In CA, Newsom to pay unpaid rent for illegals and others.

Is it legal to use tax payers money to bribe the public into not recalling you?....where are the truth seeking law abiding lawyers and judges?....this has to stop now.....our government is breaking the law from DC down to every blue city and county....and the media is letting them do it while they cheer on the FBI breaking down doors to Trump's friends....for nothing....
Biden paid GA voters $2,000 for their run off votes.
i dont mind this as long as he is also reimbursing home owners who fell behind on their mortgages....
You don’t mind paying rent for illegals?
How did you allow yourself to get to that point?
do you know the difference between a mortgage and rent?.....
What’s your point?
if i have to tell you then you are not as smart as i thought you were....
The avoidance technique that you are implying suggests that you know you can’t defend it logically or rationally… Am I right?
Nope, they swear, it’s not’s “Democratic Socialism with a hearty safety net”.
Much better way to spend money instead of on infrastructure so Kalifornia doesn’t have rolling blackouts all summer every summer.
i dont mind this as long as he is also reimbursing home owners who fell behind on their mortgages....
You don’t mind paying rent for illegals?
How did you allow yourself to get to that point?
do you know the difference between a mortgage and rent?.....
What’s your point?
if i have to tell you then you are not as smart as i thought you were....
The avoidance technique that you are implying suggests that you know you can’t defend it logically or rationally… Am I right?
not avoiding are equating people who own a house with a mortgage to people who rent....the great majority of people who own their house are American Citizens.....if the renters get paid up so should they....
Nope, they swear, it’s not’s “Democratic Socialism with a hearty safety net”.
Much better way to spend money instead of on infrastructure so Kalifornia doesn’t have rolling blackouts all summer every summer.
All part of the Great reset. Democrats are burning people out of there houses and those that won't burn, they shut the power off too.
Nope, they swear, it’s not’s “Democratic Socialism with a hearty safety net”.
Much better way to spend money instead of on infrastructure so Kalifornia doesn’t have rolling blackouts all summer every summer.
All part of the Great reset. Democrats are burning people out of there houses and those that won't burn, they shut the power off too.

Yep..."Building Back Better"

Red states are the biggest users of the 'government teat'..ironic isn't it.
yes thats what you have been told

Do you object to federal money spend in red states for military bases?

Hopefully not

So you must be talking about social welfare programs

And if so we don't have to argue about which states are sucking the hardest.

Just end all federal welfare subsidies subsidies to all the states and that'll teach conservatives not to mess with blue money anymore
It is a win-win situation since the landlords get the dough and the tenet gets a break from the pandemic economic depression.
Exactly, bet wealthy property owners in California are not bitching about this. The only ones who are probably living in trailer parks in red states.

I live in Texas and I paid cash for my home.
To the tune of 400k when we purchased it.
So what do I get for being responsible?
Did you struggle due to Covid? Unable to pay your bills? Or are you in the "Screw you, I got mine." camp?

Hell yeah we struggled!!!!!
I't became difficult to find 40 day dry aged steaks,and not being able to go out to eat.
And of course having to wear those stupid masks.
But yeah I'm in the screw you catagory,it's not my fault that others pissed away their money rather than saving for a rainy day.
Surely you know the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper.

It's in cartoon form so even you should be to understand the concept.
It is a win-win situation since the landlords get the dough and the tenet gets a break from the pandemic economic depression.
Exactly, bet wealthy property owners in California are not bitching about this. The only ones who are probably living in trailer parks in red states.

I live in Texas and I paid cash for my home.
To the tune of 400k when we purchased it.
So what do I get for being responsible?
You get to be thankful your not one of the millions who have to rent..

So you're one of those who are not responsible.
The Wife and I purchased our first home in 89 and paid it off in 14 years. We made 30k off the sell.
We then bought and paid for a 350k weekend place in the Texas hill country on the S Llano river and then sold it for 480k a year later.
You obviously have no clue how to manage money.
Con-gratulations. Sounds like you want a medal.

Bowing down and kissing my feet will suffice.
So the answer to the back rent is paying the rich landlords all their back money.

The State of California sure knows how to protect their rich landowners.
i dont mind this as long as he is also reimbursing home owners who fell behind on their mortgages....
You don’t mind paying rent for illegals?
How did you allow yourself to get to that point?
do you know the difference between a mortgage and rent?.....
What’s your point?
if i have to tell you then you are not as smart as i thought you were....
The avoidance technique that you are implying suggests that you know you can’t defend it logically or rationally… Am I right?
not avoiding are equating people who own a house with a mortgage to people who rent....the great majority of people who own their house are American Citizens.....if the renters get paid up so should they....
Home owners should NEVER rent to illegals...PERIOD.
Let me phrase the question another way...”should taxpayers be forced to pay the debts of illegals?”
Try that Harry.

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