In 24 Hours, Liberal Democrats Will Be Arrogant, Angry, and Miserable

The liberal Democrat agenda is over.

Gridlock, yes, which is better than an agenda of reconciliation against the wishes of the people.

And the march toward downsizing and cutting government has started.........
Seems like I have heard that before
as a left-leaning independent, I have no illusions for what is about to transpire tomorrow.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as things grow worse and worse and we perpetually blame the other side for all that ails the inevitable collapse of industrial nations. It's grown boring, because we never really tackle the root problem.

Until you change the way money works, you change absolutely nothing. Wall St. controls this country, not the Beltway. Further, until you acknowledge that infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet that has reached its peak, you change nothing. In fact, you inflame the symptoms and speed up the terminal prognosis.

Our lavish lifestyle of gluttony and consumption is doomed. And there is absolutely nothing that conservative, privatize everything, hide-the-books conservative rule can do about it. NOTHING. In fact, they'll just speed it along quite efficiently.

Consumption has fallen off a cliff. How has that worked out?
Yea they'll be pretty pissy. It should be fun. There's gonna be a lot of that ole "BOOOOOOOSH!!" and "YOU A RACEEEEST!!" stuff. Lookin forward to it. :)

You'll have to start a thread on all the posts that have that kind of stuff in it...I'm sure you will have hundreds of posts within hours.
If this becomes Gridlock, imo, it is a really great thing. Perhaps not for the same reason that our illustrious right wingers want gridlock tho.
as a left-leaning independent, I have no illusions for what is about to transpire tomorrow.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as things grow worse and worse and we perpetually blame the other side for all that ails the inevitable collapse of industrial nations. It's grown boring, because we never really tackle the root problem.

Until you change the way money works, you change absolutely nothing. Wall St. controls this country, not the Beltway. Further, until you acknowledge that infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet that has reached its peak, you change nothing. In fact, you inflame the symptoms and speed up the terminal prognosis.

Our lavish lifestyle of gluttony and consumption is doomed. And there is absolutely nothing that conservative, privatize everything, hide-the-books conservative rule can do about it. NOTHING. In fact, they'll just speed it along quite efficiently.

Consumption has fallen off a cliff. How has that worked out?

No, it hasn't. Not even in the most extrapolated definition of the word "cliff."

Any drop off, slight as it is, in U.S. consumption is dwarfed by China and India's demand growth.
which will only increase, our costs increase, and there is no way in hell we can continue carrying the debt we have as a nation.
We might be better off sending all the geniuses home for a couple of years in Congress, shut down Uncle Sam except emergency services, bring all of our troops home, and hunker down until our bills are paid.

Fire them all, and start over. Keep the workers, and cut the dead weight, which there are tons of in the civilian government sector. Ask them.
Both times the government had no deficit was when we had republican controlled congress and democrat president.

Truman and Clinton.
We are spending well over three trillion dollars a year on the federal side.

Think about that.

That is absolutely ABSURD.

No one here can count that high.
We are spending well over three trillion dollars a year on the federal side.

Think about that.

That is absolutely ABSURD.

No one here can count that high.

I wonder how much it is once you figure in all the other levels of government?
State, county, city, etc.....
Yea they'll be pretty pissy. It should be fun. There's gonna be a lot of that ole "BOOOOOOOSH!!" and "YOU A RACEEEEST!!" stuff. Lookin forward to it. :)

Can you imagine what the spin on MSNBC will be tomorrow night?--::lol: The only tingley feeling Criss Mathews is going to feel is those gator tears running down his face.

Tommorrow is going to be an HISTORIC blow-out of this liberal democrat agenda. It's already over--except the crying.
Yea they'll be pretty pissy. It should be fun. There's gonna be a lot of that ole "BOOOOOOOSH!!" and "YOU A RACEEEEST!!" stuff. Lookin forward to it. :)

Can you imagine what the spin on MSNBC will be tomorrow night?--::lol: The only tingley feeling Criss Mathews is going to feel is those gator tears running down his face.

Tommorrow is going to be an HISTORIC blow-out of this liberal democrat agenda. It's already over--except the crying.

I'd offer this thought...the tingley feeling may be replaces with a "tinkley" feeling. He just might piss himself.
How folks react on USMB is one thing, how the administration and minions spin is another-at least at the get go. Here's one take, with the #1 of 9 listed:

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results :: The Future of Capitalism

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results :: The Future of Capitalism

Nine Ways the Democrats and their Friends in the Press Will Spin the Election Results

In the context of historic midterm elections, it's not that big a deal. Expect to hear a lot of this one if the Democrats hold on to control of the Senate. In 1994, President Clinton and his Democratic Party lost both the House and the Senate to the Republicans. And Mr. Clinton didn't even get his health care bill passed. As recently as 2006, President George W. Bush and his Republican Party lost control of both the House and the Senate. In 1946, Harry Truman and his Democratic Party lost both the House and the Senate to the Republicans. And in 1954, Dwight Eisenhower and his Republicans lost both the House and the Senate to the Democrats....
as a left-leaning independent, I have no illusions for what is about to transpire tomorrow.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as things grow worse and worse and we perpetually blame the other side for all that ails the inevitable collapse of industrial nations. It's grown boring, because we never really tackle the root problem.

Until you change the way money works, you change absolutely nothing. Wall St. controls this country, not the Beltway. Further, until you acknowledge that infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet that has reached its peak, you change nothing. In fact, you inflame the symptoms and speed up the terminal prognosis.

Our lavish lifestyle of gluttony and consumption is doomed. And there is absolutely nothing that conservative, privatize everything, hide-the-books conservative rule can do about it. NOTHING. In fact, they'll just speed it along quite efficiently.

Ahh the economic doctrine of "we're all sinners now so do penance." It is a proven loser. It was proven a loser in the 1970s in the famous bet.
Wall St does not control this country, any more than Microsoft controls this country. If it did Lehman Brothers would be in business.
There are no limits to growth. Resources in the aggregate are unlimited because the only real resource is human ingenuity. Ponder that while you sip your grande latte.
How folks react on USMB is one thing, how the administration and minions spin is another-at least at the get go. Here's one take, with the #1 of 9 listed:

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results :: The Future of Capitalism

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results

How The Left Will Spin the Election Results :: The Future of Capitalism

Nine Ways the Democrats and their Friends in the Press Will Spin the Election Results

In the context of historic midterm elections, it's not that big a deal. Expect to hear a lot of this one if the Democrats hold on to control of the Senate. In 1994, President Clinton and his Democratic Party lost both the House and the Senate to the Republicans. And Mr. Clinton didn't even get his health care bill passed. As recently as 2006, President George W. Bush and his Republican Party lost control of both the House and the Senate. In 1946, Harry Truman and his Democratic Party lost both the House and the Senate to the Republicans. And in 1954, Dwight Eisenhower and his Republicans lost both the House and the Senate to the Democrats....

The Republicans won, but they have no mandate. Example: John McCormick and Heidi Przybyla in an October 28 Bloomberg News article under the headline "Republicans Win, Get No Mandate in Poll Favoring Clinton."

Obama will see to that by VETO. It will further anger the people that see what he's already done, And the Democrats will lose more the next two years.

Investigations and government grinding to a halt..with possible impeachment hearings.

Then President Obama re-elected in matter how high unemployment is..

The people will demand that the instigators be brought to account. That's part of self-governance.

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