In Alaska, Senate Frontrunner isn't even on the ballot

Only Republicans can vote in a republican primary in the state of Alaska. The whole state CANNOT vote in a primary, only those who are a member of the party holding that primary.

The state of Alaska's Republican Party held a primary to chose who would represent them in the general election. The whole of Alaska doesn't get to decide who represents the republicans, that'd be called an "open primary" and even in an "open primary" the whole of Alaska can't vote because you can only vote in one primary per election cycle (ie if you vote in the dem primary you can't turn around and vote in the rep primary in the same cycle).

I can't believe I'm sitting here fucking explaining this elementary shit.

No. you're wrong, undeclared and non partisans can also vote in the Republican primary, and in the Democratic primary any registered voter may vote. And don't for a minute think you're schooling anyone, I'm well aware of the fact that an individual cannot vote in both primaries. You stated that Alaska as a whole hasn't voted when in fact every Alaskan has had the opportunity to vote. They are free to choose a candidate and vote in that respective primary. So the fact remains that Alaska, as a whole has had the opportunity to vote in the primaries.

Based on political party by-laws submitted to the Division of Elections there are three ballot choices:

Alaska Democratic Party, Alaska Libertarian Party and Alaskan Independence Party Candidate with Ballot Measures ballot - any registered voter may vote this ballot;

Alaska Republican Party Candidate with Ballot Measures ballot - voters registered as Republican, Nonpartisan or Undeclared may vote this ballot; and
the Ballot Measures Only ballot - any registered voter may vote this ballot.
The political party affiliation listed on a voter's registration record 30 days prior to the election determines which primary ballot type a voter is eligible to vote.

But not in both. Alaska has not been able to chose out of the pool of general candidates. That means all parties and all choices. Murkowski has decided to run as a choice counter to Joe Miller and to the Democrat. Alaska now has a choice between the two parties and also have a choice to write her in as their candidate. Polls show that she still has significant support amongst many ALASKANS.

Look I know you're mentally challenged but yes every Alaskan has the freedom to choose a candidate from out of the entire pool of candidates, period. Some chose to vote democratic, some chose to vote republican, but every single one has had the chance to vote.

In the primaries it was made perfectly clear who they wanted to run on the republican ticket. Murkowski wasn't their choice, and as I've stated, since she is a sore loser that can't admit defeat, she chose to run as a write-in. But she will be dealt a vicious blow to her precious ego when she loses her ass in the general election.
This should be good.

Please. Tell me what I think about things like social security, health care, payroll taxes, and the minimum wage. I'm liberal on social issues, and the fact is the majority of the discussions we have here on USMB are about social issues, but I'm conservative on economics.

You're a liberal and hey I don't blame you for not wanting to admit it. Hell if I was a liberal I'd probably deny it too.


I dind't dodge anything, And since there was no question asked, I was under no obligation to render an answer.

I will tell you that, and this may come to a shock to you , I do not read your opinion on all subjects. As a matter of fact I usually ignore liberal rants altogether unless of course if I just want a good laugh I'll peruse the liberal dribble.
I was reading up on this situation on the web. In Alaska, the law states they don't have to actually check the write in ballots unless there's a chance the write in is the winner, and after that it comes down to voter intent.

It's very likely that if Murkowski wins, the GOP will be sending armies of Lawyers to Alaska this year to challenge each and every misspelled ballot. That'll be tough for Murkowski to fight. You'll see a lot of calls for her to just give it up.

I'd like to see her win, but the idea that even if she does win she's facing an uphill legal battle to take her seat.... well it doesn't look good.

Murkowski has already proven that she is a fighter.

No she's proved she's a sore loser. The people had a choice between her and Miller, the people chose Miller.

You're incorrect of course. The Republicans had a choice between her and Miller, and made a choice to take Miller. Now the general voting public gets a choice between Murkowski, Miller, and some random Democrat and it looks like they'll choose her.

I would be curious to hear your opinion on Joe Liebermann though.
It is fun to watch Lonestar get batted back and forth like a badminton bird. How funny.
You're a liberal and hey I don't blame you for not wanting to admit it. Hell if I was a liberal I'd probably deny it too.


Lonestar is an example as to why the Republican party will be screwed in the long run by the Tea Party. He's an example of why the GOP lost in 2006, and again in 2008.

Folks like him are incapable of holding more than a single viewpoint in their head, or even understanding that there's often more than one way to look at a situation. For Lonestar, if you disagree on even one thing, you're a dirty stinking lib.

Folks like him drive away independents in droves, and without them, you lose. The GOP will make a few short term gains this year because the DNC is doing a pretty good job pissing people off, but in the long run if folks like Lonestar end up representing the GOP, they're screwed.
If the GOP does not build a better base for the American people that addresses people issues including those of minorities, of twenty and thirty somethings, and looks forward instead of back, the GOP will be a minority for a long time to come.

The Presidency and the Senate are going to remain Dem. The House will be a 10 to 15 seat GOP majority. If the GOP continues to tie up matters for government for the next two years, it's existence after 2012 is very problematic.

Folks, we need to move forward, not backwards. We need to ditch the far right that is a stinking albatross around the party neck. They are not the future, they are only crying about the past, and that will doom the party.
If the GOP does not build a better base for the American people that addresses people issues including those of minorities, of twenty and thirty somethings, and looks forward instead of back, the GOP will be a minority for a long time to come.

The Presidency and the Senate are going to remain Dem. The House will be a 10 to 15 seat GOP majority. If the GOP continues to tie up matters for government for the next two years, it's existence after 2012 is very problematic.

Folks, we need to move forward, not backwards. We need to ditch the far right that is a stinking albatross around the party neck. They are not the future, they are only crying about the past, and that will doom the party.

After careful consideration of the source of this advice, I have filed it appropriately...I put it between the Ayatollah's advice on strengthening the Israeli Military and Baghdad Bob's reassurance that American Troops "hold no place in Iraq".



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Missourian cannot respond in any other way because my comments are obviously correct.
Missourian cannot respond in any other way because my comments are obviously correct.

Fake Jake, when you decide to be honest about your political ideology, I will give your post the same consideration I do every other poster on this board, until then, your posts are dishonest and do not warrant serious consideration.
Murkowski has already proven that she is a fighter.

No she's proved she's a sore loser. The people had a choice between her and Miller, the people chose Miller.

You're incorrect of course. The Republicans had a choice between her and Miller, and made a choice to take Miller. Now the general voting public gets a choice between Murkowski, Miller, and some random Democrat and it looks like they'll choose her.

I would be curious to hear your opinion on Joe Liebermann though.

Semantics. That all you got?
People hate to do write in ballots. If you call them on the phone they may say they like Murkowsky but once they have to go through the write in process they just choose a convenient lever

if her name were jones she'd be a cinch...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
If the GOP does not build a better base for the American people that addresses people issues including those of minorities, of twenty and thirty somethings, and looks forward instead of back, the GOP will be a minority for a long time to come.

The Presidency and the Senate are going to remain Dem. The House will be a 10 to 15 seat GOP majority. If the GOP continues to tie up matters for government for the next two years, it's existence after 2012 is very problematic.

Folks, we need to move forward, not backwards. We need to ditch the far right that is a stinking albatross around the party neck. They are not the future, they are only crying about the past, and that will doom the party.

Christ I don't know what state/time zone you're in but it cannot be earlier than 330 and you're trashed already.............go get some shut eye jake.

thx for the loony toons interlude though.
You're a liberal and hey I don't blame you for not wanting to admit it. Hell if I was a liberal I'd probably deny it too.


I dind't dodge anything, And since there was no question asked, I was under no obligation to render an answer.

I will tell you that, and this may come to a shock to you , I do not read your opinion on all subjects. As a matter of fact I usually ignore liberal rants altogether unless of course if I just want a good laugh I'll peruse the liberal dribble.

I clearly asked you to explain what my opinions are on various subjects. You chose to ignore that and continued to call me a liberal.

No one is denying anything. I do have liberal opinions on many issues... abortion, civil liberties and free speech, separation of church and state, and gay rights. I also have very conservative views on gun rights, taxes, social security, spending, the drug war, the death penalty, states rights, health care, etc. Regardless I'm still a registered republican. Believe it or not there are differences in opinions within all of the various parties. Not all republicans goose-step to the same beat of christian rightism.
Missourian cannot respond in any other way because my comments are obviously correct.

Fake Jake, when you decide to be honest about your political ideology, I will give your post the same consideration I do every other poster on this board, until then, your posts are dishonest and do not warrant serious consideration.

You are not the standard for critical thinking here. You have proved that time and time again. I don't need your approval, I don't seek your approval, for you would be as mindless a tool for the far left if that's where you were emotionally today. Thus, you don't warrant serious consideration.
If the GOP does not build a better base for the American people that addresses people issues including those of minorities, of twenty and thirty somethings, and looks forward instead of back, the GOP will be a minority for a long time to come.

The Presidency and the Senate are going to remain Dem. The House will be a 10 to 15 seat GOP majority. If the GOP continues to tie up matters for government for the next two years, it's existence after 2012 is very problematic.

Folks, we need to move forward, not backwards. We need to ditch the far right that is a stinking albatross around the party neck. They are not the future, they are only crying about the past, and that will doom the party.

Christ I don't know what state/time zone you're in but it cannot be earlier than 330 and you're trashed already.............go get some shut eye jake.

thx for the loony toons interlude though.

Missourian and Trajan are exactly the type of trash that need to be removed from the party, though it should always take their votes.

I dind't dodge anything, And since there was no question asked, I was under no obligation to render an answer.

I will tell you that, and this may come to a shock to you , I do not read your opinion on all subjects. As a matter of fact I usually ignore liberal rants altogether unless of course if I just want a good laugh I'll peruse the liberal dribble.

I clearly asked you to explain what my opinions are on various subjects. You chose to ignore that and continued to call me a liberal.

No one is denying anything. I do have liberal opinions on many issues... abortion, civil liberties and free speech, separation of church and state, and gay rights. I also have very conservative views on gun rights, taxes, social security, spending, the drug war, the death penalty, states rights, health care, etc. Regardless I'm still a registered republican. Believe it or not there are differences in opinions within all of the various parties. Not all republicans goose-step to the same beat of christian rightism.

Missourian, Lonestar, and Trajan goose step to the far right, and that's why the keep going around in jittering ovals.
Murkowski has already proven that she is a fighter.

No she's proved she's a sore loser. The people had a choice between her and Miller, the people chose Miller.

and so she can't run as an independent or she's a sore loser?

Has she ever actually won an election?

Her daddy appointed her to that post.
In my opinion she is a sore loser, and Joe Miller is the better of the two candidates.
If it was'nt for the help from the left, she'd never have a chance. They know the democrat in the race has no chance, so they are playing spoiler plain and simple.

She is a perfect example of what is wrong with the Republican party.

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