In 1974, Biden said he tried to pr*stitute himself to big donors, said he was ‘like the token black'

Sleepy Biden is about to be defeated in a devastating blow...

This old creep has no chance , neither does crazy Bernie or any other Dem
Biden might lose his third presidential bid to a septuagenarian socialist turning the Democratic Party into the UK Labour Party, and yet, he can't help but aim his fire at the 38-year-old former mayor of the 308th largest city in the country

instead of positioning himself as the only candidate capable of beating a lifelong communist running on nationalizing some 40% of the economy, he's brought Buttigieg into the gutter, making himself seem comparable to baby-faced neophyte while letting Sanders suck all of the air out of the room.

It's not hard for Biden to argue, "Sanders has spent a lifetime praising dictators and promising pie-in-the-sky ideas while accomplishing nothing. From the Violence Against Women Act to maximizing the accessibility of private health insurance, I actually turn progressive priorities into law."

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