In Alaska, Senate Frontrunner isn't even on the ballot

Seems like you're not fooling anyone...well except Ravi and Sarah G...and really, how hard is that?

No real Republican is impressed with any of you far right wing nuts, but we do want your votes (just not speak in public, because you are an embarrassment to all good things Republican).

Coming from 'no real Republican', I'll take that as a compliment.
No she's proved she's a sore loser. The people had a choice between her and Miller, the people chose Miller.

You're incorrect of course. The Republicans had a choice between her and Miller, and made a choice to take Miller. Now the general voting public gets a choice between Murkowski, Miller, and some random Democrat and it looks like they'll choose her.

I would be curious to hear your opinion on Joe Liebermann though.

Semantics. That all you got?

I'm sorry you can tell the difference between facts and games played with semantics. Facts are these: She lost the GOP Primary, but she's on the verge of winning the General Election. Chances are good that if she'd actually made it on the ballot, she'd be heading off to Washington to represent Alaska come January.

The only reason she won't is because she's a write in candidate. That doesn't mean she won't win, it just means the GOP will be able to actually invalidate the choice of the general electorate by using lawyers to contest each ballot.

The primary is NOT the general election, no matter what state you're talking about. The general election is the general election. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Murkowski has a chance to appeal to the general voting populace, and she's taking that, as is her right under the law.
Ah, the liberal fantasy scenario!! Hoping they can keep a few gullible RINOs in the Senate!!!

Sorry Libs, but Murkowski doesn't have a chance. She is down by at least 1% in every poll , and when push comes to shove, nobody is going to go to the trouble to write in her name. They can't even spell her name right!! She lost the primary, now she'll lose the election. Too bad for her.

Miller wins in a cakewalk.......Take it to the bank!!
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Murkiness is infinitely the better candidate than either of the other two, but Alaskan are known for being their own unique brand of yahoos, heavens love them.

sorry no way I can agree here. Murkiness is a Fiscal Liberal Big government type. Those are exactly what we don't need anymore of in DC today.
Personally, I've never been able to get past Murkowski's face -

a classic Bird Woman countenance if I ever saw one.
So, we can be confident that Joe Miller will end the longstanding tradition of Alaska being one of the biggest recipients of federal money,

aka Pork?
Personally, I've never been able to get past Murkowski's face -

a classic Bird Woman countenance if I ever saw one.

Why would her looks have anything to do with her ability to serve? :confused:

PS - Have you taken a look at Al Franken lately? He makes me gag! He looks like a burst gonorrheal pustule on top of a bloody, puss-filled hemorrhoid on a herpes infested warthog's asshole. He is offensive....Ms Murkowski looks like a princess next to him!!
[Murkowski] is infinitely the better candidate than either of the other two, but Alaskan are known for being their own unique brand of yahoos, heavens love them.

sorry no way I can agree here. Murkiness is a Fiscal Liberal Big government type. Those are exactly what we don't need anymore of in DC today.

Joe Miller is not any type of person we want in the Senate. The Democrat is better than he, and Lisa is better than Joe.
Zander: "a burst gonorrheal pustule on top of a bloody, puss-filled hemorrhoid on a herpes infested warthog's asshole."

You are an animal proctologist. Who knew? How funny. Do you make a lot of money?
[Murkowski] is infinitely the better candidate than either of the other two, but Alaskan are known for being their own unique brand of yahoos, heavens love them.

sorry no way I can agree here. Murkiness is a Fiscal Liberal Big government type. Those are exactly what we don't need anymore of in DC today.

Joe Miller is not any type of person we want in the Senate. The Democrat is better than he, and Lisa is better than Joe.

I guess it is just a matter of which issues are most important to you. For me Fiscal Responsibility and limiting Government power are the 2 important ones, and I see Nothing in Murkowski or the Democrat that leads me to believe either one of them will stand up on those 2 issues.

Perhaps you could explain what is so god awful about Miller that we do not want a person like him in the Senate?
Joe Miller lacks personal ethics and honor. Check his whole career. I liked Dick Nixon's foreign policy, wasn't thrilled with price and wage controls, and horrified with Watergate. Joe seems to have the 'murkiness' of a Nixon.

I will take Murkowski ever time over him.
Joe Miller lacks personal ethics and honor. Check his whole career. I liked Dick Nixon's foreign policy, wasn't thrilled with price and wage controls, and horrified with Watergate. Joe seems to have the 'murkiness' of a Nixon.

I will take Murkowski ever time over him.

Obviously, you are not alone.
I would write in Murkowski if I still lived in Alaska. It was nice getting the oil money each year while I domiciled there.
sorry no way I can agree here. Murkiness is a Fiscal Liberal Big government type. Those are exactly what we don't need anymore of in DC today.

Joe Miller is not any type of person we want in the Senate. The Democrat is better than he, and Lisa is better than Joe.

I guess it is just a matter of which issues are most important to you. For me Fiscal Responsibility and limiting Government power are the 2 important ones, and I see Nothing in Murkowski or the Democrat that leads me to believe either one of them will stand up on those 2 issues.

Perhaps you could explain what is so god awful about Miller that we do not want a person like him in the Senate?

I'm a civil liberties voter.

I lean very libertarian on most social issues besides the war. If I lived in Alaska I don't think I could bring myself to vote for a man who believes that abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape. It goes against absolutely everything I stand for as a person. I like the guy on free trade and the economy, but I don't think I could sleep well at night knowing that I'm being represented in congress by somebody who stand for a very extreme anti-reproductive rights view which I think is dangerous. I'm not saying Alaska should vote on one issue, but when your talking about people who have extreme views on one issue that is very important, I'd be very hesitant to elect someone like that.

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