In 2024 Trump will be 78. As I've said before THAT IS TOO OLD to hold office

We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe
People age differently, I know 80 and even 90 year olds that are in better physical and mental shape than some 65 year olds.
We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe
It depends on how sharp the person is.
There are also people who are younger than 45 who are more than qualified to be President.
Run? Trump can hardly walk. He sat on his ass tweeting for 4 years and he's 100 pounds overweight.

ROFL, fail....

That's not what his Dr said.
C'mon! You know these leftists know more than the doctors do!!!

All of the men in my family are 6'3" to 6'5".. and they are normal height to weight in their 60s and 70s. Trump is a lardass... Look at his butt and his belly.. He's HUGELY obese. He's not built to even carry 240.
Trump's age is a moot point.

The filthy Democrats learned how to steal elections in 2020 with unverified mail in ballots counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

They will win every election they need to win from here on out.

Not one of Trump's lawyers would say that in his 62 court challenges.
Hell there are older guys than him still in Govt. Leahy is 80. Trump has more energy than folks half his age. If he wants to run, and gets the nomination he'll get my vote.
If he doesn't want too I would vote for Don Jr
We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe

Joe is doing fine.. He's not sedentary and 100 pounds overweight.

Doing fine? He doesn't know where he is or what he's signing.

Not sedentary? Poor Ol' Joe has been hiding out in his basement for months. Now he's hiding out in a bigger basement.

Oh its Newsmax...........

Specifically, what is not true?

None of it.. US foreign policy, backed by the EU and UN, was to get Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption so they could attract foreign investment. Newsmax doesn't even know that.

So, you've got NOTHING. Why am I not surprised?
Run? Trump can hardly walk. He sat on his ass tweeting for 4 years and he's 100 pounds overweight.

ROFL, fail....

That's not what his Dr said.
C'mon! You know these leftists know more than the doctors do!!!

All of the men in my family are 6'3" to 6'5".. and they are normal height to weight in their 60s and 70s. Trump is a lardass... Look at his butt and his belly.. He's HUGELY obese. He's not built to even carry 240.

We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe

Joe is doing fine.. He's not sedentary and 100 pounds overweight.
Joe is not fine. He can't string together 3 full sentences without stumbling and mixing up the words.
Mobility isn't the issue, mental capacity is.
Leave it to trumpanzees to make fun of people with stutters.
We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe

Joe is doing fine.. He's not sedentary and 100 pounds overweight.
Joe is not fine. He can't string together 3 full sentences without stumbling and mixing up the words.
Mobility isn't the issue, mental capacity is.
Leave it to trumpanzees to make fun of people with stutters.

Well, they are on the whole as uncouth as Trump.
President Trump is not likely to run for re-election. But he may fund the charismatic figure that will emerge in 2022. A strong, not afraid to fight dirty individual of any gender or lack thereof. One who understands that America is at war and Americans need to win at any price. As our ancestors did once before.
We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe

That is complete bullshit and classic ageism.

1. Debilitating illnesses can happen at any age!
2. There are people that live past 100 without any cognitive impairment at all. To start to discriminate against them at age 60 for something they are not experiencing is disgusting and dumb, and will ultimately deprive the country of great talent and experience.
3. There have never been any upper age limits imposed on government service in the past. At a time when people are living longer and healthier lives, there is no justification to be imposing upper age limits on government service.
4. There are obviously people who frightened in the business world by Joe Biden serving as President through the age of 86. It discredits their attempts to fire or let go workers in their 50s and 60s.
5. Average life span is expanding, and with this expansion there have been drops in disability at the older ages. One day, we may be talking about average life spans of 120 years, with little to no impairment for 99% of that life span.
6. The idea that 60 or 65 is automatic retirement age is an outdated 1950s concept. Its 2021 NOT 1951! WAKE UP!

FAA mandates you're not going to operate a commercial aircraft past age 60. If you can't fly a plane that can fly itself at age 61 you shouldn't be in control of nuclear go-codes that could end life on the planet as we know it.
I could also bet President Trump will be a much better running mate. Who will be younger and bold like he is. There are lots of potential running mates to help him run again. I think a Nikki Haley could be an idea.
We need age restrictions on public offices held at the national level.
If they want to put everyone on social security in their 60's they should not be allowed to work either.
There are too many debilitating illnesses that can impact cognitive abilities as you get into those ages.

Term limits
Age limits
Balanced Budget amendment

78 is TOO FUCKING OLD. Just look at Joe

That is complete bullshit and classic ageism.

1. Debilitating illnesses can happen at any age!
2. There are people that live past 100 without any cognitive impairment at all. To start to discriminate against them at age 60 for something they are not experiencing is disgusting and dumb, and will ultimately deprive the country of great talent and experience.
3. There have never been any upper age limits imposed on government service in the past. At a time when people are living longer and healthier lives, there is no justification to be imposing upper age limits on government service.
4. There are obviously people who frightened in the business world by Joe Biden serving as President through the age of 86. It discredits their attempts to fire or let go workers in their 50s and 60s.
5. Average life span is expanding, and with this expansion there have been drops in disability at the older ages. One day, we may be talking about average life spans of 120 years, with little to no impairment for 99% of that life span.
6. The idea that 60 or 65 is automatic retirement age is an outdated 1950s concept. Its 2021 NOT 1951! WAKE UP!

FAA mandates you're not going to operate a commercial aircraft past age 60. If you can't fly a plane that can fly itself at age 61 you shouldn't be in control of nuclear go-codes that could end life on the planet as we know it.

How old can a Cessna Golden Eagle pilot fly is he passes his flight physical?
President Trump can easily show old Corrupt Joe he can have more energy to Save America being 78.

So far Biden has made Trump look like a lazy moron. He's not tweeting all night and eating cheeseburgers in his underwear... and he's not making snap decisions based on his "hunches". He's not bragging and exposing Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians.

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