect a foreign poster trying to influence American opinion.

Damn, you found me out!

The idea of people acctually communicating would really have messed things up! :)
The idea of people actually communicating CIVILLY in a venue where everyone is anonymous is highly unlikely. If the snot nosed kids here had to use their real names and their parents could access the site, there would be much less bad behavior and puerile posting.
"People here rarely tries"? I suspect a foreign poster trying to influence American opinion.

Damn, you found me out!

The idea of people acctually communicating would really have messed things up! :)
The idea of people actually communicating CIVILLY in a venue where everyone is anonymous is highly unlikely. If the snot nosed kids here had to use their real names and their parents could access the site, there would be much less bad behavior and puerile posting.

Nevertheless, when those people access their social media the opposition of thought is non existent. That’s even worse.

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