In 24 Hours, Liberal Democrats Will Be Arrogant, Angry, and Miserable

as a left-leaning independent, I have no illusions for what is about to transpire tomorrow.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as things grow worse and worse and we perpetually blame the other side for all that ails the inevitable collapse of industrial nations. It's grown boring, because we never really tackle the root problem.

Until you change the way money works, you change absolutely nothing. Wall St. controls this country, not the Beltway. Further, until you acknowledge that infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet that has reached its peak, you change nothing. In fact, you inflame the symptoms and speed up the terminal prognosis.

Our lavish lifestyle of gluttony and consumption is doomed. And there is absolutely nothing that conservative, privatize everything, hide-the-books conservative rule can do about it. NOTHING. In fact, they'll just speed it along quite efficiently.

Ahh the economic doctrine of "we're all sinners now so do penance." It is a proven loser. It was proven a loser in the 1970s in the famous bet.
Wall St does not control this country, any more than Microsoft controls this country. If it did Lehman Brothers would be in business.
There are no limits to growth. Resources in the aggregate are unlimited because the only real resource is human ingenuity. Ponder that while you sip your grande latte.

So much fail.

You worship at the altar of technology. Unfortunately, "ingenuity" still requires enormous amounts of fossil fuels.
I hope Barney Frank takes it right up the ass.........Oh wait a minute........never mind.
As a moderate Independent, I must be a progessive liberal according to the far right.
But, this voter isn't going to cry and moan. This voter is very interested in "what's next".
NOW the GOP must come up with ideas, which is basically something they didn't do the last couple of years. They cried and moaned, said NO a lot or purposed solutions that had been tried before and failed.
So here we are,,,a country that is still stuck in the recession rut. So now that the GOP will again control Congress, the GOP will be forced to work with Obama. If not, we'll have two more years of nothing getting done and the public's negative feeling for Congress will even grow to greater heights and thusly threaten the GOP's hold on Congress and chances to gain the presidency. Let's not forget what happened during the Clinton years when the GOP tried to run the show completely and the government shut down, Bill Clinton got re-elected.
So in conclusion. I think that having one party control Congress and one party holding the Presidency is a good thing. It raises the debate on issues. Things don't just get rammed through. Maybe and finally, the Ameriican public will finally benefit from a government that supposely is "for the people, by the people".
as a left-leaning independent, I have no illusions for what is about to transpire tomorrow.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as things grow worse and worse and we perpetually blame the other side for all that ails the inevitable collapse of industrial nations. It's grown boring, because we never really tackle the root problem.

Until you change the way money works, you change absolutely nothing. Wall St. controls this country, not the Beltway. Further, until you acknowledge that infinite growth is impossible on a finite planet that has reached its peak, you change nothing. In fact, you inflame the symptoms and speed up the terminal prognosis.

Our lavish lifestyle of gluttony and consumption is doomed. And there is absolutely nothing that conservative, privatize everything, hide-the-books conservative rule can do about it. NOTHING. In fact, they'll just speed it along quite efficiently.

Ahh the economic doctrine of "we're all sinners now so do penance." It is a proven loser. It was proven a loser in the 1970s in the famous bet.
Wall St does not control this country, any more than Microsoft controls this country. If it did Lehman Brothers would be in business.
There are no limits to growth. Resources in the aggregate are unlimited because the only real resource is human ingenuity. Ponder that while you sip your grande latte.

So much fail.

You worship at the altar of technology. Unfortunately, "ingenuity" still requires enormous amounts of fossil fuels.

A "Titanic" mentallity? Having too much faith in technology to save us?
iPhones will not save us we must do that ourselves.
No CHANGE from when they won the 2006 and 2008 elections..


I have never seen them when they were not miserable, arrogant, and angry. Ever.
A serious question:

Have you ever not been miserable, arrogant, and angry when posting on this site Willow?

Why are you such a downer....miserable....maybe even sad or depressed?

you must pay closer attention. but then who am I to argue with the likes of you?
Sweet, wonderful gridlock!

Never before has doing nothing been so welcomed and inviting!

Shut it down, boys!

Shut it down!
Obama faced gridlock with a super majority. He has the distinction of being the first lame duck president starting on innauguration day.
As a moderate Independent, I must be a progessive liberal according to the far right.
But, this voter isn't going to cry and moan. This voter is very interested in "what's next".
NOW the GOP must come up with ideas, which is basically something they didn't do the last couple of years. They cried and moaned, said NO a lot or purposed solutions that had been tried before and failed.
So here we are,,,a country that is still stuck in the recession rut. So now that the GOP will again control Congress, the GOP will be forced to work with Obama. If not, we'll have two more years of nothing getting done and the public's negative feeling for Congress will even grow to greater heights and thusly threaten the GOP's hold on Congress and chances to gain the presidency. Let's not forget what happened during the Clinton years when the GOP tried to run the show completely and the government shut down, Bill Clinton got re-elected.
So in conclusion. I think that having one party control Congress and one party holding the Presidency is a good thing. It raises the debate on issues. Things don't just get rammed through. Maybe and finally, the Ameriican public will finally benefit from a government that supposely is "for the people, by the people".

For an alleged independent, I must question the rethoric you insist on using as it came from the whitehouse. This causes suspicion about motive. Those same tired and old ideas work. If they did not, the country wouldnt have experienced the growth we have had. If you are going to use dem talking points. You had better identify the specific problem. The new dem idea, which isnt that new is to rob peter and give it to paul.

My name is peter, Back off.
I have never seen them when they were not miserable, arrogant, and angry. Ever.
A serious question:

Have you ever not been miserable, arrogant, and angry when posting on this site Willow?

Why are you such a downer....miserable....maybe even sad or depressed?

you must pay closer attention. but then who am I to argue with the likes of you?

You are a person, a poster....I would never abuse my mod powers on you or anyone, at least not intentionally or with any malice for any political reasons.....sheesh... spill the beans girl, you can argue with me if you want to! Please don't feel like ya can't....k?
In 24 Hours, Liberal Democrats Will Be Arrogant, Angry, and Miserable

And that is different from the right wingers constant condition in what way?
A serious question:

Have you ever not been miserable, arrogant, and angry when posting on this site Willow?

Why are you such a downer....miserable....maybe even sad or depressed?

you must pay closer attention. but then who am I to argue with the likes of you?

You are a person, a poster....I would never abuse my mod powers on you or anyone, at least not intentionally or with any malice for any political reasons.....sheesh... spill the beans girl, you can argue with me if you want to! Please don't feel like ya can't....k?
that attitude by a mod is much appreciated
As a moderate Independent, I must be a progessive liberal according to the far right.
But, this voter isn't going to cry and moan. This voter is very interested in "what's next".
NOW the GOP must come up with ideas, which is basically something they didn't do the last couple of years. They cried and moaned, said NO a lot or purposed solutions that had been tried before and failed.
So here we are,,,a country that is still stuck in the recession rut. So now that the GOP will again control Congress, the GOP will be forced to work with Obama. If not, we'll have two more years of nothing getting done and the public's negative feeling for Congress will even grow to greater heights and thusly threaten the GOP's hold on Congress and chances to gain the presidency. Let's not forget what happened during the Clinton years when the GOP tried to run the show completely and the government shut down, Bill Clinton got re-elected.
So in conclusion. I think that having one party control Congress and one party holding the Presidency is a good thing. It raises the debate on issues. Things don't just get rammed through. Maybe and finally, the Ameriican public will finally benefit from a government that supposely is "for the people, by the people".

For an alleged independent, I must question the rethoric you insist on using as it came from the whitehouse. This causes suspicion about motive. Those same tired and old ideas work. If they did not, the country wouldnt have experienced the growth we have had. If you are going to use dem talking points. You had better identify the specific problem. The new dem idea, which isnt that new is to rob peter and give it to paul.

My name is peter, Back off.

Considering I have pissed off liberals in my short time here on these boards, I have already established my independence. Also, just because people don't drink the GOP kool-aid doesn't mean they are liberal-progressives..
Secondly, your response ARE talking points. If you would be paying attention, you'd understand that most people are fed up with Congress for NOT getting anything done. IF you could ever be honest with yourself, you'd KNOW the GOP has done basically nothing during the last two years and when they did have an idea it was something that had been tried before (sans wanting to give people the option of buying healthcare insurance across state lines, that was a good idea).
What we have in this country are two major parties that don't represent a majority of American's basic values. I'm pissed off and I'm not going to take it anymore. Screw the extreme right and left who would sell out America, if it helped their pathetic ideologies!
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IT'S THOSE DAMN RACEEEESTS AND DA BOOOOOOOSH I TELL YA!!: Latest DNC Talking Point memo to their minions. Pretty predictable stuff. Today is gonna be fun. :)
I did my part to slow down this republican onslaught.

Not that it's going to make a difference.
In 24 Hours, Liberal Democrats Will Be Arrogant, Angry, and Miserable
There's no time frame surrounding the arrogance, anger and general misery of reputed "liberal" democratics....Most of them are that way as a matter of course.
The "Professional Left" sucks. Isn't that what Hopey Changey's own propaganda spokesman said recently? Had to applaud Gibbs on that one. Well done Sir. :)
Yea they'll be pretty pissy. It should be fun. There's gonna be a lot of that ole "BOOOOOOOSH!!" and "YOU A RACEEEEST!!" stuff. Lookin forward to it. :)

Can you imagine what the spin on MSNBC will be tomorrow night?--::lol: The only tingley feeling Criss Mathews is going to feel is those gator tears running down his face.

Tommorrow is going to be an HISTORIC blow-out of this liberal democrat agenda. It's already over--except the crying.
Hardly. Audience growth parallels the growth of the opposition. Nothing would benefit left wing commentators more than a right wing sweep. Over the last two years right wing commentators owe a lot to the Obama administration.

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