In a divided society the better half won.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Propaganda is a powerful tool. It can be used by a government to create a distorted picture of reality to control the governed. There are historical precedents not the least of which was the documented filming of Japanese citizens committing mass suicide after Japan surrendered ending WW11. The Japanese people were told by their government that Americans were coming to torture women and children. The people believed it because they were uneducated, isolated and naïve. The Japanese intelligentsia was not a journalistic enterprise, it was a propaganda mill.

The American people just elected a man to the presidency-a man described by the majority of the press as a threat to all we hold dear. Yet the people elected him anyway. How could this happen? It happened because half the population of the United States recognized the difference between journalism and propaganda. That’s a good thing. What’s not a good thing is that the other half failed to make that distinction.

Now there is unrest and some rioting in certain parts of the country because the half of the population that swallowed the propaganda believes a monster is coming after them. There is a disturbing aspect to this because many of these people are educated but the same fearful isolation and naïveté afflicting the Japanese population has been indoctrinated into them by that education. Most people in our society are under the false impression that a college education expands a citizen’s ability to make sense of the world and to a certain extent this was true up until about forty years ago.

In the mid 1970’s colleges and universities across the nation shifted from training students for leadership roles and morphed into a propaganda industry centered on social engineering, language manipulation and outcome-based academic proselytizing as a means to an ideological end. That end was to promote centrally planned government solutions to society’s problems while disenfranchising non college educated citizens and portraying them as ignorant Luddite malcontents who need the government to decide what is best for them. Political correctness was incredibly well described in a 1967 Strawberry Alarm Clock song-a yardstick for lunatics, one point of view. The truth is that no human can make an important decision without first exposing the presented facts to the alternative light source of skepticism.

You see, it’s not enough today to just read the lines; you must possess the experience and common sense to read between the lines. Reasonable people have learned to follow their instincts and to question something that doesn’t seem right. But it’s difficult to question something if you’ve been taught it’s wrong to question it. Political correctness has unleashed a dangerous paradigm in America that is a Pandora’s Box of skittish discord and divisiveness and the average citizen has had enough of it which is why the election turned out the way it did. Ironically the American press may have played a pivotal role in ushering in a presidency they fought to destroy. This is government work at its finest and only a fool would deny that American journalism as well as American education has become a propaganda arm of central planning to the detriment of the blue collar sector of the population. The people saw this and acted accordingly.

Now we must deal with the mind-poisoned, marginalized losers in this election as they take to the streets under the spell of the angst bestowed upon them by the academic/journalistic legions of political correctness. Their embedded consternation drives them like a crazed lynch mob as they attack a civilized society that they have been riled through disguised propaganda to reject. Oddly, the working class body politic who gained the White House does not blame the confused propaganda refugees as they run through the community with their rakes and pitchforks. They drank the snake oil and consumed all the Kool Aid but did not get the cure they were promised.

The contempt of the winning body politic is reserved for the eroded institutions of education and bad journalism. Half the US population is suffering under the toxic effects of these institutions. Let us be thankful that the better half elected our president.
The American people did not elect anyone. A group of people chosen as electors will vote sometime in December and elect the new president, who will be Trump. In a normal democratic republic, the American people would have elected Hillary Clinton who as of Friday had a 2 million vote lead over Trump, a lead that will approach 4 million after all of the West Coast votes are counted. Had the opposite occurred, armed bands of right-wing psychopaths would have gone on a rampage. Demonstrations are a mild response.

"As of Friday, Hillary Clinton was ahead in the popular vote with 63.4 million to Trump's 61.2."

'Riggin ironic: Clinton got more votes than Trump -
Propaganda is a powerful tool. It can be used by a government to create a distorted picture of reality to control the governed.

That's what television is for. That's why Clinton deregulated the FCC. That's why corporate wealth and power moved in and took over the american media machine. That's why now, 6 major multinaltional corporations preside over ~90% of what amerians see, hear, and read, thereby essentially distorting for their own purposes the perceptual reality of the population.

Only the most vulnerable and simple minded think that's about "left" versus "right". That business is merely a part of the diversion.
A group of people chosen as electors will vote sometime in December and elect the new president,

I consider myself an educated citizen but I really don't know how this works. Do you know the formalities of this process and who the electors are? I'd be very interested.
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The propaganda angle was used to demonstrate that the press does not objectively report events that do not support their ideological bent. They color the news with the political correctness that saturates the side that most in the press embrace. But they need to sell newspapers so the new president provided them with what they thought was fodder for their side. They were played like a violin and never figured it out so they were instrumental in presenting the new guy as a martyr fighting for the people. He probably couldn't have done it without them. So the American press demonstrated that it is just as incompetent as the government it has become a megaphone for. This is a great lesson for those who pay attention to it.

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