In Between Trials

Defense plays a tape of the witness saying little Josh didn't tell her anything about killing Trey.
Tape recording has now introduced the words "fuck" "fucked" "fucking" and "pussy" to the trial.

I wonder if the State ladies will scream those words at the jury? :dunno:
No shit.

Is the jury out or in?

Jury is in the room.

And it turns out it was Big Josh asking her on the tape. Said "if you love me, you'll tell me that Josh told you he did it."

That shouldn't have been admissible.

Convicted step dad brow beating the shit to shift the blame.

Josh Senior is a real lowlife.

State tried to have it excluded when jury was out, but judge allowed it.

Witness has been released.

Now the fun begins!!!

Next witness is...

"I killed him for stealing from me, for stealing shit"

"His mother killed a couple of mine, so it felt right"

"it just felt right... to kill him... ya know if this was the old testament and shit"
"You're trying to make microscopic holes in the shit I said 2 years ago that I didn't give a fuck about then"

:eek: :eek:
"took the pipe and bloody clothes to the dumpster with the garbage cause we didn't pay the garbage bill on the way to the lake to feed the ducks"


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